Regime in spanish


pronunciation: reximen part of speech: noun
In gestures

regime [régime] = régimen, sistema. 

Example: This study found that online access to scientific serials is most appropriate in the third world, principally due to the presence of a small number of scientists with a broad range of interests which makes the fixed-price regimes of print, microform or CD-ROM disadvantageous.


» ancient regime, the = antiguo régimen, el.

Example: In Paris, the liberty cap atop the pike became an important icon aimed against the fading tyranny of the ancien regime.

» authoritarian regime = régimen autoritario, dictadura.

Example: This paper discusses the problem of censorship and persecution of publishers by authoritarian regimes.

» capitalist regime = régimen capitalista.

Example: The social relations of work in industrial societies from both capitalist and socialist regimes were publicly and privately mediated by changing forms of visual representation.

» communist regime = régimen comunista.

Example: The bibliography covers materials published in English about the communist regimes of Vietnam.

» dictatorial regime = régimen dictatorial.

Example: They must take resolute measures for the abolition of this dictatorial regime and ardently defend the sovereign rights of its people.

» exercise regime = régimen de ejercicios.

Example: In order to begin a new exercise regime successfully, it is important to plan each step of the way.

» fascist regime = régimen fascista.

Example: However, the network remained in operation until its management was taken over by the fascist regime.

» fitness regime(n) = régimen deportivo.

Example: I am a lardy person, 18 stone, and as a part of my new fitness regime I have got myself back into cycling to work.

» military regime = régimen militar.

Example: Arceneaux's book offers a careful historical examination of military regimes across four countries and five different governments in the Southern Cone and Brazil.

» police regime = régimen policial, dictadura policial.

Example: The deportees died in part starving and freezing to death in concentration camps and in part working themselves to death under a barbaric police regimen.

» political regime = régimen político.

Example: But liberal political regimes and democracies, ceteris paribus, have on average 30% lower infant mortality than the least free regimes.

» puppet regime = gobierno fantoche, gobierno marioneta, gobierno títere.

Example: They promoted an ideology of 'democratic' nation building that required the Iraqi puppet regime to at least give lip service to Western 'human rights' values.

» socialist regime = régimen socialista.

Example: The social relations of work in industrial societies from both capitalist and socialist regimes were publicly and privately mediated by changing forms of visual representation.

» training regime = régimen de entrenamiento.

Example: We take a look at 5 of the most extreme training regimes employed by some of the world's top athletes from past and present.

Regime synonyms

government in spanish: , pronunciation: gʌvɜrmənt part of speech: noun regimen in spanish: , pronunciation: redʒəmən part of speech: noun authorities in spanish: , pronunciation: əθɔrətiz part of speech: noun
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