Relation in spanish


pronunciation: relɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

relation1 = relación. 

Example: The catalogue often forms the basis for co-operation and good relations between the libraries in a region.


» associative relation = relación asociativa. [Relación semántica entre conceptos yuxtapuestos con un objetivo concreto]

Example: An associative relation is a semantic relation between concepts juxtaposed for a specific purpose.

» bear + relation to = guardar relación con.

Example: If the resultant machine-readable file bore no relation to a coherent catalog, that was of no serious concern.

» bias relation = relación de aplicación. [Relación asociativa entre una campo temático y un concepto que normalmente se considera que pertenece a otro campo]

Example: A bias relation is an associative relation between a subject field and a concept usually considered to belong to another field.

» build + relations = entablar relaciones, establecer relaciones.

Example: This approach not only builds good relations for the library, but also allows more input of ideas.

» cause-effect relation = relación causa-efecto.

Example: The titles of scientific articles that are primarily reports of experiments usually contain information about the cause-effect relation investigated.

» commercial relations = relaciones comerciales.

Example: The guidelines are concerned with both professional and commercial relations but do not seek to establish ethical standards.

» comparative relation = relación comparativa. [Relación asociativa entre conceptos que manifiestan sus características respectivas]

Example: A comparative relation is an associative relation between concepts making apparent their respective characteristics.

» consecutive relation = relación consecutiva. [Relación asociativa de la interdependencia de dos conceptos que se siguen el uno al otro]

Example: A consecutive relation is an associative relation of the dynamic interdependence of two concepts one following the other.

» coordinate relation = relación coordinada. [Relación formal que yuxtapone términos o clases]

Example: A coordinate relation is a formal relation which juxtaposes terms or classes.

» develop + relations = establecer relaciones, entablar relaciones.

Example: Libraries must develop good relations with vendors.

» diplomatic relations = relaciones diplomáticas.

Example: Since the normalisation of diplomatic relations with China many more titles have become available.

» employment relations = relaciones laborales.

Example: This article discusses management issues experienced by the information service of employment relations, a human resource consulting service, during a period of transition from government funding to private funding.

» enter into + a relation = entablar una relación.

Example: The globalization of scientific activity affects the mechanisms by which countries enter into mutual relations.

» formal relation = relación formal. [Relación entre los conceptos que están representados por términos o clases en un lenguaje documental]

Example: A formal relation is a relation between concepts represented by terms or classes in an indexing language.

» gender relations = relaciones de género, relaciones entre hombres y mujeres.

Example: Her central themes are still love and sex, but she digs deeper beneath the surface to examine the gray areas of moral responsibility and gender relations.

» generic relation = relación genérica. [Relación semántica entre dos conceptos en la que uno es el género y el otro la especie]

Example: A generic relation is a semantic relation between two concepts in which one is the genus and the other is the species.

» hierarchical relation = relación jerárquica. [Relación formal entre dos términos o clases en la que uno está subordinado al otro]

Example: A hierarchical relation is a formal relation between two terms or classes in which one is subordinate to the other.

» human relations = relaciones humanas.

Example: The vast majority of management problems, even those which seem at first glance to be wholly planning or organizing or controlling problems, usually turn out to be bristling with ticklish human relations problems.

» industrial relations = relaciones industriales.

Example: The importance of industrial relations for the librarian will continue to grow with the continuation of cash limits and cuts and the introduction of automation.

» in relation to = sobre la base de, en relación con, con relación a, con referencia a, con respecto a.

Example: It is easiest to discuss the criteria for effective schedules in relation to the treatment of specific subjects.

» international relation = relación internacional.

Example: For that reason, its own destiny hangs upon its ability to act with wisdom and skill in its international relations.

» interrelation [inter-relation] = interrelación.

Example: The structure and interrelations of the biomedical journal literature are investigated.

» labour relations = relaciones laborales.

Example: These, then, are keystones to labor relations today.

» linear relation = relación directa.

Example: There exists a direct linear relation between journal production and impact factor = Existe una relación directa entre la producción de la revista y el factor impacto.

» maintain + relations = mantener relaciones.

Example: The author stresses the value of maintaining good relations with the vendors of such products.

» part-whole relation = relación de inclusión. [Relación semántica entre dos conceptos, siendo uno el todo y el otro una de sus partes]

Example: A part-whole relation is a semantic relation between two concepts one being the whole the other being one of its elements.

» poor relation = pariente pobre, cenicienta.

Example: For some reason, there is a tendency for public libraries to become the poor relations of the library world.

» power relations = relaciones de poder.

Example: Social problems arising from power relations cannot be resolved by technology alone.

» preferential relation = relación de preferencia. [Relación formal entre términos que están representados por el mismo o mismos descriptores o notación]

Example: A preferential relation is a formal relation between terms represented by the same descriptor(s) or class symbol.

» public relations (PR) = relaciones públicas.

Example: The process whereby library personnel communicate with library users and the community at large can be described as public relations (PR).

» public relations campaign = campaña de relaciones públicas.

Example: They decided one day to take it upon themselves without his knowledge to go out and solicit funds for a public relations campaign for a children's program.

» public relations exercise = actividad de promoción, actividad de relaciones públicas.

Example: The author describes the success of a library in staging a series of music concerts as a public relations exercise.

» re-establish + diplomatic relations = reanudar las relaciones diplomáticas, restablecer las relaciones diplomáticas.

Example: What a shame that Ireland, the symbol of European success, re-established diplomatic relations with Burma in February = Qué pena que Irlanda, símbolo del éxito europeo, haya reanudado en febrero sus relaciones diplomáticas con Birmania.

» relation indicator = indicador de relación. [Símbolo especial que indica cierta relación entre la secuencia de los elementos de un símbolo de clase]

Example: A relation indicator is a special symbol indicating a certain relation in the sequence of the elements of a class symbol.

» relation structure = estructura relacional.

Example: The following types of data structure are common: relational, where all information is held in a form that can be represented by two-dimensional tables.

» semantic relation = relación semántica. [Relación lógica, ontológica o sicológica entre conceptos que un lengua documental puede formalizar]

Example: The relation of logical, ontological or psychological nature between concepts which might be formalized in an indexing language is known as semantic relation.

» social relations = relaciones sociales.

Example: Such changes have been managed in a way that leaves intact the system of social relations based on sexual segregation.

» sociology of industrial relations = sociología de las relaciones industriales.

Example: The existing literature relevant to sociology of industrial relations is then briefly reviewed, leading to the conclusion that this literature is dominated by inadequate and partial sociological perspectives.

» stand in + relation to = guardar relación con.

Example: By virtue of sharing the same characteristics of division, the isolates within a facet all stand in the same relationship to their subject area or containing class.

» syntactic relation = relación sintáctica.

Example: Syntactic relations, that is, those relationships that arise from the syntax, are document-dependent, and need not be constant.

» trade relations = relaciones comerciales.

Example: In the field of external relations, the Parliament has initiated meetings with parliamentary delegations with which the European Community has important trade relations.

» working relation = relación laboral, relación de trabajo.

Example: Feminists have also indicated the demeaning and subservient features which characterise working relations between women and men as subordinates and superiors at work.

» work relation = relación laboral, relación de trabajo.

Example: There are 13 qualities for library employment which administrators should foster in order to achieve an ideal in work relations.

relation2 = pariente, familiar, allegado. 

Example: The next day Margaret and her relations were invited to the Palace for a private brunch.


» blood relation = pariente consanguíneo, consanguinidad.

Example: Anyone suggesting that the only way not get promoted through the company is by blood relation, is completely inaccurate in this assumption.

» close relation = pariente cercano, especie cercana.

Example: Another close relation is the findings-oriented abstracts they emphasize the results or findings of an investigation, rather than selecting material according to the interest of a given audience.

» distant relation = pariente lejano.

Example: Perhaps she is even a distant relation of mine since we share the same last name.

» near relation = pariente cercano, especie cercana.

Example: A judge ought to be without prejudice, and he cannot therefore sit in a case where he has any interest, or when a near relation is a part.

Relation synonyms

relative in spanish: , pronunciation: relətɪv part of speech: adjective congress in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑŋgrəs part of speech: noun intercourse in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪntɜrkɔrs part of speech: noun coitus in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔɪtəs part of speech: noun telling in spanish: , pronunciation: telɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective copulation in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑpjəleɪʃən part of speech: noun coition in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔɪʃən part of speech: noun recounting in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪkaʊntɪŋ part of speech: noun sex act in spanish: , pronunciation: seksækt part of speech: noun carnal knowledge in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑrnəlnɑlədʒ part of speech: noun sexual intercourse in spanish: , pronunciation: sekʃuəlɪntɜrkɔrs part of speech: noun sexual congress in spanish: , pronunciation: sekʃuəlkɑŋgrəs part of speech: noun sexual relation in spanish: , pronunciation: sekʃuəlrileɪʃən part of speech: noun
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