Relieve in spanish


pronunciation: ɑlibiɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

relieve = liberar, aliviar, desfogar, desahogar. 

Example: This enabled them to re-establish their own identities and relieved them of the incidence of getting involved in 'library business'.


» relieve + anxiety = aliviar la ansiedad.

Example: First of all, let's think about this: most people feel that a child will bite her nails to relieve anxiety and also to bring comfort.

» relieve + Nombre + of a task = liberar de una tarea.

Example: Its aim was the central organisation, acquisition, distribution and circulation of pictures to the libraries, relieving the libraries themselves of all tasks except lending routines.

» relieve + Nombre + of + Posesivo + duty = relevar de una obligación, relevar de un cargo.

Example: I believe that it was in a West Riding town that three successive chief constables were relieved of their duties because they were drunk and incapable.

» relieve + Nombre + of responsibility = librar de responsabilidad.

Example: If people want regimentation which relieves them of responsibility, how then do you explain parents reaching out for control of schools, disdaining the help of experts.

» relieve + Nombre + of the burden of = aliviar a Alguien del peso de, aliviar a Alguien de la carga de.

Example: This partially relieves the designer of the burden of hand-coding all the libraries.

» relieve + Nombre + of the need to = librar de la necesidad de.

Example: Publishers tended to use this form of agreement for books in which they had only limited confidence, for it relieved them of the need to pay the author unless there was a certainty of profit.

» relieve of + the necessity of = librar de la necesidad de.

Example: If entries are arranged alphabetically by a significant qualifying term the index user is relieved of the necessity of scanning every entry under a term.

» relieve + Posesivo + mind = descansar la mente.

Example: Her calm confident eyes silently invited him to relieve his mind, and he could not resist the temptation.

» relieve + pressure = liberar de trabajo, liberar de un apremio, librar de un apremio.

Example: Finally, a whole network of libraries in France should be upgraded in order to relieve pressure on the Bibliotheque Nationale, which can then become a re-routing centre.

» relieve + Reflexivo = hacer + Posesivo + necesidades, hacer + Posesivo + menesteres, hacer de vientre, ir al baño.

Example: When I went to the little boys/girls room to relieve myself I was suprised to see the amount of loo rolls stashed in the corner.

» relieve + stress = aliviar el estrés, liberar el estrés.

Example: The physical benefits of sex are numerous, and most of them work very well toward relieving stress.

» relieve + tension = liberar la tensión, desahogarse.

Example: As I said earlier, if we can't relieve tension through smoking, pressures will take their tolls on other parts of our bodies.

» relieve + the burden (on/from) = aliviar de un peso a, aliviar de una carga a.

Example: The regional network relieves the burden on large research libraries.

» relieve + the monotony = romper la monotonía.

Example: Her purpose by doing this was to relieve the monotony of rows and rows of books in strict author (fiction) or classified (non-fiction) order.

» relieve + the overload = liberar del exceso de trabajo.

Example: This article explores the advantages of a simulation (rather than expert system) approach to designing a system to relieve reference desk overload.

» relieve + the pressure = liberar la tensión.

Example: These jokes might relieve the pressure for a minute or two.

» relieve + the tedium = aliviar el tedio.

Example: A little later in the same document, in a passage dealing in a rather smug way with the then infant county libraries we read that the purpose of such libraries should be to relieve the tedium of idle hours quite irrespective of intellectual profit or educational gain.

» relieve + the uncertainty = despejar la incertidumbre.

Example: Knowing precisely who is responsible for specific library services and who will make decisions relieves the uncertainty that can be particularly vexing to a neophyte (and paralyzing to library services).

Relieve synonyms

free in spanish: , pronunciation: fri part of speech: adjective ease in spanish: , pronunciation: iz part of speech: noun, verb assuage in spanish: , pronunciation: əsweɪdʒ part of speech: verb still in spanish: , pronunciation: stɪl part of speech: adverb deliver in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪlɪvɜr part of speech: verb alleviate in spanish: , pronunciation: əlivieɪt part of speech: verb remedy in spanish: , pronunciation: remədi part of speech: noun, verb save in spanish: , pronunciation: seɪv part of speech: verb allay in spanish: , pronunciation: əleɪ part of speech: verb salvage in spanish: , pronunciation: sælvədʒ part of speech: noun, verb exempt in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪgzempt part of speech: adjective, verb excuse in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪkskjus part of speech: noun, verb salve in spanish: , pronunciation: sɑv part of speech: noun, verb palliate in spanish: , pronunciation: pælieɪt part of speech: verb take over in spanish: , pronunciation: teɪkoʊvɜr part of speech: verb unbosom in spanish: , pronunciation: ənboʊzəm part of speech: verb let off in spanish: , pronunciation: letɔf part of speech: verb

Relieve antonyms

implement pronunciation: ɪmpləmənt part of speech: verb apply pronunciation: əplaɪ part of speech: verb enforce pronunciation: enfɔrs part of speech: verb
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