Registration in spanish


pronunciation: rexistɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

registration = registro, inscripción, matrícula. 

Example: The borrower file is then searched to obtain a list of all those borrowers with registration dates before the cut-off date.


» car registration = matriculación de coches.

Example: National rules on car registration are not yet harmonised at the European level.

» car registration documents = documentación del coche, papeles del coche.

Example: He refused to produce the car registration documents and was taken to the police station, where he spent four hours before being released

Read more: Messi's brother arrested for gun possession again - (English version).

» car registration number = número de matrícula.

Example: Since their introduction car registration numbers have been issued in several formats to cope with the growing number of vehicles on our roads.

» car registration plate = placa de matrícula, matrícula.

Example: British car registration plates have been in existence for more than a hundred years, with quite a few changes along the way.

» day registration = inscripción por un día.

Example: Student rates and day registrations are also available.

» early bird registration = descuento por inscripción anticipada. [Derivado del dicho "the early bird gets the worm" = "a quien madruga dios le ayuda"]

Example: The 'early bird' registration period has been extended to 31 December 2001 so hurry and register now.

» early-bird registration fee = tarifa especial por inscripción anticipada.

Example: Early-bird registration fees are available only until June 1.

» early bird registration rate = descuento por inscripción anticipada.

Example: This year's conference will be held on November and the early bird registration rates will be accepted until October.

» early registration = descuento por inscripción anticipada.

Example: Early registration will close on June 1, just a little over two weeks before the conference begins.

» early registration fee = tarifa especial por inscripción anticipada.

Example: The early registration fee is $995 and the late registration fee $1095.

» electoral registration form = impreso de inscripción electoral.

Example: This technique usually involves the distribution of a simple population survey form with the electoral registration form.

» intercampus registration = matrícula compartida, distrito compartido. [Matrículación en dos universidades al mismo tiempo realizando estudios en ambas]

Example: They rejected totally the notion of deferred admissions and intercampus registration.

» late registration fee = tarifa por inscripción fuera de plazo.

Example: These late registration fees do not apply to students who register prior to the beginning of the academic semester.

» library registration number = número de identificación del documento.

Example: On presenting his membership card, the librarian will draw up a 'slip holder pocket' containing the library registration number and the personal details of the borrower.

» motor vehicle registration = matriculación de coches.

Example: The aim is not only to allow users to access information but also to carry out transactions such as motor vehicle registration, food stamp applications and possibly even tax returns.

» non-registration = no inscripción.

Example: Wastage is sometimes defined as material which temporarily or permanently has evaded the usual lending procedures due to misplacement, damage, non-registration, theft or non-returns.

» pre-registration = preinscripción.

Example: The check-list is intended to be used for self-assessment for newly qualified librarians during the pre-registration period.

» registration card = ficha de inscripción.

Example: A senior engineer organises the filling in of registration cards by managers within 15 days of the distribution of project plans and a graph of information received is produced annually.

» registration desk = mostrador de inscripción.

Example: Budget cuts, staff shortages, and increasing patron numbers are causing public libraries to give very little educational information to new patrons at registration desks.

» registration fee(s) = gastos de matrícula, cuota de inscripción, tasa de inscripción, tasa de matrícula, cuota de matrícula.

Example: Registration fees for conferences and meetings will be raised.

» registration file = fichero de lectores.

Example: The services centre on an online short title catalogue and an online registration file.

» registration form = impreso de inscripción, hoja de inscripción.

Example: The aim was to identify, through the study of library registration forms, characteristics of age, sex, occupation, and length of membership of adult users over a period of 6 years.

» registration number = número de matrícula.

Example: Registration numbers are automatically assigned in sequence at the time when you register your vehicle.

» registration package = paquete de inscripción.

Example: Registration packages including the preliminary conference program and the registration form have been mailed.

» reregistration = reinscripción. 

Example: The tribunal ordered his name to be removed from the register and that a period of five years must elapse before he would be allowed to apply for reregistration.

» vehicle registration = matriculación del vehículo.

Example: If you are buying a new vehicle from a dealership, the vehicle registration will usually be completed by the dealer.

» vehicle registration documents = documentación del vehículo, papeles del vehículo.

Example: If you lose your driving licence or vehicle registration documents, you should wait three to four weeks before applying for replacements.

» voter registration = inscripción en el censo electoral.

Example: The library may provide equipment for community-sponsored programs such as book talks, speaker series, tax assistance, voter registration, and so on = La biblioteca puede disponer del material necesario para apoyar los programas patrocinados por la comunidad como por ejemplo presentaciones de libros, ciclos de coferencias, asesoría fiscal, inscripción en el censo electoral, etc.

Registration synonyms

adjustment in spanish: , pronunciation: ədʒʌstmənt part of speech: noun enrollment in spanish: , pronunciation: enroʊlmənt part of speech: noun enrolment in spanish: , pronunciation: enroʊlmənt part of speech: noun readjustment in spanish: , pronunciation: riədʒʌstmənt part of speech: noun
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