Relationship in spanish


pronunciation: relɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

relationship = relación. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: Related works are separately catalogued works that have a relationship to another work.


» affinitive relationship = relación afín.

Example: Affinitive relationships that exist between terms are not necessarily connected to one another in any fixed hierarchical manner.

» bear + relationship to = guardar relación con.

Example: What is more arguable is whether or not it is a bibliographical pursuit at all since it bears little relationship to the physical nature of the book.

» be in a dating relationship = estar saliendo con alguien.

Example: Meeting someone for the first time can be nerve-wracking, but so can trying to balance your eagerness with your need to play it cool when you're in a dating relationship.

» blood relationship = consanguinidad, parentesco consanguíneo, parentesco por consanguinidad.

Example: Consanguinity is the blood relationship that exists among individuals that descend from a common ancestor.

» break off + a relationship = romper una relación.

Example: The second case involved a complaint by a woman claiming that she had been raped by Boston Celtics rookie, Marcus Smith, just after he broke off their three month relationship.

» bring into + relationship = poner en relación, poner en contacto.

Example: It thrives on ambiguity, irony, paradox, which bring the disparate and hitherto unconnected into relationship, revealing new shades of meaning, or refreshing the worn, the tired, the cliched.

» build + relationships = entablar relaciones, establecer relaciones.

Example: The library association hope to build relationships with newcomers to the profession that will continue throughout their careers.

» carry on + relationship with = mantener una relación con.

Example: This is the world of fancies, Santa Claus, 'human' animals like Winnie-the-Pooh and Peter Rabbit, and Daleks and is often shown by the way in which a young child is able to carry on a sustained relationship with an imaginary friend or animal.

» causal relationship = relación causa-efecto.

Example: The findings have led to the conclusion that there is a direct causal relationship between familiarity/formality and the degree of gesticulation.

» contractual relationship = relación contractual, contrato.

Example: Data base producers must first decide how to structure their contractual relationship with the vendors and/or endusers = Los creadores de las bases de datos primero deben decidir cómo especificar sus relaciones contracturales con los proveedores y/o los usuarios finales.

» cultivate + a relationship = cuidar una relación, mantener una relación.

Example: I'm saying that cultivating a relationship with yourself, is just as important as cultivating a relationship with someone else.

» develop + relationships = establecer relaciones, entablar relaciones.

Example: The relationships developed inside and outside the classroom are perhaps the best pedagogy.

» direct relationship = relación directa.

Example: Some respondents saw a direct relationship between size and capacity for rapid curriculum development.

» end + a relationship = terminar una relación, acabar con una relación.

Example: To be honest I really don't have a problem ending relationships as I am such a prat that I usually end up losing good friends.

» enter into + a relationship = entablar una relación.

Example: This conference will offer us the opportunity to enter into mutually beneficial relationships with the world community of librarians.

» equivalence relationship = relación de equivalencia.

Example: Equivalence relationships normally imply the selection of one form as the preferred term, as we have seen, so we make a cross-reference pointing from the non-preferred term to the preferred term: Footpaths See Trails; Bovines USE Cattle.

» forge + relationships with = establecer relaciones con, entablar relaciones con.

Example: The information professional must have the communication skills needed to forge effective relationships between a diverse array of individuals.

» generic relationship = relación genérica.

Example: Another term for the genus/species relationship is the generic relationship.

» genus/species relationship = relación género/especie.

Example: The genus/species relationship is the relationship between a thing and its kinds.

» have + a good relationship with = llevarse bien, congeniar.

Example: This tends to work best if both persons have similar convictions of faith and have a good relationship with the spiritual advisor.

» hierarchical relationship = relación jerárquica.

Example: Hierarchical relationships must be indicated in order that the users may transfer from a first access term to related terms, and to broaden or narrow the search parameters.

» human relationships = relaciones humanas.

Example: Certainly there are very serious novels which, by means of a fictitious story, have a great deal to say about human relationships and social structures.

» interpersonal relationships = relaciones interpersonales.

Example: First, beliefs are established and maintained to the extent that they are consensually validated in interpersonal relationships.

» interracial relationship = relación interracial.

Example: The book also addresses issues of homosexuality and interracial relationships.

» interrelationship [inter-relationship] = interrelación. 

Example: However, the study of the nature, structure and interrelationships of areas of knowledge is a very useful and valid background study to indexing.

» inverse relationship = relación inversa, relación inversamente proporcional.

Example: The hypothesis was that the inverse relationship holds only for peripheral terms of a discipline rather than for central terms.

» is-a relationship = relación "es un tipo de".

Example: 'Is-a hierarchies' are defined as simplified semantic networks in which only is-a relationships are permitted.

» linear relationship = relación directa.

Example: A similar linear relationship between age and entrapment indicated that as librarians mature, they become bound to their line of work because of accumulated investments and decreased career options = Una relación directa similar entre la edad y la sensación de sentirse atrapado indicaba que a medida que los bibliotecarios envejecen se sienten ligados a su línea de trabajo debido al esfuerzo invertido y una disminución de las oportunidades de trabajo.

» love-hate relationship = relación de amor-odio.

Example: Frequent blow-ups and makeups that happen multiple times a week are a sure sign of a love-hate relationship.

» maintain + relationships = mantener relaciones.

Example: Maintaining these relationships is, after all, the function the acquisitions librarian.

» near-synonymous relationship = relación entre cuasisinónimos.

Example: The introduction discusses the semantic aspects, and in addition to whole-part and near-synonymous relationships lists sixteen different kinds of other relationships.

» negative relationship = relación negativa.

Example: A less rigorous interpretation of the data indicates a negative relationship between circulation figures and local unemployment rates.

» poison + a relationship = estropear una relación.

Example: Manic-depressives who are aware of their mental illness usually take great pains not to let the cat out of the bag, fearing it will damage their career and poison relationships.

» positive relationship = relación positiva.

Example: A more relaxed interpretation of the data suggests a positive relationship between circulation figures and local unemployment rates.

» power relationship = relación de poder.

Example: These two main actors are positioned in an unequal power relationship.

» preferential relationship = relación de preferencia.

Example: Preferential relationships generally indicate preferred terms or descriptors and distinguish such terms from non-descriptors or non-preferred terms.

» relationship display = diagrama de relaciones.

Example: A good thesaurus is not necessarily one that has been published with a plethora of effective relationship displays.

» relationship link = referencia, relación.

Example: The bibliographic record for the volume is also a monographic record, but with a series entry and a relationship link to the bibliographic record for the series as a whole.

» role relationships = relaciones jerárquicas.

Example: How do we manage working arrangements and role relationships so that people's needs for self-worth, growth, and development are significantly met in our libraries?.

» semantic relationship = relación semántica.

Example: Semantic relationships show aspects of the genus-species relationships and are expected to reflect assumed and widely accepted subject relationships.

» sexual relationship = relación sexual.

Example: McBee examines the ways in which immigrant women and men found new ways to define homosocial and heterosocial and sexual relationships in early-20th-century America.

» significant direct relationship = relación directa significativa, relación directamente proporcional significativa.

Example: The study further shows that there is no significant direct relationship between institutional funding and productivity.

» significant inverse relationship = relación inversa significativa, relación inversamente proporcional significativa.

Example: A significant inverse relationship between domestic violence and the level of education of both the batterer and the victim was also identified.

» stand in + relationship to = guardar relación con.

Example: Thus, in recognizing the existence of categories and facets we, at the same time, recognize that elementary concepts stand in various relationships to one another.

» strengthen + a relationship = fortalecer una relación, afianzar una relación.

Example: Research shows that marking important anniversaries can actually help strengthen relationships.

» structure + relationships = establecer relaciones, crear relaciones, definir relaciones.

Example: Reconceptualizing the role librarians and publishers play may enable us, in the digital environment, to structure relationships that allow both to accomplish their important goals = El replanteamiento de la función que los bibliotecarios y editores desempeñan pueden permitirnos, dentro de este entorno digital, establecer relaciones que nos ayuden a conseguir nuestros objetivos.

» symbiotic relationship = relación simbiótica.

Example: The author considers the complex, symbiotic relationships among social memory, popular culture, and historical events.

» syntactical relationship = relación sintáctica.

Example: It is distinct syntactical relationships in these subjects which are responsible for their separate identity as subjects.

» syntactic relationship = relación sintáctica.

Example: Syntactic relationships arise from the syntax of the document which is undergoing analysis, and derive solely from literary warrant.

» trace + the relationship between = buscar el origen de la relación entre.

Example: In 'Religion and the rise of capitalism' Tawney traces the relationship between modern ideas of commerce in a materialistic society and the absolute standards set by Christianity.

» trusting relationship = relación de confianza.

Example: They should listen to their client in order to understand his or her situation and to establish a trusting relationship.

» walk away from + a relationship = terminar una relación, acabar con una relación.

Example: He threatened to harm her if she ever left him, and she has been afraid for her life ever since she walked away from that relationship.

» whole/part relationship = relación parte/todo. [Relación entre un término general y las partes a las que engloba]

Example: In most circumstances, the whole/part (partitive) relationship is also not a legitimate BT/NT relationship; that is BICYCLE WHEELS is a legitimate NT under WHEELS but not under BICYCLES.

» whole-part relationship = relación parte-todo.

Example: The introduction discusses the semantic aspects, and in addition to whole-part and near-synonymous relationships lists sixteen different kinds of other relationships.

» working relationship = relación laboral, relación de trabajo.

Example: Communication within the organisation and between staff is essential to promote good working relationships.

» work out + a relationship = entablar una relación.

Example: It took me years to work out a relationship with him and trust me I gave him a hard ride along the way -- I was suspiscious, untrusting.

» work relationship = relación laboral, relación de trabajo.

Example: Frustrated by the limitations on developing work relationships with students, and bored with the demands of the library, she returned to teaching English.

Relationship synonyms

kinship in spanish: , pronunciation: kɪnʃɪp part of speech: noun family relationship in spanish: , pronunciation: fæməlɪrileɪʃənʃɪp part of speech: noun human relationship in spanish: , pronunciation: hjumənrileɪʃənʃɪp part of speech: noun
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