Reduced in spanish


pronunciation: reduθidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

reduce = reducir, disminuir, limitar, atenuar, mermar. 

Example: The disadvantage of inversion of words is that inversion or indirect word order reduces predictability of form of headings.


» reduce by + half = reducir a la mitad.

Example: Their aims is to reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger.

» reduce + costs = reducir costes, reducir gastos, disminuir costes, disminuir gastos.

Example: The use of new printing technologies has helped to reduce costs.

» reduce + effort = reducir el esfuerzo.

Example: The authors examined whether Machiavellianism moderates the use of sandbagging -- a manipulative strategy in which people display low ability to induce an opponent to reduce effort or lower his or her guard.

» reduce in + size = reducir de tamaño, disminuir de tamaño.

Example: Microfiche is a flat piece of transparent film containing images greatly reduced in size.

» reduce + Nombre + to matchwood = reducir a astillas. hacer astillas.

Example: Cyclonic wind reduces whole towns to matchwood, killing and injuring thousands, and causing almost incalculable damage.

» reduce + Nombre + to nil = reducir a cero, reducir a la nada.

Example: During the war a law was passed to limit the consumption of newsprint by 'obnoxious newspapers' and even reducing it to nil = Durante la guerra se aprobó una ley para limitar el consumo de papel de periódico por los llamados "periódicos detestables" e incluso reducirlo a cero.

» reduce + Nombre + to tears = hacer llorar, hacer que + Pronombre + saltar + las lágrimas.

Example: Teachers can reduce a child to tears by picking them out in an assembly and giving her a dressing down in front of the whole school.

» reduce + Posesivo + risk = disminuir el riesgo, reducir el riesgo.

Example: Perhaps the 2 most important factors in capitalising on opportunities and reducing risks in the acquisition of information companies is the application of a careful screening procedure = Quizás los dos factores más importantes para aprovechar oportunidades y reducir riesgos en la adquisición de empresas dedicadas a la información es la aplicación de un procedimiento cuidadoso de selección.

» reduce + Posesivo + sentence = reducir la condena, reducir la sentencia.

Example: The court reduced his sentence slightly because he had voluntarily given information about his offences and thus helped to clear up the crime.

» reduce + the chances = reducir la probabilidad, disminuir la probabilidad.

Example: This article suggests the steps that libraries might take during periods of instability to reduce their chances of being injured by a vendor that fails.

» reduce + the distance = reducir las distancias.

Example: One simple way to reduce the distance between the user and the librarian is to provide nameplates introducing the librarian(s) on duty.

» reduce + the price = reducir el precio.

Example: The author urges publishers to reduce prices and review the rationale behind their structuring of book prices.

» reduce + the size = reducir el tamaño.

Example: Technical advances since that time have helped to reduce the size and the cost and to improve the quality of micro-images.

» reduce + the value = reducir el valor.

Example: Owners of rare and valuable books face a special dilemma -- identification marks can be disfigurements and actually reduce the value of the books.

» reduce to + a minimum = reducir al mínimo.

Example: Because not all files need to be reorganized at once, but only those which are very full, the time required for this procedure is reduced to a minimum.

reduced = reducido, disminuido, mínimo, menor, restringido, pequeño. 

Example: The model shows that market concentration rises with inelastic demand, reduced marginal costs and efficient technology.


» at a reduced expense = con unos gastos menores.

Example: Electronic resource sharing is a way for academic libraries to offer electronic databases at a reduced expense.

» at a reduced rate = a menor escala.

Example: Results showed that losses still occurred, at a reduced rate, but that vandalism appeared to be on the increase.

» at reduced cost = a tarifa reducida, a precio especial.

Example: Public libraries can arrange expeditions at reduced cost to museum exhibits, concerts, etc.

» at reduced rates = a precios especiales, a tarifas especiales.

Example: It was agreed to enable student members to join ALA divisions at reduced rates.

» reduced fee = precio especial, descuento.

Example: We have exetended the registration deadline for reduced fee of 300 EUR instead of 350 EUR until April, 17th.

» reduced mobility = movilidad reducida.

Example: Persons placed at a disadvantage by reduced mobility, whether caused by disability, age or another factor, should have opportunities for air travel comparable to those of other citizens.

» reduced rate = descuento, precio especial.

Example: Subscription price is 55 pounds (103 dollars) with reduced rates for members of the Institute of Information Scientists.

» reduced size = tamaño reducido.

Example: This is an attempt to duplicate the features of a paper publication in a reduced size.

Reduced synonyms

cut in spanish: , pronunciation: kʌt part of speech: verb, noun low in spanish: , pronunciation: loʊ part of speech: adjective small in spanish: , pronunciation: smɔl part of speech: adjective attenuate in spanish: , pronunciation: ətenjueɪt part of speech: verb attenuated in spanish: , pronunciation: ətenjueɪtɪd part of speech: adjective bated in spanish: , pronunciation: beɪtɪd part of speech: adjective diminished in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪmɪnɪʃt part of speech: adjective faded in spanish: , pronunciation: feɪdəd part of speech: adjective shriveled in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃrɪvəld part of speech: adjective decreased in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪkrist part of speech: adjective slashed in spanish: , pronunciation: slæʃt part of speech: adjective shrunken in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃrʌŋkən part of speech: adjective shrivelled in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃrɪveld part of speech: adjective ablated in spanish: , pronunciation: əbleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective remittent in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪmɪtənt part of speech: adjective weakened in spanish: , pronunciation: wikənd part of speech: adjective belittled in spanish: , pronunciation: bɪlɪtəld part of speech: adjective rock-bottom in spanish: , pronunciation: rɑkbɑtəm part of speech: adjective minimized in spanish: , pronunciation: mɪnəmaɪzd part of speech: adjective

Reduced antonyms

increased pronunciation: ɪnkrist part of speech: adjective
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