Religious in spanish


pronunciation: relixioʊsoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

religious = religioso. 

Example: The authentic name of ethnic, national, religious, social, or sexual groups should be established if such a name is determinable.


» anti-religious = antireligioso.

Example: All subjects completed a four-page questionnaire in which they rated Americans on six bipolar adjective dimensions: friendly/unfriendly, polite/impolite, industrious/lazy, religious/anti-religious, generous/stingy, and patriotic/not patriotic.

» irreligious = irreligioso.

Example: Book selectors must observe the limitations imposed by ministry blacklists which forbid material which is irreligious, immoral or criticises Islam or the current government.

» join + religious order = ingresar en una orden religiosa.

Example: This article briefly discusses her early life and education, her career as reporter, teacher and librarian, her decision to join a religious order, and her working life until her retirement and death in 1982 = Este artículo habla brevemente de sus primeros años de vida y educación recibida, su carrera como periodista, profesora y biblioteca, su decisión de ingresar en una orden religiosa y su vida laboral hasta su jubilación y muerte en 1982.

» medico-religious = médicorreligioso.

Example: This book is a biography of Mary Baker Eddy, a woman who became the figurehead for the medico-religious movement of Christian Science.

» religious background = religión, características religiosas.

Example: Languages should never be studied in isolation, but against their historical, social and religious background, particularly in the case of Biblical languages.

» religious belief = creencia religiosa.

Example: Librarians dealing with people who hold strong religious beliefs should have a sensitive, open, and non-judgemental attitude.

» religious bigot = fanático religioso.

Example: This is very similar to the religious bigots of the past that took Bible passages to condone slavery and keep women down.

» religious body = institución religiosa.

Example: Certain categories of heading are not included; these include persons, family names, corporate bodies, structures such as castles, ships, religious bodies, mythological characters, etc.

» religious brother = hermano religioso.

Example: The records of ordained priests, mother superiors and religious brothers and sisters are a neglected but rich source of genealogical information.

» religious ceremony = ceremonia religiosa, oficio religioso, acto religioso.

Example: Prayer and religious ceremonies may help patients near the end of life and their relatives find comfort and discover meaning in their lives.

» religious community = comunidad religiosa.

Example: For example, we find in Religion P a systematic schedule 'for specification under any religion, sect, church or religious community' in which C is used to indicate Founder (Buddha PJC, Mohammed PKC and Christ PNB).

» religious conflict = conflicto religioso.

Example: Bosnian libraries have varied origins, but many have suffered in the country's turbulent history and religious conflicts.

» religious contemplation = contemplación religiosa.

Example: When someone takes a vow of silence, it is often with the intent of promoting religious contemplation.

» religious conviction = convicción religiosa.

Example: The Taliban could be admired for their religious conviction and their sense of loyalty to each other, the new bishop for the Armed Forces said.

» religious-cultural = religioso-cultural.

Example: Hair removal has an important religious-cultural meaning in eastern India.

» religious denomination = confesión religiosa.

Example: All human institutions begin this way, including government bureaus, businesses, religions and religious denominations, universities, and schools of information science.

» religious discourse = discurso religioso.

Example: His use of religious and political discourse during the presidential campaign reaffirmed people's faith in America and served as a source of identification with evangelicals and religionists.

» religious doctrine = doctrina religiosa.

Example: The disestablishment of religion has encouraged the proliferation of religious sects and religious doctrines.

» religious education (RE) = enseñanza religiosa, educación religiosa, religión.

Example: The nature and role of religious education (RE) in schools has become the object of debate.

» religious faith = fe religiosa.

Example: He highlights the fact that the amount of time spent lying, dissimulating, and conforming in matters of religious faith was a huge issue in the 16th century.

» religious festivity = festividad religiosa, fiesta religiosa.

Example: The militant atheists who spend 364 days a year snidely mocking religion, religious festivities and traditions are quiet today.

» religious freedom = libertad de religión, libertad religiosa, libertad de culto.

Example: Religious freedom is in danger of being upended.

» religious fundamentalism = fundamentalismo religioso.

Example: The burkini is religious fundamentalism writ large on women's bodies.

» religious group = grupo religioso.

Example: However, this iconography, along with the style of the monuments, became a bone of contention between different religious & political groups.

» religious indoctrination = adoctrinamiento religioso.

Example: Religious indoctrination of children, who are too young to really understand what is being taught to them is a form of child abuse.

» religious leader = líder religioso.

Example: Religious leaders in mystic cults are usually self-ordained ascetics.

» religious library = biblioteca religiosa.

Example: At present there are four types of public libraries in Iran: public libraries, children's libraries, rural libraries, religious and mosque libraries.

» religious music = música religiosa.

Example: Certain areas of music geography have been almost ignored: geographic mapping of music styles, the geography of ethnic music, religious and martial music, and stage and film music.

» religious order = orden religiosa.

Example: If the work is special to the use of a particular body within the church (e.g., a diocese, cathedral, monastery, religious order), make an added entry under the heading for that body.

» religious persecution = persecución religiosa.

Example: Under the circumstances, it is not surprising that over the past few years the phenomenon of religious persecution has drawn increased attention.

» religious practice = práctica religiosa.

Example: Beheadings are a religious practice in Islam.

» religious reform = reforma religiosa.

Example: It is religious reform and tolerance, not political revolution that makes democracy and republicanism possible.

» religious reformer = reformador religioso.

Example: Zoroaster was a religious reformer of ancient Persia (now Iran) and the founder of the pre-Islamic religion of Zoroastrianism.

» religious rite = rito religioso.

Example: He then asserts that the religious rite is the hidden repetition of the scapegoat and only results in sour victory over violence.

» religious sect = secta religiosa.

Example: The disestablishment of religion has encouraged the proliferation of religious sects and religious doctrines.

» religious service = oficio religioso, ceremonia religiosa, acto religioso, servicio religioso.

Example: A new study shows that older women who regularly attend religious services reduce their risk of death by 20%.

» religious sister = hermana religiosa.

Example: The records of ordained priests, mother superiors and religious brothers and sisters are a neglected but rich source of genealogical information.

» religious site = sitio religioso.

Example: France is boosting security at Jewish religious sites after blank bullets were fired on a synagogue west of Paris.

» religious society = sociedad religiosa.

Example: This article covers personal papers e.g. bishops' diaries, financial records, papers of religious orders and societies, parish records and church registers.

» religious studies = estudios religiosos, religión.

Example: They publishe a wide range of academic books in theology and religious studies.

» religious tolerance = tolerancia religiosa.

Example: Islam is positively conducive to democratic pluralism, religious tolerance, and respect for human rights.

» religious tradition = tradición religiosa.

Example: The militant atheists who spend 364 days a year snidely mocking religion, religious festivities and traditions are quiet today.

» religious war = guerra religiosa.

Example: The article is entitled 'Fear, software integration, and religious wars: Internet World 2001'.

» religious zealot = fanático religioso.

Example: Steel's book exemplifies what might be termed the subgenre of 'Mutiny novel,' using such conventional characters as the plucky Englishwoman, the unflappable English gentleman-spy, and the crazed religious zealot.

Religious synonyms

pious in spanish: , pronunciation: paɪəs part of speech: adjective sacred in spanish: , pronunciation: seɪkrəd part of speech: adjective spiritual in spanish: , pronunciation: spɪrɪtʃəwəl part of speech: adjective scrupulous in spanish: , pronunciation: skrupjələs part of speech: adjective devout in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪvaʊt part of speech: adjective interfaith in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪntɜrfeɪθ part of speech: adjective churchly in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃɜrtʃli part of speech: adjective god-fearing in spanish: , pronunciation: gɑdferɪŋ part of speech: adjective churchgoing in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃɜrtʃgoʊɪŋ part of speech: adjective churchlike in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃɜrtʃlaɪk part of speech: adjective

Religious antonyms

irreligious pronunciation: ɪrilɪdʒəs part of speech: adjective
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