Relevant in spanish


pronunciation: peɹ̩tinente part of speech: adjective
In gestures

relevant = relevante, pertinente, puntual, importante. 

Example: Most such bulletins list titles or abstracts, together with citations of relevant new documents in the subject area.


» be relevant to the occasion = estar de acuerdo con la ocasión, estar acorde con la ocasión, venir a(l) pelo.

Example: You should learn to be respectful of other people and make comments that make sense and are relevant to the occasion.

» make + Nombre + relevant to = hacer que Algo sea pertinente a las necesidades de Algo o Alguien.

Example: The incentive to make library services more relevant to the community became increasingly urgent from the mid-seventies as the attacks on local government finance gathered momentum.

» non-relevant = no relevante.

Example: These non-relevant documents are frequently referred to as 'noise'.

» prove + relevant = resultar pertinente.

Example: We said that 20 documents were retrieved, but only some of these proved relevant.

» relevant contribution = aportación relevante.

Example: He is able to make his own relevant contributions to the discussion, listen to the views of others and respond accordingly.

Relevant synonyms

pertinent in spanish: , pronunciation: pɜrtɪnɪnt part of speech: adjective material in spanish: , pronunciation: mətɪriəl part of speech: noun crucial in spanish: , pronunciation: kruʃəl part of speech: adjective applicable in spanish: , pronunciation: æpləkəbəl part of speech: adjective related in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective

Relevant antonyms

irrelevant pronunciation: ɪreləvənt part of speech: adjective
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