Reign in spanish


pronunciation: reinɑdoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

reign1 = reinado. 

Example: This article elaborates on the turning point in library service during the reign of the National Socialists and discusses its reorganisation after World War II.


» reign of terror = régimen de terror.

Example: I think a lot of Republicans want to cooperate, but they're in the thralls of this reign of terror from the far right that has dragged the party to the right.

reign2 = reinar, gobernar, imperar, dominar, predominar. 

Example: After reigning for sixteen years, Gandash was succeeded by his son.


» better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven = más vale ser cabeza de ratón que cola de león.

Example: Perhaps the most often quoted line from John Milton's Paradise Lost is Satan's declaration: 'Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven'.

» reign + supreme = imperar, reinar, predominar, prevalecer.

Example: Chaos reigned supreme on Monday after violent clashes between municipal cops and vendors resulted in stones being thrown and nearby vehicles being damaged.

Reign synonyms

rule in spanish: , pronunciation: rul part of speech: noun prevail in spanish: , pronunciation: prɪveɪl part of speech: verb sovereignty in spanish: , pronunciation: sɑvrənti part of speech: noun dominate in spanish: , pronunciation: dɑməneɪt part of speech: verb predominate in spanish: , pronunciation: prɪdɑməneɪt part of speech: verb
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