Remain in spanish


pronunciation: peɹ̩mɑneθeɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

remain + Adjetivo = seguir siendo + Adjetivo, permanecer + Adjetivo. 

Example: It remains important that the abstract be an accurate representation of the content of the document, and that the abstract be easy for the reader to scan and digest.

remain = quedar, restar, persistir, seguir siendo, continuar siendo, quedar pendiente. 

Example: Needless to say, any errors which remain are entirely our responsibility.


» long remained = fue durante mucho tiempo.

Example: In the Mediterranean the galley propelled by oars long remained the principal type of war vessel.

» remain + adamant = permanecer inflexible.

Example: But her words fell on deaf ears: The two employees remained adamant -- either Florence worked overtime too, or they would not.

» remain + Adjetivo = seguir siendo + Adjetivo, permanecer + Adjetivo.

Example: It remains important that the abstract be an accurate representation of the content of the document, and that the abstract be easy for the reader to scan and digest.

» remain + alive = permanecer vivo.

Example: An obvious difference between this and an entry for a monograph is the 'open' style of entry: volume numbers, dates, etc., being left open so long as the periodical remains alive.

» remain + aloof = permanecer distante.

Example: The results of the survey reveal that political Web sites are only partly able to involve people in politics who have thus far remained aloof.

» remain + big = continuar siendo importante.

Example: Humour remains big in the repertoire found in gay and lesbian books, with straight people often the butt of jokes.

» remain + calm = permaner calmado, permanecer en calma, permanecer sereno, mantenerse sereno.

Example: Under pressure, getting excited yields better results than remaining calm.

» remain + constant = permanecer constante.

Example: Aspects of public library use have remained constant over at least the last 50 years.

» remain + cool-headed = mantener la cabeza fría, mantener la serenidad, mantener la calma, mantener la compostura, no perder la compostura, no perder la calma, no perder la cabeza, mantenerse en calma, mantenerse sereno.

Example: In these situations, customer service personnel earn their salaries by remaining cool-headed.

» remain + faithful = permanecer fiel.

Example: Dr Johnson had remained faithful to his age in ignoring 'bibliography' but defining a bibliogrqapher as 'a writer of books: a transcriber'.

» remain + friends with = seguir siendo amigo de, continuar la amistad con.

Example: All relationships are different, as are the people in them, so if you want to try to remain friends with an ex, I wish you the best of luck.

» remain + in being = seguir en existencia, seguir activo.

Example: Proposals for revision are considered by the Joint Steering Committee which remains in being.

» remain + in place = permanecer fijo, seguir activo.

Example: Each binder has a locking/releasing mechanism to allow the insertion of new entries when required yet ensure that slips remain securely in place when the catalogue is consulted.

» remain + neutral = permanecer neutral.

Example: If the library is not to be passive, can it remain neutral on subjects such as race, war and inequality?.

» remain + normal = permanecer normal, no sufrir cambios.

Example: The old method of publication by syndicates of retail booksellers (who might also be wholesalers and/or printers) remained normal during the last quarter of the eighteenth century.

» remain on + the sidelines = mantenerse al margen.

Example: The costs of not intervening quickly and decisively in developing human rights crises outweighed the advantages of remaining on the sidelines.

» remain on top = seguir entre los primeros.

Example: This report examines IBM's past, present and future strategies and how it has managed to remain on top for so long.

» remain on top of = seguir al día.

Example: With technology changing at a rapid pace, sometimes its hard to remain on top of new ideas and technologies.

» remain + sedentary = permanecer sedentario.

Example: A study has found that people who remained sedentary after mentally demanding tasks consumed more calories than those who exercised.

» remain + silent = permanecer en silencio, permanecer silencioso.

Example: Wronski remained silent for a moment, looking at the thin gray threads of smoke that were rising from his cigarette.

» remain + the same = quedar igual, seguir lo mismo, seguir siendo lo mismo.

Example: None of these problems should blind us to the fact that the collection of documents we are dealing with remains the same, as do the demands made on it.

» remain + to be done = quedar por hacer, quedar pendiente.

Example: Although the work of the CRG makes fascinating reading, and magnificent contributions were made towards the clarification of the principles of classification, much work remain to be done.

» remain + to be + Participio = quedar por + Infinitivo.

Example: Plainly much of the schedules of the second edition remain to be published.

» remain + to be seen = quedar por ver.

Example: Whether this is a short term phenomenon or not, remains to be seen.

» remain + true to form = seguir en + Posesivo + línea, seguir fiel a + Posesivo + estilo, mantenerse fiel a + Posesivo + estilo.

Example: Will the couple remain true to form and laugh off -- even ridicule -- the tabloids for speculating on their lives, as has been their custom in the past?.

» remain + unaware of = desconocer, no ser consciente de.

Example: Unfortunately, the majority of the public, and in particular those most in need of information -- the disadvantaged -- remain largely unaware of an 'information gap' in their lives.

» remain + unchanged = permanecer sin cambios, permanecer igual.

Example: The need to design the buildings so that books, readers and staff are interchangeable remains unchanged.

» remain + undefined = permanecer sin especificar.

Example: If this information is to remain undefined, an 'n' can be entered, as when the order was placed.

» remain + uninvolved in = mantenerse al margen de, no inmiscuirse en, no participar en.

Example: As a result they were obligated to remain generally uninvolved in the patron's efforts to make a decision.

» remain + unnoticed = pasar desapercibido, pasar inadvertido.

Example: Often a library will compile its own book list on a topical theme, thus highlighting books that otherwise might remain unnoticed.

» remain + unreconciled to = seguir irreconciliable con, continuar irreconciliable con, seguir sin reconciliarse con, continuar sin reconciliarse son, seguir sin agraciarse con, continuar sin agraciarse con, seguir opuesto a, continuar opuesto a.

Example: Clinton diehards remain unreconciled to Obama.

» remain + untranslated = seguir sin haberse traducido, seguir sin traducirse.

Example: Several dozen incriptions written in the Phrygian language have been found but they remain untranslated, and so much of what is thought to be known of Phrygia is second-hand information from Greek sources.

» the fact remains that... = la realidad es que....

Example: Nevertheless, the fact remains that, sooner or later, the restrictions on certain documents will disappear.

Remain synonyms

rest in spanish: , pronunciation: rest part of speech: noun stay in spanish: , pronunciation: steɪ part of speech: verb continue in spanish: , pronunciation: kəntɪnju part of speech: verb persist in spanish: , pronunciation: pɜrsɪst part of speech: verb stay on in spanish: , pronunciation: steɪɑn part of speech: verb

Remain antonyms

change pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun, verb
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