Refuge in spanish


pronunciation: refuxioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

refuge1 = refugio. 

Example: 'Small, near-sighted, dreaming, bruised, an outlander in the city of his birth,' thirteen-year-old Aremis Slake fled one day to the only refuge he knew, the New York subway system.


» animal refuge = refugio de animales.

Example: The mission of our animal refuge is to provide a sanctuary for abused animals and a therapeutic facility for special needs children and adults.

» find + refuge = encontrar refugio, refugiarse.

Example: Ontario has become an international 'penal colony' for alleged Italian Mafia figures who find refuge here untouched by Canadian law.

» right to refuge, the = derecho al refugio, el.

Example: The Convention itself considers the violation of human rights a factor that excludes the right to refuge.

» scurry for + refuge = correr a refugiarse, correr en busca de refugio, correr para protegerse, correr buscando protección, correr para resguardarse, correr buscando resguardo, correr para cobijarse, correr buscando cobijo, ponerse a cubierto, quitarse de en medio de bulla y corriendo.

Example: The demolition of a Phoenix hotel is sending rats and mice scurrying for refuge in nearby buildings.

» seek + refuge = refugiarse, guarecerse, cobijarse.

Example: The number of Nepalis who sought refuge in Japan in 2010 more than doubled.

» seek + refuge = buscar refugio, refugiarse.

Example: Thousands of Syrians, many of them children, seek refuge in the Zata'ari camp in Jordan to escape conflict.

» take + refuge (in/from) = refugiarse, guarecerse, cobijarse.

Example: Thousands of Turkish workers took refuge in a soccer stadium last night and are awaiting evacuation from Libya.

» wildlife refuge = refugio de animales salvajes, parque natural.

Example: A controversial land swap proposal could open portions of an Alaska wildlife refuge to oil drilling.

refuge2 = centro de acogida. 

Example: They usually develop good working relations with other outside bodies concerned with housing, such as women's refuges, housing associations, tenants' groups etc.

refuge3 = refugiar, refugiarse, guarecer, guarecerse, cobijar, cobijarse. 

Example: Some animals survive periods of forest inundation by refuging in knotholes or under loose bark.

Refuge synonyms

resort in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪzɔrt part of speech: noun, verb sanctuary in spanish: , pronunciation: sæŋktʃueri part of speech: noun recourse in spanish: , pronunciation: rikɔrs part of speech: noun asylum in spanish: , pronunciation: əsaɪləm part of speech: noun safety in spanish: , pronunciation: seɪfti part of speech: noun
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