Reluctant in spanish


pronunciation: reɑθioʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

reluctant = reacio, remiso. 

Example: Then there are those children made to think themselves failures because of the hammer-blow terms like dull, backward, retarded, underprivileged, disadvantaged, handicapped, less able, slow, rejected, remedial, reluctant, disturbed.


» be reluctant = ser reacio a, estar poco dispuesto.

Example: Many libraries are reluctant to reclassify stock and many libraries leave stock classified according to earlier editions long after the earlier edition has been superseded.

Reluctant synonyms

loath in spanish: , pronunciation: loʊθ part of speech: adjective loth in spanish: , pronunciation: lɑθ part of speech: adjective unwilling in spanish: , pronunciation: ənwɪlɪŋ part of speech: adjective disinclined in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪsɪnklaɪnd part of speech: adjective uneager in spanish: , pronunciation: ʌnɪgɜr part of speech: adjective
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