Relate in spanish


pronunciation: relɑθioʊnɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

relate1 = relacionar. 

Example: A 'see also' reference connects headings or index terms which are in some way related, where both of the headings are regarded as acceptable for use as headings for entries.


» as it relates to = en relación con.

Example: This article reviews the mission of the ALA's Committee on Accreditation (COA) and examines its role as it relates to the education of librarians qualified to work with children and young people.

» relate to = cubrir.

Example: The major difference is that a periodical index relates to a number of issues and to contributions from a number of different authors.

» relate to = referirse a, tener que ver con, estar relacionado con.

Example: Notes may relate to any of the previous elements of the description, i.e. title, authorship, edition, editorship, publisher area, physical description area or series area.

» relate to = relacionar con.

Example: Their goal is to relate abstract management principles and theories to actual management practice, and to help narrow the gap between the classroom and the real world.

relate2 = relatar, contar, referir. 

Example: This article relates what happened to the records of the German era after the colony became a mandate under the British administration and after the attainment of independence.


» relate + an incident = relatar un incidente.

Example: Meek took her glasses off and twiddled them as her supervisor related the following incident = Meek se quitó las gafas y las hacía girar al mismo tiempo que su supervisor le contaba el siguiente incidente.

» relate + experience = contar una experiencia.

Example: The article 'Towards the cyber-library?' relates the experience of Hertfordshire libraries in the provision of electronic public information and library services.

» sad to relate = triste de admitir.

Example: Of course the perceptive librarian is on the alert for signs of this reaction on the part of the reader, but, sad to relate, there are those who will be deterred by nothing short of a loud cry of 'Stop'.

Relate synonyms

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Relate antonyms

dissociate pronunciation: dɪsoʊsieɪt part of speech: verb
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