Reflected in spanish


pronunciation: reflexɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

reflect (on) = reflexionar (sobre), pensar (en), cavilar (sobre), recapacitar sobre. 

Example: However, reflect that every character or form of heading which might feature in a catalogue or index must have a uniquely defined place in a sequence.

reflect1 = reflejar, expresar. 

Example: The schedules are divided into three main areas, as reflected in Figure 14.


» reflect (on) = reflexionar (sobre), pensar (en), cavilar (sobre), recapacitar sobre.

Example: However, reflect that every character or form of heading which might feature in a catalogue or index must have a uniquely defined place in a sequence.

reflect2 = decir. 

Example: 'Now, you know, I could merely turn this over to the two division or all the department heads and let them decide,' reflected Bough.



» bask in + reflected glory = beneficiarse del triunfo ajeno, disfrutar de la gloria ajena, disfrutar del triunfo ajeno.

Example: Instead of working hard to succeed, we always try to bask in reflected glory.

» reflected glory = gloria ajena, triunfo ajeno, fama ajena.

Example: But with all the reflected glory from Austen's books, the movie never truly shines on its own.

Reflected synonyms

echoic in spanish: , pronunciation: ekək part of speech: adjective mirrored in spanish: , pronunciation: mɪrɜrd part of speech: adjective echolike in spanish: , pronunciation: ekəlaɪk part of speech: adjective

Reflected antonyms

unreflected pronunciation: ənrɪflektɪd part of speech: adjective
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