Release in spanish


pronunciation: lɑnθɑmientoʊ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

release1 = liberación, emanación, producción, vertido. 

Example: But first we must create the conditions for single-mindedness and hence the release of our energies (one senses much pent-up energy mixed up with our professional frustrations).


» day release student = estudiante de un día a la semana. [Estudiante que trabaja en una empresa pero un día a la semana asiste a clases en la universidad]

Example: By comparison with universities, many colleges house a constantly changing population of full-time, part-time, day release, sandwich course and evening class students.

» negotiate + Posesivo + release = negociar + Posesivo + liberación.

Example: He has also led peace missions to Gaza and Sudan, where he was part of the team that negotiated the release of a schoolteacher.

» release of water = desembalse, desembalse de agua.

Example: In rainy years, the river is in danger of breaking its banks, due to the release of water upstream.

» water release = desembalse, desembalse de agua.

Example: Water release schedules often change without notice due to unanticipated changes in weather conditions.

» work release = permiso laboral.

Example: The library board has a unique contribution to make in promoting continuing education opportunities among staff -- both philosophically and with appropriate monetary and work release incentives.

release2 = versión, edición. 

Example: New releases of existing products should often be considered to be unproven.


» maintenance release = actualización de programa informático.

Example: The company will continue to provide maintenance releases and bug fixes on all the systems for an indefinite period.

» media releases = comunicado de prensa, anuncios en los medios de comunicación.

Example: This is a compilation of media releases and letters.

» new release = novedad, estreno.

Example: Attempts to order items can be problematical due to many catalogues no keeping up with deletions and new releases.

» news release = comunicado de prensa.

Example: News releases are a way of external communication in libraries.

» on release = a la venta, en venta.

Example: This article reviews the first DVD-RW (DVD-Rewritable) on release in the UK.

» press release = información de novedades.

Example: These press releases are useful as they can indicate which other authorities are working on the same lines so that contact can be made and experience and ideas shared.

» press release = comunicado de prensa, nota de prensa.

Example: Libraries were not mentioned in any of the government's pamphlets, booklets or press releases.

» recent release = estreno.

Example: Coverage is said to encompass 'all the award winners, big box office success, top rental movies, and most recent releases'.

» re-release [rerelease] = reestreno, reposición, relanzamiento, reedición. 

Example: The report's re-release is likely to reignite debate about how publishers should respond to the potential threat of open access.

release3 = liberar, soltar, despedir. 

Example: If you press the shift key again to return the keyboard to the unshifted (lowercase) condition, the lock is then released.


» release + a hostage = liberar a un rehén.

Example: The intensity and volume of media coverage made government efforts to release the hostages difficult.

» release + a prisoner = liberar a un preso.

Example: Nonetheless, the Bastille was attacked on July 14, 1789, not to release the prisoners, but to get the powder that had been stored there the day before.

» release + energy = liberar energía.

Example: Throughout history, school recess has been promoted as a time for children to take in fresh air and release their pent-up energy.

» release + feelings = expresar los sentimientos, despertar la sensibilidad.

Example: Many people will have experienced the power of literature or other art forms to offer new insight, to provide sources of identification, to stir the emotions, and to release feelings.

» release + information = dar información, proporcionar información.

Example: Research in developing countries into armament and disarmament is hampered by the reluctance of governments to release information.

» release + Nombre + from gaol = excarcelar, poner en libertad, salir de la cárcel. [La palabra gaol también se escribe jail, principalmente en inglés americano]

Example: She is about 53 years old in this photo and she was released from gaol in 1931, three years after this photo was taken.

» release + Nombre + from jail = excarcelar, poner en libertad, salir de la cárcel. [La palabra jail también se escribe gaol, principalmente en inglés de influencia británica]

Example: Sex offender Jonathan King is told to 'shut up' after he protests his innocence as he is released from jail.

» release + Nombre + on bail = poner en libertad condicional, poner en libertad bajo fianza.

Example: The police can order any person arrested on any charge or released on bail to attend an identification parade.

» release + tension = liberar la tensión, desahogarse.

Example: They both exploded into laughter, thereby releasing the pent-up tension.

» release + water = desembalsar agua.

Example: Five major dams in Luzon continue to release water in anticipation of a heavy downpour from a tropical storm.

release4 = editar, publicar. 

Example: Continuous revision means that Phoenixes and major revisions will be released as separates between editions.


» release + a statement = hacer público, hacer declaraciones.

Example: After her arrest, the actress released a statement in which she said she was out of money and had no other way to support her family.

» release + a video = hacer público un vídeo.

Example: But let me come to the main reason why I have been reluctant to give permission to release the video.

» re-release [rerelease] = reeditar, reestrenar, relanzar, reponer. 

Example: He is planning to re-release some of the most famous songs from his back catalogue in an attempt to reignite his career.

Release synonyms

issue in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪʃu part of speech: noun turn in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrn part of speech: verb, noun free in spanish: , pronunciation: fri part of speech: adjective loose in spanish: , pronunciation: lus part of speech: adjective, adverb discharge in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪstʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun, verb loss in spanish: , pronunciation: lɔs part of speech: noun outlet in spanish: , pronunciation: aʊtlet part of speech: noun spill in spanish: , pronunciation: spɪl part of speech: noun, verb sack in spanish: , pronunciation: sæk part of speech: noun exit in spanish: , pronunciation: egzɪt part of speech: noun relinquish in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪlɪŋkwɪʃ part of speech: verb waiver in spanish: , pronunciation: weɪvɜr part of speech: noun going in spanish: , pronunciation: goʊɪŋ part of speech: noun expel in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪkspel part of speech: verb departure in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪpɑrtʃɜr part of speech: noun publish in spanish: , pronunciation: pʌblɪʃ part of speech: verb handout in spanish: , pronunciation: hændaʊt part of speech: noun give up in spanish: , pronunciation: gɪvʌp part of speech: verb liberation in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪbɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun dismissal in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪsmɪsəl part of speech: noun liberate in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪbɜreɪt part of speech: verb eject in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪdʒekt part of speech: verb passing in spanish: , pronunciation: pæsɪŋ part of speech: noun secrete in spanish: , pronunciation: sɪkrit part of speech: verb unfreeze in spanish: , pronunciation: ənfriz part of speech: verb put out in spanish: , pronunciation: pʊtaʊt part of speech: verb expiration in spanish: , pronunciation: ekspɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun firing in spanish: , pronunciation: faɪrɪŋ part of speech: noun bring out in spanish: , pronunciation: brɪŋaʊt part of speech: verb acquittance in spanish: , pronunciation: əkwɪtəns part of speech: noun let go in spanish: , pronunciation: letgoʊ part of speech: verb spillage in spanish: , pronunciation: spɪlɪdʒ part of speech: noun unblock in spanish: , pronunciation: ənblɑk part of speech: verb sacking in spanish: , pronunciation: sækɪŋ part of speech: noun unloose in spanish: , pronunciation: ənlus part of speech: verb press release in spanish: , pronunciation: presrilis part of speech: noun let go of in spanish: , pronunciation: letgoʊʌv part of speech: verb tone ending in spanish: , pronunciation: toʊnendɪŋ part of speech: noun

Release antonyms

hold pronunciation: hoʊld part of speech: verb, noun block pronunciation: blɑk part of speech: noun freeze pronunciation: friz part of speech: noun, verb confine pronunciation: kənfaɪn part of speech: verb detain pronunciation: dɪteɪn part of speech: verb immobilize pronunciation: ɪmoʊbəlaɪz part of speech: verb take hold pronunciation: teɪkhoʊld part of speech: verb
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