Reflective in spanish


pronunciation: refleksiboʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

reflective1 = reflexivo, pensativo. 

Example: The prolonged and often passionate debate on Community membership provoked not only a rash of polemical and partisan literature but also more balanced and informative texts for public consumption as well as more reflective academic evaluations.

reflective2 = reflectante, reflector. 

Example: Digital paper is based on MelinexR, a flexible polyester film, which is coated with a reflective layer, and acts as a substrate.


» be reflective of = reflejar.

Example: The reference librarian, on the other hand, wants a tool which is reflective of the approach that a user might take at that moment, not the approach of a user who might have flourished at the time when the record was made.

» reflective material = material reflectante.

Example: They are lightweight panels made from reflective material that act like the sails of a boat.

» reflective triangle = triángulo reflectante.

Example: Warning cones or reflective triangles must be carried on tow trucks and should be placed at strategic points alerting other drivers to hazards and giving them time to react.

Reflective synonyms

pensive in spanish: , pronunciation: pensɪv part of speech: adjective intellectual in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪntəlektʃuəl part of speech: adjective thoughtful in spanish: , pronunciation: θɔtfəl part of speech: adjective brooding in spanish: , pronunciation: brudɪŋ part of speech: noun musing in spanish: , pronunciation: mjuzɪŋ part of speech: noun contemplative in spanish: , pronunciation: kəntemplətɪv part of speech: adjective pondering in spanish: , pronunciation: pɑndɜrɪŋ part of speech: adjective meditative in spanish: , pronunciation: medəteɪtɪv part of speech: adjective broody in spanish: , pronunciation: brudi part of speech: adjective ruminative in spanish: , pronunciation: rumɪneɪtɪv part of speech: adjective specular in spanish: , pronunciation: spekjəlɜr part of speech: adjective reflecting in spanish: , pronunciation: rəflektɪŋ part of speech: adjective mirrorlike in spanish: , pronunciation: mɪrɜrlaɪk part of speech: adjective

Reflective antonyms

nonreflective pronunciation: nɑnrəflektɪv part of speech: adjective nonreflecting pronunciation: nɑnrəflektɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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