Register in spanish


pronunciation: rexistɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

register1 = registro. 

Example: James's methods in dealing systematically with each codex are illustrated by comparing the Ecloga with the 1574/75 register of Mathew Parker's library at Corpus Christi, Cambridge.


» accessions register = libro de registro, registro de entrada. [Libro en el que se asigna un número de registro a todo libro que se incorpora a la biblioteca y además se recoge algunos otros datos del mismo como pueden ser el autor, el título, el año de publicación etc]

Example: Among the facilities provided by this automated system is the possibility of printing accessions registers.

» cash register = caja registradora.

Example: We may some day click off arguments on a machine with the same assurance that we now enter sales on a cash register.

» church register = archivo eclesiástico.

Example: This article covers personal papers e.g. bishops' diaries, financial records, papers of religious orders and societies, parish records and church registers.

» family register = libro de familia.

Example: Family registers are issued to married couples only.

» household register = libro de familia.

Example: Applications should include a completed application form and household register and the applicable fees.

» make + register = cuadrar el registro.

Example: The pressman's first task with a new book was to make register, which meant laying on the first forme relative to the bed of the press and the press points so that, when the paper was printed on one side, turned over, and replaced on the points, the pages of the second forme would fall square on the backs of those of the first.

» parish register = archivo parroquial.

Example: Parish registers, wills and inventories will be analysed to discover as much information as possible on the migration of population, the effect of the plague, and the incidence of illegitimacy.

register2 = registro. [Lista ordenada de todas las signaturas de los folios de los que constaba un libro que servía de guía al encuadernador]

Example: During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries printers got over the resulting difficulties by adding (usually adjacent to the colophon) a summary of the signatures called the register.

register (with)3 = inscribir, inscribirse, matricular, matricularse, registrar, registrarse, apuntarse, dar de alta. 

Example: Once a user is registered, a password will be issued which provides access to all or most of the data bases offered by the host as and when the user wishes.


» deregister = dar de baja.

Example: Whether you're changing your name or going out of business, deregistering your business name is an important part of the process.

» register + a complaint = presentar una queja, presentar una reclamación, hacer una reclamación.

Example: Moreover, no one had ever registered a formal complaint.

» register + disagreement = expresar desacuerdo.

Example: Later in the same year, Sir Stephen Gaselee registerd his complete disagreement with this viewpoint.

» register + horror = manifestar horror.

Example: What makes this one difficult is that when I registered my horror, the fellow told me he didn't want me to tell anybody that he had told me his salary.

» register in = escribir, incluir.

Example: Authors must register in their own name and not a pseudonym or maiden name under which the book may be written.

» register + surprise = mostrar sorpresa.

Example: The committeeman registered surprise.

» reregister = reinscribir, volver a inscribir, inscribir de nuevo. 

Example: As a result of the nationalized health care overhaul he has announced he is switching his political affiliation and reregistering as a Republican.

» unregister = dar de baja.

Example: I was wondering if there was any way of unregistering it with Microsoft so the person i sell it to can use the warranty which is left.

register4 = registrar, experimentar. 

Example: The existence of an economic dividend of the global devolutionary trend registered over the past three decades is still ambiguous.

Register synonyms

read in spanish: , pronunciation: red part of speech: verb show in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃoʊ part of speech: verb, noun file in spanish: , pronunciation: faɪl part of speech: noun record in spanish: , pronunciation: rəkɔrd part of speech: noun registry in spanish: , pronunciation: redʒɪstri part of speech: noun cash register in spanish: , pronunciation: kæʃredʒɪstɜr part of speech: noun cross-file in spanish: , pronunciation: krɔsfaɪl part of speech: verb
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