Reflection in spanish


pronunciation: refleksioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

reflection [reflexion]1 = reflexión, meditación. 

Example: Her paper was entitled 'Reflections on the use of an on-line instrument for information retrieval in libraries'.


» a moment's reflection = unos segundos de reflexión.

Example: A moment's reflection on the characteristics of this type of catalog as shown in figure 1 reveals the retrieval power of such a catalog.

» on reflection = si nos detenemos a reflexionar sobre ello.

Example: On reflection, however, we can see that there is a commonality between documents that embraces all formats.

» reflection-day = jornada de reflexión. [Jornada anterior al día de las elecciones durante la que algunos países prohíben hacer propaganda política]

Example: In many countries a legal term such as 'reflection-day' does not exist nor do any statutory provisions exist on this issue.

» self-reflection = autoreflexión.

Example: The answer depends very much on the critical self-reflection of their own past in the last half century.

reflection [reflexion]2 = reflejo. 

Example: It should be noted that the space devoted to a scheme in this chapter is not necessarily a reflection of its significance.


» be a pale reflection of = ser un pálido reflejo de.

Example: Reactionaries and renegades alike of all shades and hues might scoff and mock at the LSSP Party, now a pale reflection of its former revolutionary self, but the LSSP does have its historians and archivists.

» cast + reflections on = reflejarse en.

Example: The orange, yellow, and red flames light up the sky and cast reflections on the water.

» self-reflection = autoreflejo, reflejo de uno mismo.

Example: Levine uses the works of critics Baudelaire and Thore to examine the role of self-reflection and the allegorical image in modern art.

reflection3 = crítica, censura, descrédito, reproche. 

Example: She added that she never heard 'a reflection on her part in perpetuating white supremacist violence'.


» cast + reflections on = censurar, desacreditar, reprochar, criticar.

Example: Those who flaunt their affluence cast reflections on all who live prudently.

Reflection synonyms

expression in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪkspreʃən part of speech: noun manifestation in spanish: , pronunciation: mænəfesteɪʃən part of speech: noun observation in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑbzɜrveɪʃən part of speech: noun meditation in spanish: , pronunciation: medəteɪʃən part of speech: noun contemplation in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑntəmpleɪʃən part of speech: noun musing in spanish: , pronunciation: mjuzɪŋ part of speech: noun rumination in spanish: , pronunciation: rumɪneɪʃən part of speech: noun reflexion in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪfleksiən part of speech: noun thoughtfulness in spanish: , pronunciation: θɔtfəlnɪs part of speech: noun reflectivity in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪflektɪvɪti part of speech: noun mirror image in spanish: , pronunciation: mɪrɜrɪmədʒ part of speech: noun
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