Reinforcement in spanish


pronunciation: refoʊɹ̩θɑmientoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

reinforcement = refuerzo, consolidación. 

Example: Not so clear, however, is the subtle reinforcement of the majority assumptions provided by such subdivisions as CIVILIZATION OF under the names of indigenous American and African peoples.

Reinforcement synonyms

support in spanish: , pronunciation: səpɔrt part of speech: noun, verb reward in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪwɔrd part of speech: noun, verb reenforcement in spanish: , pronunciation: riɪnfɔrsmənt part of speech: noun reinforcer in spanish: , pronunciation: raɪnfɔrsɜr part of speech: noun strengthener in spanish: , pronunciation: streŋθnɜr part of speech: noun reinforcing stimulus in spanish: , pronunciation: riɪnfɔrsɪŋstɪmjələs part of speech: noun
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