Reestablish in spanish


pronunciation: restɑbleθeɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

re-establish [reestablish] = restablecer. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: Local professional autonomy must be reestablished through experimental system development, where centralised modules are supplemented with local systems.


» re-establish + connection = restablecer la conexión.

Example: The system allows the user, who is connected to a network node, to access the hosts' information services without needing to reestablish connection when changing data bases.

» re-establish + credibility = restablecer la credibilidad.

Example: We need the courage of our conviction that we can establish or perhaps re-establish our credibility as a profession.

» re-establish + diplomatic relations = reanudar las relaciones diplomáticas, restablecer las relaciones diplomáticas.

Example: What a shame that Ireland, the symbol of European success, re-established diplomatic relations with Burma in February = Qué pena que Irlanda, símbolo del éxito europeo, haya reanudado en febrero sus relaciones diplomáticas con Birmania.

» re-establish + Posesivo + own identity = restablecer + Posesivo + propia identidad.

Example: This enabled them to re-establish their own identities and relieved them of the incidence of getting involved in 'library business'.

» re-establish + the balance = restablecer el equilibrio.

Example: Publishers should reconsider their contracted arrangements with book clubs and re-establish a fair balance between the parties concerned.

Reestablish synonyms

restore in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪstɔr part of speech: verb reinstate in spanish: , pronunciation: riɪnsteɪt part of speech: verb
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