Redundant in spanish


pronunciation: redundɑnte part of speech: adjective
In gestures

redundant = redundante, superfluo, obsoleto. 

Example: The card-based systems in which post-coordinate indexing was first conceived are more-or-less redundant.


» become + redundant = volverse obsoleto, pasar de moda.

Example: I don't think that post boxes will become redundant.

» make + Nombre + redundant = hacer innecesario, invalidar, hacer obsoleto.

Example: In one breath you say it's not very valuable and technologies will soon be here to make it redundant and in the next breath boast of its capabilities - you just can't have it both ways!.

» make + Nombre + redundant = despedir, despedir del trabajo.

Example: Many people have been made redundant in the takeover and those who joined last were the first to go -- the principle of devil take the hindmost applied.

» render + Nombre + redundant = hacer que sea obsoleto, invalidar.

Example: We need to replace those aspects of traditional public library service which have been taken over by other media or rendered redundant by social change.

Redundant synonyms

superfluous in spanish: , pronunciation: supɜrflwəs part of speech: adjective spare in spanish: , pronunciation: sper part of speech: verb, adjective excess in spanish: , pronunciation: ekses part of speech: noun, adjective extra in spanish: , pronunciation: ekstrə part of speech: adjective prolix in spanish: , pronunciation: proʊlɪks part of speech: adjective surplus in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜrpləs part of speech: noun, adjective unnecessary in spanish: , pronunciation: ənnesəseri part of speech: adjective supernumerary in spanish: , pronunciation: supɜrnumɜreri part of speech: adjective tautological in spanish: , pronunciation: tɔtəlɑdʒɪkəl part of speech: adjective wordy in spanish: , pronunciation: wɜrdi part of speech: adjective supererogatory in spanish: , pronunciation: supɜrroʊgəgeɪtɜri part of speech: adjective unneeded in spanish: , pronunciation: ənnidɪd part of speech: adjective pleonastic in spanish: , pronunciation: pliənæstɪk part of speech: adjective tautologic in spanish: , pronunciation: tɔtəlɑdʒɪk part of speech: adjective
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