Reduction in spanish


pronunciation: redukθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

reduction = reducción. 

Example: A scheme should allow reduction, to take out subjects and their subdivisions which are no longer used.


» breast reduction = reducción de pecho.

Example: Breast reduction, or reduction mammoplasty, is the surgery to reduce the weight, mass and otherwise size of the breasts for whatever reason.

» budget reduction = reducción presupuestaria.

Example: The university, faced with a 20 percent budget reduction by 1997, is taking positive steps to restructure its services to clients.

» cost reduction = reducción de gastos.

Example: A group of 64 libraries realised substantial cost reductions by joining in a pooled fund to self-insure for unemployment compensation.

» Paperwork Reduction Act = Ley de Simplificación de los Procesos Administrativos. [Ley promulgada en los Estados Unidos en 1980 para reducir los trámites burocráticos de la administración central y que fue el causante del nacimiento de la gestión de los recursos de información]

Example: Since the passage of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Information Resources Management (IRM) has been the major strategy used by the Federal government to improve the effective management of information and information technology and to reduce the costs of a wide range of information services and products.

» reduction mammoplasty = mamoplastía de reducción.

Example: Breast reduction, or reduction mammoplasty, is the surgery to reduce the weight, mass and otherwise size of the breasts for whatever reason.

» reduction ratio = escala de reducción. [Relación entre las dimensiones de una microimagen y las dimensiones del original correspondiente]

Example: The microfiche is a common form for catalogues and indexes, usually 208 or 270 frames per fiche, in a piece of film and with a reduction ratio of 42 or 48:1.

» tax reduction = reducción tributaria.

Example: Respondents were asked to specify the amount of taxes they would be willing to pay for those programs and services and the amount of tax reduction they would expect if a program or service were eliminated = Los encuestados debían especificar la cantidad de dinero que estarían dispuestos a pagar de sus impuestos por esos programas y servicios y la reducción tributaria que esperarían recibir si se eliminase algún programa o servicio.

Reduction synonyms

decrease in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪkris part of speech: noun, verb diminution in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪmənuʃən part of speech: noun reducing in spanish: , pronunciation: rədusɪŋ part of speech: noun step-down in spanish: , pronunciation: stepdaʊn part of speech: noun simplification in spanish: , pronunciation: sɪmpləfɪkeɪʃən part of speech: noun

Reduction antonyms

increase pronunciation: ɪnkris part of speech: noun, verb step-up pronunciation: stepʌp part of speech: noun
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