Relatives in spanish


pronunciation: pɑɹ̩ientes part of speech: noun
In gestures

relative1 = pariente, familiar, allegado. 

Example: Here, families from many different communities were up-rooted and resettled on greenfield sites, many miles away from relatives and friends.


» blood relative = pariente consanguíneo.

Example: Spouses are not ordinarily blood relatives and when they are, the marriage is consanguineous and carries a higher risk than average of homozygous progeny by descent from ancestors in common.

» close relative = pariente cercano, especie cercana.

Example: The behavior of a close relative challenges assumptions about male supremacy in human evolution.

» distant relative = pariente lejano.

Example: Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, is a distant relative of the Queen, it has been disclosed.

» near relative = pariente cercano, especie cercana.

Example: The hire of a near relative of a current employee is permitted when it is in the best interest of the University.

» nonrelative [non-relative] = persona que no pertenece a la familia.

Example: Interviews were with a surviving next of kin or a nonrelative about three months after the event of death.
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