Refer in spanish


pronunciation: refeɹ̩iɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

refer = enviar a un asesor experto. 

Example: The contributions are input to the data base, then referred and any suggestion made by the referee are communicated through the data base to the editor.


» refer + Alguien + to = enviar + Alguien + a, remitir + Alguien + a.

Example: This is because a reference provides little direct information about a document, but rather refers the user to another location or entry where this information can be found.

» refer-from = véase desde.

Example: A name-title reference is a reference in which the refer-from line, the refer-to line, or both consist of the name of a person or a corporate body and the title of an item.

» refer to = referirse a, hacer referencia a, mencionar, hacer mención de/a.

Example: A bibliographic data base comprises a set of records which refer to documents (such as books, films, periodical articles or reports).

» refer-to = véase.

Example: A name-title reference is a reference in which the refer-from line, the refer-to line, or both consist of the name of a person or a corporate body and the title of an item.

» refer to = ir a.

Example: For further details, if needed, the reader can then refer to the main file, under the class number indicated.

» refer to as = llamarse, denominarse.

Example: Because this style of catalogue attempts to group documents which are related to each other by having the same author this type of catalogue is sometimes referred to as a bibliographic catalogue.

» refer to + Nombre + for details = véase + Nombre + para más información.

Example: Refer to the section 'Menu-Assisted Searching' on page 41 for details.

Refer synonyms

name in spanish: , pronunciation: neɪm part of speech: noun concern in spanish: , pronunciation: kənsɜrn part of speech: noun touch in spanish: , pronunciation: tʌtʃ part of speech: noun, verb cite in spanish: , pronunciation: saɪt part of speech: verb denote in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪnoʊt part of speech: verb relate in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪleɪt part of speech: verb pertain in spanish: , pronunciation: pɜrteɪn part of speech: verb consult in spanish: , pronunciation: kənsʌlt part of speech: verb mention in spanish: , pronunciation: menʃən part of speech: verb, noun advert in spanish: , pronunciation: ædvɜrt part of speech: verb, noun look up in spanish: , pronunciation: lʊkʌp part of speech: verb bring up in spanish: , pronunciation: brɪŋʌp part of speech: verb come to in spanish: , pronunciation: kʌmtu part of speech: verb bear on in spanish: , pronunciation: berɑn part of speech: verb touch on in spanish: , pronunciation: tʌtʃɑn part of speech: verb
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