Relief in spanish


pronunciation: ɑlibioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

relief1 = relieve. 

Example: A photographic exposure was made on a surface of gelatine treated so that it reproduced the picture in negative relief.


» bas-relief [bass-relief] = bajorrelieve, bajo relieve.

Example: Coins and medals are a common form of bas-relief that have existed through the ages.

» bring into + relief = poner de relieve, poner de manifiesto.

Example: They can bring into relief differing conditions in member countries and they often lend weight to arguments for or against various policy options.

» in relief = en relieve.

Example: The ink protected the lines of the design from the acid and left them standing in relief.

» low relief = bajorrelieve, bajo relieve.

Example: A coin would be a typical example of a low-relief sculpture found in abundance in every day life.

» relief map = mapa en relieve. [Mapa en tres dimensiones, en el que el relieve suele aparecer a distinta escala que la planimetría]

Example: The majority of this schedule is devoted to various 'physical forms': globes and relief maps, gramophone records, tapes, etc.

» relief woodcut = plancha xilográfica.

Example: Pictures were printed both from relief woodcuts and from intaglio copperplates before moveable type was invented.

» throw into + relief = poner de relieve, poner de manifiesto.

Example: The employment of machines, far from replacing man, can serve to enhance his social value and status by throwing into relief those human tasks that machines cannot perform.

relief2 = socorro, auxilio, ayuda. 

Example: The report concluded that the problems of rural populations 'do not differ greatly from those of the urban population though the difficulties in obtaining help and relief can be exacerbated by isolation'.


» disaster relief = ayuda humanitaria, ayuda a las víctimas de una catástrofe, ayuda en caso de catástrofe.

Example: Disaster relief work can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help people in need of your expertise and assistance.

» emergency relief = ayuda de emergencia.

Example: Volunteerism is a key element in providing emergency relief to disaster survivors and in post-disaster reconstruction.

» humanitarian relief = ayuda humanitaria.

Example: Medicines can play a vital role in humanitarian relief efforts in disaster zones.

» relief camp = campamento de damnificados, campo de damnificados. [Generalmente para las personas afectadas por catástrofes naturales]

Example: Tens of thousands of people marooned by severe flooding and mudslides still remain in relief camps.

» relief effort = labor de ayuda humanitaria, operativo de ayuda humanitaria, tarea de ayuda humanitaria.

Example: The government has announced it is stepping up relief efforts for the devastating floods that hit the northwest.

» relief project = proyecto de ayuda humanitaria.

Example: The 37 relief projects involved the building of aerodrome, landing fields, barracks, a training camp, and a land-clearing project.

» relief worker = trabajador de ayuda humanitaria.

Example: Relief workers are desperately seeking information on about 10,000 people living in the area where the epicentre of Saturday's earthquake was located.

» social relief = asistencia social.

Example: In UDC under 361 social relief we find .9 Relief or aid in emergencies, disasters; .91 Earthquakes, storms, hurricanes; .92 Floods; .93 War, civil war; .94 Epidemics; .95 Famine; and .96 Fires, conflagrations.

relief3 = alivio. 

Example: A feeling of unshielded relief filled Pope's whole being.


» be a welcome relief = ser un grato alivio, ser un gran alivio.

Example: This open source book is a welcome relief for strapped college students who are paying $100 and more for textbooks.

» breathe + a sigh of relief = dar un suspiro de alivio, suspirar de alivio.

Example: Coastal residents breathed a sigh of relief when the hurricane was downgraded to a tropical storm.

» bring + relief = mitigar, aliviar.

Example: The recent emergence of microcomputers brought some relief to this dilemma.

» deliver + relief = aliviar.

Example: Products containing orange peel extract deliver relief from occasional heartburn, acid indigestion, and upset stomach.

» give + relief from = aliviar de, dar descanso de.

Example: If no relief is given from commercial films, this familiarity brings diminishing returns of interest unless the teacher is of unusual quality.

» heave + a sigh of relief = dar un suspiro de alivio, suspirar de alivio.

Example: They must be heaving a sigh of relief today, that the council weren't brave enough to call their bluff.

» much to + Posesivo + relief = para + Posesivo + gran alivio.

Example: Much to her relief, it looked like it was just a flesh wound.

» pain relief = alivio del dolor.

Example: Clinical hypnosis teaches patients to use a deep relaxation state to address issues such as smoking cessation, weight loss, pain relief, or self-improvement.

» pressure relief valve = válvula de seguridad, válvula de descompresión.

Example: The pressure relief valve 'lets off steam' when safe pressures are exceeded.

» sigh of relief = suspiro de alivio.

Example: Unfortunately, the multimedia elements that enrich our electronic documents are extremely bulky, resulting in an almost audible sigh of relief when CD-ROMs became standard.

» stress relief = alivio de estrés, liberación del estrés, liberación de tensiones.

Example: Doing exercise and being fit is a simple form of stress relief.

» to + Posesivo + relief = para + Posesivo + alivio.

Example: To his relief, they welcomed im back with open arms and had a big party.

relief4 = redención, liberación. 

Example: Dialog also wants relief from outstanding royalty claims from the American Chemical Society.


» debt relief = reducción de la deuda externa, reducción de la cuota de los países endeudados.

Example: It is unfortunate that criticism of the G8 summit's policy on debt relief has damaged its important message about the digital divide.

» relief driver = conductor de relevo.

Example: The relief driver on board a coach which crashed and burst into flames in France has returned home to his family.

» secure + relief from = conseguir liberarse de.

Example: Relief must be secured from the laborious detailed manipulation of higher mathematics as well, if the users of it are to free their brains for something more than repetitive detailed transformations.

» tax relief = desgravación, desgravación fiscal, desgravación tributaria.

Example: The legislature has passed a tax-relief law that increased state aid to schools.

Relief synonyms

ease in spanish: , pronunciation: iz part of speech: noun, verb rest in spanish: , pronunciation: rest part of speech: noun respite in spanish: , pronunciation: respɪt part of speech: noun backup in spanish: , pronunciation: bækəp part of speech: noun succour in spanish: , pronunciation: səkɜr part of speech: noun, verb substitute in spanish: , pronunciation: sʌbstətut part of speech: noun, verb succor in spanish: , pronunciation: sʌkɜr part of speech: noun, verb moderation in spanish: , pronunciation: mɑdɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun stand-in in spanish: , pronunciation: stænd part of speech: noun alleviation in spanish: , pronunciation: əlivieɪʃən part of speech: noun fill-in in spanish: , pronunciation: fɪlɪn part of speech: noun ministration in spanish: , pronunciation: mɪnəstreɪʃən part of speech: noun easing in spanish: , pronunciation: izɪŋ part of speech: noun relievo in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪlivoʊ part of speech: noun rilievo in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪlivoʊ part of speech: noun embossment in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmbɔsmənt part of speech: noun assuagement in spanish: , pronunciation: əsweɪdʒmənt part of speech: noun rest period in spanish: , pronunciation: restpɪriəd part of speech: noun backup man in spanish: , pronunciation: bækəpmæn part of speech: noun
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