Relaxing in spanish


pronunciation: relɑxɑnte part of speech: adjective
In gestures

relax2 = relajar, relajarse. 

Example: The moment we relax on it -- we are no longer forced to do it, and it often is not done, and the connection is not made -- then we are in trouble.


» relax in + comfort = relajarse cómodamente.

Example: If you fly with us in Business Class you can relax in comfort in our VIP lounges.

relax3 = suavizar, disminuir. 

Example: Since the Federal Government has not been willing to relax import restrictions on books, academic librarians have had to devise a number of strategies for the survival of collection development.


» relax + Posesivo + vigilance = bajar la guardia, bajar los brazos.

Example: They waited with baneful patience, ready to take hold of him the moment he relaxed his vigilance.

» relax + the grip on = dejar de.

Example: Neither of them relaxed the grip on each other's eyes.

relaxing = relajante. 

Example: In order to make my twice-weekly half-hour visits to the class more relaxing and, I hoped, more enjoyable, the teacher designed a special area the children called 'the storycorner'.

Relaxing synonyms

quiet in spanish: , pronunciation: kwaɪət part of speech: adjective restful in spanish: , pronunciation: restfəl part of speech: adjective reposeful in spanish: , pronunciation: ripoʊzfəl part of speech: adjective
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