Relay in spanish


pronunciation: rele part of speech: noun
In gestures

relay1 = repetidor. 

Example: These relays are small and self-contained, and can be mounted on existing telephone poles.


» relay circuit = relé.

Example: It is readily possible to construct a machine which will manipulate premises in accordance with formal logic, simply by the clever use of relay circuits.

» relay station = estación repetidora.

Example: Communication satellites act as relay stations, by capturing the signals which arrive from the earth along the up-link and retransmitting them along the down-link.

» relay system = sistema de retransmisión.

Example: These networks operated under the names of relay systems or communal aerial tv (CATV) systems.

relay2 = relevo. 

Example: The rising tension over the Olympic torch relay is heightening concerns whether this summer's Games will be clouded by political rancor.


» relay baton = testigo de relevo.

Example: The ultimate goal of passing a relay baton is to do it in the fastest way possible.

» relay point = enlace, conexión.

Example: These information centres function as ports of first call for officials stationed nearby, and also as relay points to the central collections.

» relay race = carrera de relevos.

Example: A total of 10,000 relay race runners from all parts of the world are expected to carry the Olympic flame.

» relays of = tandas de.

Example: By the beginning of the nineteenth century many British printers had come to rely for most of their work on relays of apprentices, who were simply discharged at the end of their terms and replaced by new apprentices.

» relay team = equipo de relevos.

Example: The 400m relay team took first place in another photo finish.

relay3 = retransmitir, transmitir. 

Example: Others used it as a backup for general notices that could not easily be relayed by telephone.


» relay + a message = transmitir un mensaje, pasar un mensaje.

Example: The brain is like a computer that controls the body's functions, and the nervous system is like a network that relays messages to parts of the body.

Relay synonyms

electrical relay in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪlektrɪkəlrileɪ part of speech: noun
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