Redemption in spanish


pronunciation: redenθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

redemption1 = redención. 

Example: God offers penitents redemption but also bestows His 'common grace' on all.


» beyond redemption = sin ningún remedio posible.

Example: This is not necessarily a defect; in a subject where language and meaning are confused beyond redemption it may be the only answer.

redemption2 = reembolso, liquidación, amortización, canje. 

Example: Apart from the initial purchase and the final redemption of vouchers, the Scheme eliminates all financial elements when paying for international transactions = Aparte de la compra inicial y el reembolso final de los vales canjeables, este Sistema elimina todos los aspectos económicos que intervienen en el pago por cualquier operación realizada entre países.

Redemption synonyms

salvation in spanish: , pronunciation: sælveɪʃən part of speech: noun buyback in spanish: , pronunciation: baɪbæk part of speech: noun repurchase in spanish: , pronunciation: ripɜrtʃəs part of speech: noun, verb
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