Referee in spanish


pronunciation: ɑɹ̩bitɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

referee1 = árbitro. 

Example: Umpires and referees officiate at sporting events, making sure the rules and regulations of the game are followed.


» assistant referee = juez de línea, linier.

Example: Assistant referees often make mistakes when judging an offside probably because of optical errors arising from their viewing angle.

» football referee = árbitro de fútbol.

Example: Football referees can start training at a minimum age of 14, although it takes time and experience to climb the ranks in order to become a top official in the Premier League.

» soccer referee = árbitro de fútbol.

Example: Brazilian soccer referee pulls out handgun in middle of match.

referee2 = asesor, experto, evaluador, censor. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: The contributions are input to the data base, then referred and any suggestion made by the referee are communicated through the data base to the editor.


» publication referee = asesor, experto, evaluador.

Example: This does not imply that the abstractor becomes a publication referee, trying to second-guess decisions already made by editors.

referee3 = arbitrar. 

Example: Many had been refereeing for many years, so it is perhaps not surprising that most of them thought things had not changed for the better.

referee4 = evaluar por expertos. 

Example: The texts will be refereed and edited by the publisher, then made available in the form of an electronic journal to users throughout the world = Los textos serán evaluados por expertos y publicados por el editor y, a continuación, están disponibles en forma de revista electrónicas para los usuarios de todo el mundo.


» double referee = evaluar por expertos doblemente, someter a una evaluación por expertos doble. [En edición, enviar una misma publicación a dos expertos distintos para su evaluación]

Example: This publication contains short research papers that are double refereed and published in their traditional format within one month = Esta publicación contiene artículos de investigación breves que han sido evaluados por expertos dos veces y publicados en su formato tradicional en un plazo de un mes desde su recepción.

Referee synonyms

umpire in spanish: , pronunciation: ʌmpaɪɜr part of speech: noun ref in spanish: , pronunciation: ref part of speech: noun reviewer in spanish: , pronunciation: rivjuɜr part of speech: noun peer review in spanish: , pronunciation: pɪrrivju part of speech: verb
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