Region in spanish


pronunciation: rexioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

region = región. 

Example: The catalogue often forms the basis for co-operation and good relations between the libraries in a region.


» alveolar region = región alveolar, zona alveolar.

Example: Besides these variations, both maxillary and mandibular alveolar regions became prognathic.

» Antarctic region, the = región antártica, la.

Example: The Antarctic region is a 'natural laboratory' for scientific research of importance in its own right and impossible to achieve elsewhere on the planet.

» Arabian Gulf region, the = región del Golfo Persa, la.

Example: The development of a bibliographic network to serve the needs of academic, research and special libraries in the Arabian Gulf region has long been the dream of professionals in the field.

» Arctic region, the = región ártica, la.

Example: The original anorak was native to the Inuit of the Artic region.

» Asia-Pacific region = región del Pacífico asiático.

Example: The ASTINFO network aims to provide scientific and technical information and exchange of experience in the Asia-Pacific region.

» autonomous region = región autonómica, gobierno autónomo, comunidad autónoma.

Example: The autonomous regions are responsible for the public libraries, and in the majority of cases have enacted legislation at the local level for the operation of their systems.

» backward region = región atrasada.

Example: The article 'Libraries in late Ottoman Palestine between the Orient and the Occident' reveals historically Palestine's transformation from a backward region of the Ottoman Empire to a focus for international.

» Balkan region, the = balcanes, los.

Example: The workshop itself will serve as the wrap-up event for a project that has spent the last two years seeking to improve access to environmental information in the Balkan region.

» coastal region = región costera.

Example: One of the greatest appeals to travelers to Santiago, located in the central coastal region of Chile, is its Mediterranean climate.

» dairy region = región lechera.

Example: The routine spiking of milk with illicit substances was an open secret in China's dairy regions.

» ecoregion = ecorregión, biorregion, región ecológica. [Consulta la entrada "eco" para ver otras palabras que empiezan por esta abreviatura]

Example: The northern boreal ecoregion accounts for about one third of this planet's total forest area.

» equatorial region = región ecuatorial.

Example: The current study examines the monthly variation in suicidal deaths in Singapore to determine if any seasonal patterns exist in an equatorial region.

» geographical region = región geográfica.

Example: Geographical regions are subdivided into a system of grid cells each with well-defined boundaries.

» geographic region = región geográfica.

Example: The model could be used to develop information systems for remote islands or other such geographic regions.

» Gulf region, the = región del Golfo, la.

Example: While cost has not been a factor in the implementation of such networks in the Gulf region, social and cultural implications are likely to be profound.

» in the region of + Número = alrededor de + Número, en torno a + Número.

Example: Sentences with an average length in the region of 12 words are likely to yield a readable abstract.

» less favoured region (LFR) = región menos favorecida.

Example: Broadly the Bank may grant loans for the financing of projects for stimulating development in the less favoured regions (LFRs).

» London and South Eastern Library Region (LASER) = Región Bibliotecaria de Londres y el Sudeste (LASER).

Example: The London and South Eastern Library Region (LASER) is an organisation for library co-operation within Greater London, and various counties in the South East of England.

» lumbar region, the = región lumbar, la.

Example: The five vertebrae in the lumbar region of the back are the largest and strongest in the spinal column.

» Mediterranean region, the = cuenca mediterránea, la; cuenca del Mediterráneo, la.

Example: The pomegranate tree is native from Iran to the Himalayas and has been cultivated since ancient times throughout the Mediterranean region.

» mountainous region = región montañosa.

Example: As a whole, 24% of the Earth's land mass is mountainous and 10% of people live in mountainous regions.

» Pacific region, the = región del Pacífico, la.

Example: The results of agricultural research in the Pacific region are mostly published in a non-conventional form and not easily accessed.

» rural region = zona rural, área rural.

Example: The article is entitled 'Avoiding the reefs and rips while riding a relevant technology wave into rural regions'.

» sub-region [subregion] = subregión.

Example: The East Africa sub-region comprises the three states of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania which belong to the sub-regional economic bloc.

Region synonyms

area in spanish: , pronunciation: eriə part of speech: noun part in spanish: , pronunciation: pɑrt part of speech: noun domain in spanish: , pronunciation: doʊmeɪn part of speech: noun realm in spanish: , pronunciation: relm part of speech: noun neighborhood in spanish: , pronunciation: neɪbɜrhʊd part of speech: noun
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