Redundancy in spanish


pronunciation: redundɑnθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

redundancy1 = redundancia, repetición. 

Example: UNIBID has less redundancy and covers more types of bibliographic material than UNIMARC, whereas the latter probably has more entry points for catalogue headings.

redundancy2 = despido. 

Example: Employers have often made 'no redundancy' agreements with unions implying that reductions have been arbitrary in their effect.


» redundancy pay = indemnización por despido, finiquito, compensación por despido.

Example: Whether or not you are entitled to redundancy pay will depend on your individual circumstances.

» redundancy payment = compensación por despido, finiquito.

Example: These payments cover the following: tide-over allowances for workers, including redundancy payments, resettlement allowances, and vocational training for those having to change their employment.

Redundancy synonyms

redundance in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪdʌndəns part of speech: noun
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