Remark in spanish


pronunciation: oʊbseɹ̩bɑθioʊn part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

remark1 = comentario, observación. 

Example: My second point may be a slightly tangential, but I hope it is a concrete reaction to the general tenor of Mr. Lubetzky's remarks and the general subject posed.


» concluding remarks = comentarios finales.

Example: Maurice Freedman's concluding remarks at the 'Institute on The Catalog: Its Nature and Prospects' proved that the interest in cataloging and catalogs is an ever-present reality.

» confidential remark = confidencia, comentario confidencial.

Example: Rest assured that all 'confidential remarks' will be edited out of the final report which I will send to the list next week.

» congratulatory remarks = palabras de agradecimiento.

Example: The closing ceremony of the anniversary celebration included congratulatory remarks from Director for Operations Cliff Cohen.

» exchange + remarks = intercambiar comentarios.

Example: They exchanged inconsequential remarks as one by one the committee members arrived.

» fatuous remark = estupidez, tontería, pamplinada, sandez, idiotez, necedad, gilipollez, memez.

Example: That's a quite fatuous remark to make -- it's like saying you're too short to play the piano.

» funny remark = comentario gracioso.

Example: Last week, I decided to collect as many sarcastic and funny remarks as I could, just for the fun of it.

» leading remark = comentario introductorio, introducción.

Example: Indeed, to spark reader's curiosity incomplete and leading remarks are possible the most effective.

» make + a remark = hacer un comentario.

Example: Then he made a remark that struck her as almost iconoclastic.

» make + a rude remark = decir una grosería.

Example: I'm pretty sure I should have been born a boy -- I swear like a trooper, I eat like an animal, I burp shamelessly and I constantly make rude remarks.

» off-colour remark = comentario de mal gusto.

Example: There's nothing wrong with a joke or the occasional off-colour remark, but these comments from Mr Newman are beyond the pale.

» opening remark = comentario inicial, observación inicial.

Example: North Korea said today it was fully ready to work to denuclearise the Korean peninsula in opening remarks to six-party talks in Beijing.

» passing remark = comentario de pasada.

Example: That such a hullabaloo can start from a passing remark made during an interview stems from the problem that the public expects the politics of the left to be anti-business.

» private remark = confidencia, comentario confidencial.

Example: Bush refused to apologize for what was a private remark made before a live microphone.

» rude remark = grosería, guarrería, guarrada, indecencia, obscenidad, marranada.

Example: The best way to deal with a rude remark is to ignore it.

» sarcastic remark = comentario sarcástico.

Example: Last week, I decided to collect as many sarcastic and funny remarks as I could, just for the fun of it.

» welcome remarks = palabras de bienvenida.

Example: Dr. Bentz's welcome remarks were followed by a panel discussion on the topic 'Looking at the Future of Animal Science'.

» welcoming remarks = palabras de bienvenida.

Example: In ending my welcoming remarks, let me wish you success in your seminar.

» witty remark = comentario ingenioso, comentario gracioso, ocurrencia, golpe, puntada, salida.

Example: Youll never be short on a witty remark with a database of almost 180000 jokes.

remark2 = comentar, remarcar, observar. 

Example: When Ed Blume was asked at a meeting about LC's failure to have established a heading for rock music for so long, he remarked: 'Today's horse may be tomorrow's carrion'.

Remark synonyms

note in spanish: , pronunciation: noʊt part of speech: noun, verb comment in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑment part of speech: noun, verb notice in spanish: , pronunciation: noʊtəs part of speech: noun, verb observe in spanish: , pronunciation: əbzɜrv part of speech: verb mention in spanish: , pronunciation: menʃən part of speech: verb, noun observation in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑbzɜrveɪʃən part of speech: noun point out in spanish: , pronunciation: pɔɪntaʊt part of speech: verb
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