Refuse in spanish


pronunciation: despeɹ̩diθioʊs part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

refuse1 = basura. 

Example: It is the responsibility of the householder to ensure the refuse is bagged securely.


» refuse collection = recogida de basura.

Example: There are no changes to scheduled refuse collections for the next month.

» refuse removal = recogida de basura.

Example: There will be a skeleton staff to ensure that services like power and refuse removal are maintained throughout the festive season holidays.

refuse2 = negarse, rehusar, denegar. 

Example: If not, it displays an error message and refuses to allow you start the requested function.


» categorically + refuse = negarse rotundamente, negarse en redondo.

Example: Some children categorically refuse to taste a new food, often spitting it out if they do.

» refuse + point-blank = negarse rotundamente, negarse en redondo.

Example: They refuse point-blank to acknowledge the significance of gender differences.

refuse3 = rechazar. 

Example: In this novel, if you remember, Henry Crawford, having been refused by the heroine Fanny, goes off and elopes with an old flame, Mrs Rushworth.

Refuse synonyms

decline in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪklaɪn part of speech: noun, verb deny in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪnaɪ part of speech: verb defy in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪfaɪ part of speech: verb resist in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪzɪst part of speech: verb reject in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪdʒekt part of speech: verb garbage in spanish: , pronunciation: gɑrbɪdʒ part of speech: noun scraps in spanish: , pronunciation: skræps part of speech: noun turn down in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrndaʊn part of speech: verb turn away in spanish: , pronunciation: tɜrnəweɪ part of speech: verb pass up in spanish: , pronunciation: pæsʌp part of speech: verb food waste in spanish: , pronunciation: fudweɪst part of speech: noun

Refuse antonyms

take pronunciation: teɪk part of speech: verb have pronunciation: hæv part of speech: verb apply pronunciation: əplaɪ part of speech: verb grant pronunciation: grænt part of speech: noun, verb consent pronunciation: kənsent part of speech: noun accept pronunciation: æksept part of speech: verb allow pronunciation: əlaʊ part of speech: verb admit pronunciation: ədmɪt part of speech: verb go for pronunciation: goʊfɔr part of speech: verb let in pronunciation: letɪn part of speech: verb lend oneself pronunciation: lendwənself part of speech: verb allow in pronunciation: əlaʊɪn part of speech: verb
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