Regional in spanish


pronunciation: rexioʊnɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

regional = regional. 

Example: He has participated extensively in local, regional, and national library organizations and has been in great demand as a public speaker and consultant on library service.


» ASTINFO (Regional Network for the Exchange of Information and Experience in Science and Technology in Asia and the Pacific) = ASTINFO (Red Regional para el Intercambio de Información y Experiencias de la Ciencia y Tecnología en Asia y el Pacífico).

Example: The overall approach should be in line with the philosophy of ASTINFO (Regional Network for the Exchange of Information and Experience in Science and Technology in Asia and the Pacific).

» cross-regional = interregional, entre regiones, transregional.

Example: It is suggested that providing better conditions for private investment will deepen, rather than flatten, cross-regional differences.

» European Regional Development Fund = Fondo para el Desarrollo Regional Europeo.

Example: The European Regional Development Fund provides cash for regional economic development and recovery in the worst off regions in the Community.

» FID/NANE (FID Regional organization for North Africa and the Near East) = FID/NANE (Organización regional de la FID para el Norte de †frica y el Cercano Oriente).

Example: The FID Regional organization for North Africa and the Near East (FID/NANE) was established to help libraries and information centres in 21 Arab countries, Mali, Chad and Niger to develop information systems and services in the region.

» inter-regional [interregional] = interregional, entre regiones.

Example: The aim was to create a model for speeding up the inter-regional supply of documents using appropriate new technologies.

» intra-regional [intraregional] = intrarregional, dentro de una región.

Example: It should be possible for cooperation by type of library to be implemented both on an inter- and intra-regional basis.

» multiregional [multi-regional] = multirregional.

Example: In 1970, when multiregional networks were begun, even the smallest public library became an important channeling agency for its area.

» regional archives = archivo regional.

Example: The author discusses the advantages and disadvantages of a centralized versus a decentralized regional archives.

» regional area = región.

Example: All regional areas in Australia will be provided with access to digital television services over the next three years.

» regional centre = centro regional.

Example: The network has 4 centres: coordinating centres; regional centres; sectional centres; pilot centres.

» regional government = gobierno regional.

Example: When cataloguing a document issued by a regional government, the cataloguer must understand something of the geography and administration of the locality concerned.

» regional library = biblioteca regional.

Example: Regional libraries will help to bring increased materials and services more rapidly to the neighborhood branches and, more importantly, will relieve some of the ILL pressures on the central collections and staff.

» regional library system = sistema bibliotecario regional.

Example: Stanton listened respectfully, then said: 'But the library she worked at is the center of a regional library system= Stanton escuchó con respeto, luego dijo: "Pero la biblioteca en la que trabajó es el centro de un sistema bibliotecario regional".

» regional literature = literatura regional.

Example: Regional literature deserves continuous attention of library staff.

» regional office = oficina regional.

Example: In the United Kingdom these tasks are carried out by the London and regional offices.

» sub-regional [subregional] = subregional.

Example: The East Africa sub-region comprises the three states of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania which belong to the sub-regional economic bloc.

» super-regional = supraregional.

Example: The necessity for subject indexes from super-regional specialist libraries is disputed.

» supraregional [supra-regional] = supraregional.

Example: These centres are also responsible for supraregional cooperation.

Regional synonyms

territorial in spanish: , pronunciation: terɪtɔriəl part of speech: adjective
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