Regret in spanish


pronunciation: lɑmentɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

regret1 = lamento, pesar, pena, deploro, arrepentimiento. 

Example: Spalding's regret is quite understandable, for few of those seeking to identify particular editions in the catalog will fail to be confused by the results of this decision.


» express + regret = lamentar, deplorar.

Example: The author expresses regret at the present state of the Association's affairs.

» have no + regrets = no arrepentirse, no mirar atrás con arrepentimiento, no poder quitar lo bailado.

Example: If you want to get to the end of your life and have no regrets you need to seize every opportunity that comes along.

» live (+ Posesivo +) life to the fullest and have no regrets = no poder quitar lo bailado, no arrepentirse de lo vivido.

Example: Jessie admitted that she has lived her life to the fullest and has no regrets.

» much to + Posesivo + regret = muy a + Posesivo + pesar.

Example: Considering her upbringing, it is ironical that she was often cast as a maid and, much to her regret, hardly ever as the leading lady.

» with regret = con pesar.

Example: The author notes with regret that there is not a single library in Africa that is systematically collecting creative writing in the African languages.

regret2 = lamentar, deplorar, sentir. 

Example: Sir Walter Greg also half regretted 'that 'bibliology' is past praying for' since it defined the study more precisely than the accepted word.

Regret synonyms

lament in spanish: , pronunciation: ləment part of speech: noun, verb rue in spanish: , pronunciation: ru part of speech: noun sorrow in spanish: , pronunciation: sɑroʊ part of speech: noun repent in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪpent part of speech: verb deplore in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪplɔr part of speech: verb bemoan in spanish: , pronunciation: bɪmoʊn part of speech: verb bewail in spanish: , pronunciation: biweɪl part of speech: verb ruefulness in spanish: , pronunciation: rufəlnəs part of speech: noun
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