Regress in spanish


pronunciation: regɹ̩esoʊ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

regress = retroceder, disminuir. 

Example: Interloans have regressed recently, despite the rapid advancement of the computer age.

Regress synonyms

return in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪtɜrn part of speech: noun, verb revert in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪvɜrt part of speech: verb lapse in spanish: , pronunciation: læps part of speech: noun, verb relapse in spanish: , pronunciation: rilæps part of speech: noun, verb retrograde in spanish: , pronunciation: retrəgreɪd part of speech: adjective regression in spanish: , pronunciation: rəgreʃən part of speech: noun reversion in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪvɜrʒən part of speech: noun retrogress in spanish: , pronunciation: ritroʊgrəs part of speech: verb retrogression in spanish: , pronunciation: retrəgreʃən part of speech: noun fall back in spanish: , pronunciation: fɔlbæk part of speech: verb turn back in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrnbæk part of speech: verb recidivate in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪsɪdəveɪt part of speech: verb retroversion in spanish: , pronunciation: retrəvɜrʒən part of speech: noun reasoning backward in spanish: , pronunciation: rizənɪŋbækwɜrd part of speech: noun

Regress antonyms

advance pronunciation: ədvæns part of speech: noun, verb progress pronunciation: prɑgres part of speech: noun get on pronunciation: getɑn part of speech: verb get along pronunciation: getəlɔŋ part of speech: verb come on pronunciation: kʌmɑn part of speech: verb come along pronunciation: kʌməlɔŋ part of speech: verb shape up pronunciation: ʃeɪpʌp part of speech: verb
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