Relatively in spanish


pronunciation: relɑtibɑmente part of speech: adverb
In gestures

relatively + Adjetivo = relativamente + Adjetivo. 

Example: Because all classes comprise simple isolates grouped as foci within facets and sub-facets, the schedules themselves are relatively succinct.

relatively + Adverbio = más o menos + Adverbio, de una forma relativamente + Nombre. 

Example: The solution is fine when the qualifying term that the user seeks is present, and is used relatively consistently.

relatively = relativamente. 

Example: And it looks big on a map, but you have to look at it relatively.


» in a relatively short span of time = en un tiempo relativamente corto.

Example: Hurricanes affect large coastal areas and inland in a relatively short span of time.

» in a relatively short time = en un tiempo relativamente corto.

Example: 'We've come a long way in a relatively short time and achieved some wonderful results,' said Perry = "Hemos recorrido un largo camino en un tiempo relativamente corto y hemos logrado unos maravillosos resultados", dijo Perry.

» relatively + Adjetivo = relativamente + Adjetivo.

Example: Because all classes comprise simple isolates grouped as foci within facets and sub-facets, the schedules themselves are relatively succinct.

» relatively + Adverbio = más o menos + Adverbio, de una forma relativamente + Nombre.

Example: The solution is fine when the qualifying term that the user seeks is present, and is used relatively consistently.

» relatively speaking = relativamente.

Example: The main findings are that civil engineers are, relatively speaking, not information conscious.

» until relatively recently = hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo.

Example: Until relatively recently all such transactions were recorded on paper and processed by hand or by means of slow electromechanical equipment = Hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo todas las transacciones de este tipo de registraban en papel y se procesaban a mano o por medios de equipos electromecánicos que eran lentos.

Relatively synonyms

comparatively in spanish: , pronunciation: kəmperətɪvli part of speech: adverb
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