Regulator in spanish


pronunciation: regulɑdoʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

regulator1 = regulador. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: The typical medicinal oxygen tank contains pure oxygen and has a green regulator with a brushed steel body.


» current regulator = regulador de corriente, regulador de tensión.

Example: The purpose of a current regulator is to provide a constant current regardless of changes in the input voltage or load current.

» gas cylinder regulator = regulador de presión de bombona, alcachofa de bombona.

Example: Condition and age of gas cylinder regulators should be checked regularly.

» gas regulator = regulador de gas, regulador de presión de gas.

Example: As technology progressed, newer gas regulators were developed that did not use mercury.

» voltage regulator = regulador de voltaje.

Example: The voltage regulator is an electronic device that regulates alternator output according to the battery's state of charge and accessory loads.

regulator2 = inspector, supervisor, regulador. 

Example: He bemoaned the fact that regulators did not have the teeth to stop the banks from making such charges.


» market regulator = supervisor del mercado, inspector del mercado, regulador del mercado.

Example: According to the market regulator, the traders would be required to mandatorily honour the obligation of delivering the shares at the time of settlement = Según el regulador del mercado, los operadores de bolsa deberían cumplir forzosamente con la obligación de la entrega de las acciones en el momento del pago.

Regulator synonyms

governor in spanish: , pronunciation: gʌvɜrnɜr part of speech: noun
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