Relative in spanish


pronunciation: relɑtiboʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

relative1 = pariente, familiar, allegado. 

Example: Here, families from many different communities were up-rooted and resettled on greenfield sites, many miles away from relatives and friends.


» blood relative = pariente consanguíneo.

Example: Spouses are not ordinarily blood relatives and when they are, the marriage is consanguineous and carries a higher risk than average of homozygous progeny by descent from ancestors in common.

» close relative = pariente cercano, especie cercana.

Example: The behavior of a close relative challenges assumptions about male supremacy in human evolution.

» distant relative = pariente lejano.

Example: Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, is a distant relative of the Queen, it has been disclosed.

» near relative = pariente cercano, especie cercana.

Example: The hire of a near relative of a current employee is permitted when it is in the best interest of the University.

» nonrelative [non-relative] = persona que no pertenece a la familia.

Example: Interviews were with a surviving next of kin or a nonrelative about three months after the event of death.

relative2 = relativo. 

Example: In computer indexing this will involve statistical analysis of the relative frequency of occurrence of terms.


» distributed relative = concepto distribuido.

Example: These concepts, which, although 'related', are scattered, or 'distributed', by virtue of the citation order, are called distributed relatives.

» in relative terms = en términos relativos.

Example: With a work so massive as 'Best Books' it is only in relative terms that it can be called selective.

» nonrelative [non-relative] = no afín, no relacionado, no relativo.

Example: The content of a document may be expressed by several keywords and terms which may be either relative or non-relative to the main topic discussed in it.

» relative humidity = humedad relativa.

Example: The films and magnetic tapes should be stored at a relative humidity of 30-40% and a temperature of 20-30ºC.

» relative index = índice relativo. [Lista alfabética de todas y cada una de las materias presentes en un sistema de clasificación adjunta a las tablas para facilitar la labor de asignación de notaciones]

Example: A relative index contains at least one entry for each subject in the scheme, and, by use of the alphabetical sequence, gathers together all aspects of a concrete subject, which are likely to have been scattered by a discipline-orientated approach in the basic order of the scheme.

» relative location = ubicación topográfica relativa. [Sistema de ordenación de los libros en los estantes típico de las bibliotecas de acceso libre por el que los libros reciben una notación de acuerdo con un sistema de clasificación lo que hace que los libros cambien relativamente de lugar al aumentar la colección]

Example: One of the novel features of the Dewey scheme was the idea of relative location, instead of the more usual fixed location.

» relative location = ubicación relativa. [Expresión del inglés general diferente de la expresión específica de biblioteconomía relative location (localización topográfica relativa)]

Example: Output measures will determine the quantity and relative location of user hierarchies for each type of public service.

» relative majority vote = voto de la mayoría relativa, voto por mayoría relativa.

Example: In a relative majority vote, the candidate with the most votes wins -- even if they don't win more than 50% of the vote.

» relative recall = exhaustividad relativa.

Example: Relative recall = number of documents retrieved in system 1 / number of documents retrieved in system 2 X 100%.

» relative to = relativo a, en relación con.

Example: It was apparent that the responders to the investigation were somewhat unsure of their future situation relative to the burgeoning information education market = Era claro que los entrevistados en la investigacion no se sentían muy seguros sobre su situación futura en relación con el incipiente mercado de las enseñanzas de documentación.

Relative synonyms

relation in spanish: , pronunciation: rileɪʃən part of speech: noun comparative in spanish: , pronunciation: kəmperətɪv part of speech: adjective, noun proportional in spanish: , pronunciation: prəpɔrʃənəl part of speech: adjective proportionate in spanish: , pronunciation: prəpɔrʃənət part of speech: adjective relational in spanish: , pronunciation: rileɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective congener in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔŋənɜr part of speech: noun qualifying in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɑləfaɪɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective congenator in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑndʒəneɪtɜr part of speech: noun

Relative antonyms

absolute pronunciation: æbsəlut part of speech: adjective
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