Reform in spanish


pronunciation: refoʊɹ̩mɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

reform1 = reforma. 

Example: If secondary concepts such as parliamentary reform or Irish home rule had been stated in the subject analysis it would have been representative of the policy of depth indexing.


» administrative reform = reforma administrativa.

Example: The author discusses the very good reasons why efforts at administrative reform in higher education have yielded limited success.

» agrarian reform = reforma agraria.

Example: The author describes the impact of rationalism, agrarian reforms and expansion of the educational system on the library situation.

» agricultural reform = reforma agraria.

Example: At the heart of the debate on Community budget and agricultural reforms has been the UK's insistence on the need to put the brakes on runaway spending on agriculture.

» economic reform = reforma económica.

Example: Conversely, the impact of IT has accelerated the economic reforms = Por el contrario, el impacto de las TI ha acelerado las reformas económicas.

» educational reform = reforma educativa.

Example: The first essay, 'A Fighting Chance,' discusses the environment for educational reform in the 1970's.

» education reform = reforma educativa.

Example: This article explores the significant growth and expansion of gubernatorial control over education reform.

» Gregorian reform, the = reforma gregoriana, la.

Example: The Protestant German countries adopted the Gregorian reform in 1700.

» labour reform = reforma laboral.

Example: He has a wealth of experience of the complex public policy issues surrounding seaports, privatisations and labour reform.

» land reform = reforma agraria.

Example: The land reform was supposed to redistribute land from predominantly white-owned commercial farms to much poorer black farmers who toiled on communal lands.

» liberal reform = reforma liberal.

Example: Muckraking has usually been associated with liberal reform movements.

» penal reform = reforma penal.

Example: Except for a narrative on peace, all the others have historical roots in the nineteenth century and include selections on utopian socialism, penal reform, and abolitionism.

» political reform = reforma política.

Example: The political reforms set in motion after the lifting of the 38 year long martial law in 1987 in Taiwan have breathed a new life into the island's press.

» prison reform = reforma penitenciaria.

Example: Try finding prison reform, wife beating, intellectual freedom, or vasectomy in the 18th edition index.

» reform idea = idea de reforma, nueva idea.

Example: The proposed reform ideas are retreads of tried and untrue conservative concepts with a history of failure.

» reform process = proceso de reforma.

Example: A concern of school librarians must be finding ways to nudge the reform process forward.

» religious reform = reforma religiosa.

Example: It is religious reform and tolerance, not political revolution that makes democracy and republicanism possible.

» school reform = reforma escolar.

Example: Among concepts that seem to be the guardian angels of school reform, coherence is a rebel angel, advancing human learning, but escaping control.

» social reform = reforma social.

Example: Social reform was once the pet project of the enlightened Protestant middle class.

» structural reform = reforma estructural.

Example: Whether the global economy can 'get out of the woods' depends on leaders' ability to tackle structural reforms.

» tax reform = reforma fiscal.

Example: Information was requested on more than 30 policy issues ranging from tax reform to toxic waste.

» under reform = estar bajo reforma, estar en reforma, estar reformándose.

Example: The entire judicial system is under reform.

reform2 = reformar, transformar. 

Example: The advent of IT into the working lives of librarians and information workers has brought with it a realization that the nature of their activities is being reformed.


» reform + bad habits = reformar malos hábitos.

Example: And those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account -- to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day -- because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government = Y los que manejemos el dinero público tendremos que responder de ello (gastar con prudencia, cambiar malos hábitos y hacer nuestro trabajo a la luz del día) porque sólo entonces podremos restablecer la confianza entre el pueblo y su gobierno.

» reform + Posesivo + life = reformar + Posesivo + vida.

Example: At least British criminals deported to Australia had a fighting chance of reforming their lives.

reform3 = volver a formarse. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: His brief comment has fuelled rumours in the music industry that the band may reform.

Reform synonyms

regenerate in spanish: , pronunciation: ridʒenɜreɪt part of speech: verb straighten out in spanish: , pronunciation: streɪtənaʊt part of speech: verb
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