Related in spanish


pronunciation: relɑθioʊnɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

relate1 = relacionar. 

Example: A 'see also' reference connects headings or index terms which are in some way related, where both of the headings are regarded as acceptable for use as headings for entries.


» as it relates to = en relación con.

Example: This article reviews the mission of the ALA's Committee on Accreditation (COA) and examines its role as it relates to the education of librarians qualified to work with children and young people.

» relate to = cubrir.

Example: The major difference is that a periodical index relates to a number of issues and to contributions from a number of different authors.

» relate to = referirse a, tener que ver con, estar relacionado con.

Example: Notes may relate to any of the previous elements of the description, i.e. title, authorship, edition, editorship, publisher area, physical description area or series area.

» relate to = relacionar con.

Example: Their goal is to relate abstract management principles and theories to actual management practice, and to help narrow the gap between the classroom and the real world.

relate2 = relatar, contar, referir. 

Example: This article relates what happened to the records of the German era after the colony became a mandate under the British administration and after the attainment of independence.


» relate + an incident = relatar un incidente.

Example: Meek took her glasses off and twiddled them as her supervisor related the following incident = Meek se quitó las gafas y las hacía girar al mismo tiempo que su supervisor le contaba el siguiente incidente.

» relate + experience = contar una experiencia.

Example: The article 'Towards the cyber-library?' relates the experience of Hertfordshire libraries in the provision of electronic public information and library services.

» sad to relate = triste de admitir.

Example: Of course the perceptive librarian is on the alert for signs of this reaction on the part of the reader, but, sad to relate, there are those who will be deterred by nothing short of a loud cry of 'Stop'.

related = relacionado, afín, correspondiente. 

Example: Similar and closely related subjects are likely to be scattered under different keywords.


» age-related = relacionado con la edad.

Example: Why are some individuals more susceptible than others to age-related neurodegeneration, such as Parkinson's disease?.

» AIDS-related = relacionado con el SIDA.

Example: This article looks at the history of AIDS-related information, its format, content, and scope which is essential for targeting and evaluating control and prevention efforts at all levels.

» alcohol-related = relacionado con el consumo de alcohol, relacionado con el alcohol.

Example: About 75% of all personal acts of violence (murder, assault and battery), 90% of vandalism, 75% of public brawls, & more than 50% of burglaries & thefts are alcohol-related.

» be work related = estar relacionado con el trabajo.

Example: Since this mishap was not work related he was not eligible for Workmen's Compensation.

» biotechnology-related = relacionado con la biotecnología.

Example: Seventeen British scientists have been winners of the Nobel Prize for Medicine since 1962, often for biotechnology-related work.

» book-related = relacionado con los libros.

Example: The library needs to be developed as the focal point of the community, a place where the public can drop in for all kinds of activities, not necessarily book-related or 'cultural'.

» business-related = relacionado con los negocios, comercial, empresarial.

Example: Twinning of libraries in different countries can bring benefits in terms of joint projects, student exchanges, and other buisness-related affairs.

» cancer-related = relacionado con el cáncer.

Example: Gastric cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related death in the world, and it remains difficult to cure in Western countries.

» closely related to = afín (a), estrechamente relacionado (con).

Example: The underlying fundamentals of abstracting are closely related to indexing.

» course-related = relacionado con los estudios.

Example: Academic librarians must teach students the basics of library use before embarking on course-related instruction.

» crime-related = relacionado con la delincuencia.

Example: This Internet site resides mostly in the gutter, with celebrity arrest reports, law-suits, and other crime-related legal documents.

» distantly related = relacionado vagamente.

Example: The solution was only found when a new team of workers, whose background was in the distantly related discipline of nuclear physics, became involved and started looking for a solution in the techniques of their own speciality.

» drink-related = relacionado con el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, relacionado con la bebida.

Example: Tough new actions are being taken to tackle drink-related crime and disorder in the district.

» drug-related = relacionado con las drogas, relacionado con las medicinas, relacionado con los fármacos, relacionado con los medicamentos.

Example: Their aim is to provide Europe's citizens, professionals and politicians with information to take action and make decisions on drugs and drug-related problems = Su objetivo es proporcionar información a los ciudadanos, profesionales y políticos de Europa para tomar medidas y decisiones sobre las drogas y los problemas relacionadas con ellas.

» environmentally related = relacionado con el medio ambiente.

Example: Many of these systems now have sophisticated cartographic facilities which were initially developed for environmentally related applications.

» fee-related = relacionado con el pago de cuotas.

Example: The current technological scene is reviewed to bring fee-related issues into sharper focus.

» flu-related = gripal, relacionado con la gripe.

Example: Second, seasonal influenza is infrequently listed on death certificates of people who die from flu-related complications.

» gang-related = relacionado con las pandillas, cometido por pandillas.

Example: A murder victim shot through the heart in a gang-related killing managed to name his attacker 'in his dying breath'.

» gender-related = relacionado con el sexo.

Example: This article studies the impact of gender-related work issues on the attitudes of male library and information professionals.

» gender-related violence = violencia de género.

Example: This article addresses the psychological effects on women of gender-related violence.

» geology-related = relacionado con la geología.

Example: A survey shows that nearly 45% of the geology-related literature is published directly or indirectly through societies.

» group-related = relativo a un grupo.

Example: The heading determines the exact position of an entry in a catalogue and keeps group-related entries together.

» health-related = relacionado con la salud.

Example: It has become apparent that videodisc technology is finding a home among the designers and developers of health-related information systems = Es obvio que la tecnología del videodisco está encontrando un hueco entre los diseñadores y desarrolladores de los sistemas de información relacionados con la salud.

» Internet-related = relacionado con Internet.

Example: The majority of such Internet-related suicide pacts have occurred in Japan, which has one of the highest overall suicide rates in the world.

» interrelated [inter-related] = interrelacionado.

Example: Similarly, social sciences and history are interrelated in teaching but widely separated in Dewey.

» intricately related = estrechamente relacionado, estrechamente ligado.

Example: Thus spirituality is a significant element of worship, and worship is intricately related to spirituality.

» job-related = relacionado con el trabajo.

Example: Are academic and theoretical concepts being stressed to the detriment of practical and job-related issues as these are understood by the potential employers in business and industry?.

» library-related = relacionado con las bibliotecas, pertinente a las bibliotecas.

Example: In the USA 29% of CD-ROMs contain library-related information.

» music related [music-related] = relacionado con la música.

Example: The author outlines music related retail and mail order company sites, and miscellaneous sites of interest to musicians.

» production-related = relacionado con la producción.

Example: We'll be able to purchase equipment we've been wanting for ages: an electronic offset printer; collators and folding machines and other graphic production-related paraphernalia.

» profit-related = comercial, lucrativo.

Example: However these distinctions are not always clear cut, the public sector may pursue profit-related goals and the private sector may adopt other goals besides profit (improving work environments, quality of life).

» race-related = relacionado con cuestiones raciales.

Example: Few American colleges are immune to racial tensions, and race-related incidents tend to flare up at this or that campus.

» related body = entidad relacionada. [Entidad corporativa que está relacionada con otra por motivos que no son de dependencia jerárquica]

Example: Special rules are includes for specific types of corporate bodies, such as exhibitions, conferences, subordinate and related bodies, governments bodies and officials, and radio and television stations.

» related heading = encabezamiento relacionado.

Example: A related heading is one of two or more uniform headings, each of which is bibliographically related to the other(s).

» related term = término asociado. [Término unido a otro mediante una relación de coordinación]

Example: Hierarchical relationships may also take the form of co-ordinate relationships, in which case they may be represented by 'RT' or related term, in a similar manner to affinitive relationships below.

» related title block = bloque funcional de títulos relacionados.

Example: In UNIMARC the related title block, block 5 -- , contains titles other than the title proper related to the item being catalogued and generally appearing on the item.

» related to = relacionado con.

Example: Other office equipment to be found in libraries may include: Adding machines or calculators to cope with statistics related to petty cash, issues, membership, etc.

» related work = obra relacionada. [Publicación cuyo contenido guarda relación con otra(s) obra(s), aunque su publicación se haga de forma separada e independiente]

Example: A related work is a separately catalogued work that has a relationship to another work.

» remotely related = relacionado remotamente.

Example: Concepts which are only remotely related to the central concept will be positioned well away from the central circle.

» safety-related = relacionado con la seguridad.

Example: Use is still low with c100 requests per year for safety-related information but only c20 other requests.

» school-related = relacionado con la escuela.

Example: The survey aimed to ascertain the degree of computerisation of any and all library functions in any type of school-related setting.

» science-related = relacionado con las ciencias.

Example: Salaries of library professionals compare unfavourably with pay scales in the information industry and math and science-related fields.

» student-related = estudiantil, relacionado con los alumnos, relacionado con los estudiantes.

Example: Instead of football and basketball games, Greene says his school hosts as many student-related events as possible.

» subject-related group = grupo temáticamente afín.

Example: A more systematic approach involves assessing terms and their relationships in subject-related groups.

» travel-related = relacionado con los viajes.

Example: This paper includes selected Web sites providing information on: terrorism in general; bioterrorism; agroterrorism, nuclear terrorism; and travel-related issues.

» unrelated = no relacionados entre sí, sin relación, no relacionado, inconexo, desligado.

Example: Adjacent technical papers bound in journals may often be unrelated.

» unrelated to = desconectado de, sin relación con, desligado de.

Example: Initially, however, we shall consider these phenomena as concepts in their own right, divorced from and unrelated to any particular discipline or context of study.

» user-related = orientado al usuario, dedicado al usuario.

Example: Thus, a predominant feature of such software packages is the user-related interfaces, which permit a non-programmer to comprehend and interrogate the data stored.

» verification-related = relacionado con la verificación.

Example: The original cataloguing of monographs and selected bibliographic verification-related activities were decentralised at the University of Illinois between 1982 and 1985.

» water-related = causado por el agua.

Example: Two recent water-related disasters were described at the start of the workshop.

» Web-related = relacionado con la web, para la web.

Example: Libraries were soon using Web-related software to fulfil traditional missions in the new online environment.

» wine-related = relacionado con el vino, vinícola.

Example: Most people who profess a love of wine will have attracted drawerfuls of wine-related paraphernalia over the years, much of it surplus to requirements.

» women-related = relacionado con las mujeres.

Example: Rather than take a whole lot of time on this, let me utter a brief commercial on behalf of a book which addresses precisely this area of women-related headings, Joan Marshall's 'On Equal Terms'.

» work-related = laboral, relacionado con el trabajo.

Example: Reading for education or reading for work-related information may be unpleasant chores for many people but nevertheless chores that cannot be avoided.

Related synonyms

relevant in spanish: , pronunciation: reləvənt part of speech: adjective concomitant in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑnkɑmətənt part of speech: adjective, noun germane in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒɜrmeɪn part of speech: adjective cognate in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑgneɪt part of speech: adjective, noun akin in spanish: , pronunciation: əkɪn part of speech: adjective similar in spanish: , pronunciation: sɪməlɜr part of speech: adjective corresponding in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔrəspɑndɪŋ part of speech: adjective regarding in spanish: , pronunciation: rəgɑrdɪŋ part of speech: verb correlate in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔrəleɪt part of speech: verb, noun vis-a-vis in spanish: , pronunciation: vizəvi part of speech: noun, adverb incidental in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnsɪdentəl part of speech: adjective attendant in spanish: , pronunciation: ətendənt part of speech: noun concerned in spanish: , pronunciation: kənsɜrnd part of speech: adjective kindred in spanish: , pronunciation: kɪndrɪd part of speech: adjective, noun attached in spanish: , pronunciation: ətætʃt part of speech: adjective associated in spanish: , pronunciation: əsoʊsieɪtəd part of speech: adjective concerning in spanish: , pronunciation: kənsɜrnɪŋ part of speech: verb agnate in spanish: , pronunciation: ægneɪt part of speech: noun, adjective connected in spanish: , pronunciation: kənektəd part of speech: adjective enate in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪneɪt part of speech: noun affiliated in spanish: , pronunciation: əfɪlieɪtəd part of speech: adjective accompanying in spanish: , pronunciation: əkʌmpəniɪŋ part of speech: adjective allied in spanish: , pronunciation: əlaɪd part of speech: adjective in terms of in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪntɜrmzʌv side by side in spanish: , pronunciation: saɪdbaɪsaɪd part of speech: adjective overlapping in spanish: , pronunciation: oʊvɜrlæpɪŋ part of speech: adjective correlative in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔrələtɪv part of speech: adjective affinal in spanish: , pronunciation: æfənəl part of speech: adjective as to in spanish: , pronunciation: æztu connate in spanish: , pronunciation: kəneɪt part of speech: adjective consanguineous in spanish: , pronunciation: kənsæŋgwinuz part of speech: adjective correlated in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔrəleɪtəd part of speech: adjective agnatic in spanish: , pronunciation: ægnætɪk part of speech: adjective with regard to in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪðrəgɑrdtu with respect to in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪðrɪspekttu consanguine in spanish: , pronunciation: kənsæŋgwin part of speech: adjective in regard to in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnrəgɑrdtu related to in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪleɪtɪdtu part of speech: adjective enatic in spanish: , pronunciation: enætɪk part of speech: adjective in relation to in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnrileɪʃəntu with reference to in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪðrefɜrənstu blood-related in spanish: , pronunciation: blʌdrɪleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective bound up in spanish: , pronunciation: baʊndʌp part of speech: adjective

Related antonyms

unrelated pronunciation: ənrɪleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective
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