Red in spanish


pronunciation: roʊxoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

red1 = rojo, colorado, encarnado. 

Example: The red ON/OFF switch for the terminal is located at the left side of the screen.


» be in the red = estar endeudado, estar en números rojos.

Example: Liquidity crunch is on and the market is in the red.

» be red with anger = estar rojo de ira.

Example: The veins in our necks were bulging, our faces were red with anger and neither of us were going to back down.

» be red with embarrassment = estar rojo de vergüenza.

Example: So, I take it back; Clarisse's face wasn't red with anger, it was red with embarrassment.

» bright red = rojo intenso, rojo chillón, rojo fuerte.

Example: The most attractive stage is when the young leaves are expanding as bright red bristly tendrils.

» catch + Nombre + red-handed = coger a Alguien con las manos en la masa, coger a Alguien in fraganti, pillar a Alguien con las manos en la masa, pillar a Alguien in fraganti. 

Example: It's the first time that Geller, who has always stated that he has never used any trickery, is so clearly caught red-handed on tape.

» cross + the red line = cruzar la línea roja.

Example: Sweating, headaches and shaking are just some of the physical signs that a person has 'crossed the red line' into full blown alcoholism.

» dark red = rojo oscuro.

Example: This very rare type of birthmark consists of a dark red or purple mark which, while it is flat, may have a slightly knobbly surface.

» flame-red = rojo fuego.

Example: Christina Aguilera has swapped her blonde hair for new flame-red locks.

» get + red (in the face) = sonrojarse, enrojecerse, ruborizarse, ponerse rojo, ponerse colorado.

Example: I realize there are some teabag manufacturers sputtering with indignation and getting red in the face right now.

» go + bright red = ponerse colorado, ponerse colorado como un tomate, ponerse rojo, ponerse rojo como un tomate, subírsele los colores, ponerse de mil colores.

Example: The Prime Minister went bright red when confronted over the long massages he was said to be receiving from a former topless model.

» go + red (in the face) = ponerse rojo, ponerse colorado, sonrojarse, ruborizarse, enrojecerse.

Example: More and more people have learnt how to stop going red in the face with this simple step by step method.

» greenish red = rojo verdoso.

Example: Leaves mature to greenish red in summer becoming vibrant red in fall.

» infrared [infra-red] = infrarrojo.

Example: The carrier containing both items is then fed into the rotating rollers of the thermal copier and as it proceeds through the machine it activates an infra-red light.

» jump + a red (traffic) light = saltarse un semáforo en rojo.

Example: When police tried to stop her, she sped off through a built-up area and jumped a red traffic light, despite her children telling her to stop.

» Little Red Riding Hood = Caperucita Roja.

Example: 'Little Red Riding Hood' is among the books for children including violence.

» on red alert = en alerta roja.

Example: We will be on red alert effective today, which means that we will place on stand-by at least 2,000 soldiers to prepare for any incident in the Labor Day holiday.

» paint + the town red = salir de juerga, irse de juerga, salir de marcha, irse de marcha, salir de parranda, irse de parranda, irse de picos pardos, salir de jarana, irse de jarana.

Example: Another sign of middle age is when, after painting the town red, you have to rest a week before applying the second coat.

» parting of the Red Sea, the = paso del Mar Rojo, el.

Example: A brief selection of possible scientific explanations for a number of biblical miracles -- Noah's flood, the parting of the Red Sea, the burning bush, the ten plagues, manna from heaven, and the raising of Lazarus -- is provided = Se aporta una breve selección de posibles explicaciones científicas a numerosos milagros bíblicos: El diluvio de Noé, el paso del Mar Rojo, la zarza ardiente, las diez plagas, el maná del cielo y la resurrección de Lázaro.

» raise + a red flag = dar la señal de alarma, dar la voz de alarma, dar la alarma.

Example: Research raises red flags suggesting that policies adopted may be increasing children's risk of maltreatment.

» red alert = alerta roja.

Example: The fact that killer whales could achieve those levels of contaminants is a red alert that we need to take better care of the ocean.

» red beet = remolacha.

Example: The method has also been applied to red beets, green beans, corncobs, asparagus, bell peppers, peas and pumpkin.

» red blood cell = glóbulo rojo, eritrocito.

Example: There is accumulating evidence of reductions in red blood cell membrane essential fatty acids in patients with schizophrenia.

» red blood cell count = recuento de glóbulos rojos, recuento de eritrocitos, cifra de glóbulos rojos, cifra de eritrocitos.

Example: A low red blood cell count can cause fatigue as well as more serious concerns.

» red-blooded = ardiente, ferviente, fogoso, efusivo, verdadero, viril.

Example: What's the ordinary response if you're a red-blooded American consumer? I mean, you scream like hell and run to the store and demand your money back.

» red cabbage = col morada.

Example: A recipe for making them in the classroom using red cabbage and baking soda is provided.

» red campion = silene.

Example: Red campion (silene dioica) is a British native that flowers abundantly in woodland edges and hedgerows at this time of year.

» red card = tarjeta roja.

Example: As a result, yellow cards to indicate a caution and red cards to indicate an expulsion were used for the first time in the 1970 FIFA World Cup in Mexico.

» red carpet event = acontecimiento importante.

Example: Be the centre of attention and make heads turn at any red carpet event with this new body lotion!.

» red carpet, the = alfombra roja, la. [Utilizado generalmente para indicar acontecimiento especial o tratamiento especial otorgado a alguien]

Example: Tinseltown's leading men never get their due on the red carpet.

» red cell = glóbulo rojo.

Example: Using reconstituted blood -- red cells and plasma that are mixed in the operating room -- for heart bypass surgery works better than using fresh blood.

» red-coloured = de color rojo, rojo.

Example: Also known as ocean perch or rosefish in North America and as Norway haddock in Europe, the redfish is one of a number of red-coloured scorpion fish.

» Red Crescent, the = Media Luna Roja, la. [Organización no gubernamental equivalente a la Cruz Roja en los países árabes]

Example: The Blue Shield is the equivalent of the Red Cross/Red Crescent in the field of cultural heritage.

» Red Cross, the = Cruz Roja, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: The Red Cross then established and ran a library for the about 500 asylum seekers who were interned on the ship awaiting police interviewing.

» red deer = ciervo.

Example: The analysis was applied to the identification of meats from red deer, fallow deer, roe deer, cattle, sheep, and goat .

» reddish = rojizo. 

Example: This is a sort of microform measles appearing as minute reddish rings.

» red-faced = enrojecido.

Example: The young librarian was not accustomed to seeing the head of reference red-faced with mute anger or the head of technical services mumbling uncontrollably to himself.

» red-footed = patirrojo, de patas rojas.

Example: Among the most visually striking is the red-footed but otherwise bright green flying frog.

» red-haired = pelirrojo.

Example: Nowadays, red-haired people make only two percent of the entire population in the world.

» redhead = pelirrojo.

Example: Throughout history, redheads have been feared and revered, loathed and adored, degraded and exalted.

» red-headed = pelirrojo.

Example: I found myself next to a red-headed gal who, it turned out, wanted nothing to do with me but make eyes at my pal.

» red herring = maniobra de distracción, pista falsa, cortina de humo. [Algo que distrae del tema que se debate]

Example: They present the teacher with plenty of opportunities for 'red herrings,' which the students can be allowed to follow when the teacher judges the time is right.

» red-hot = candente, al rojo vivo.

Example: A commonly quoted version of Edward's death is that he was murdered with a red-hot poker forced up his fundament.

» red-hot = de plena actualidad, novedoso, candente.

Example: A fast expanding nightlife and a red-hot design district are making it one of the world's most glamorous destinations.

» Red Indian = piel roja.

Example: I had always liked Red Indians (or Native Americans as I believe they are called now) and in my misspent youth, I read a number of books about them.

» red-legged = patirrojo, de patas rojas.

Example: The hermit crabs I keep in my fish tank are all red-legged but for one that is scarlet.

» red-letter day = día señalado, día especial, día memorable.

Example: Yes, November 5th 1955 was a red-letter day in the history of science, it was the day Doc Emmet Brown invented time travel.

» red light = luz roja, negativa. [A veces usado con el sentido de 'negativa' o de prostitución]

Example: The article 'Red light for HD-CD?' discusses the technology and industry developments on the new generation of high density CD formats.

» red meat = carne roja.

Example: These programmes cover red meat slaughterhouses, ware potatoes, liquid milk processing, horticulture, cereals, fisheries, and pigmeat slaughtering and processing.

» red menace, the = amenaza comunista, la.

Example: Ordinary people can sit around and get morally worked up about the evil of drugs the way they once got worked up about the 'red menace'.

» red mullet = salmonete.

Example: Samples most contaminated were mackerel, cod, red mullet, golden bream and anchovy.

» redness = enrojecimiento, rojez, irritación. 

Example: A while ago I experienced redness around my urinary meatus and my urologist said that it was normal to have that once you start having sex.

» red ochre = ocre rojo.

Example: I have never quite understood the fascination of archaeologists with red ochre.

» red (palm) weevil = picudo rojo (de la palmera).

Example: They have developed a pioneering technique for the detection of the red palm weevil by detector dogs.

» red pepper = pimiento rojo, pimiento colorado.

Example: In the paella pan, sauté the red pepper, head of garlic, and garlic cloves until the peppers are quite soft but not brown, 15 to 20 min.

» Red Planet, the = planeta rojo, el. [Apelativo usado para referirse al planeta Marte]

Example: The gullies carved into Martian impact craters suggests the Red Planet has undergone several ice ages in the last several million years.

» Reds = rojos. [Es común utilizar el color de las camisetas de los equipos de algún deporte para identificarlos]

Example: Not uncommonly the user will need to see everything that is available, on for example, infant deaths, or Rhode Island Reds, or needlepoint lace, or miners' lamps.

» red scare, the = amenaza comunista, la. [Sentimiento anticomunista que el senador americano McCarthy alentó en los años cincuenta en los Estados Unidos. Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: Although the red scare is popularly associated with the activities of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, the anti-communist hysteria of the 50s went far beyond McCarthy and Washington D.C.

» red sea bream = besugo.

Example: Samples of mullet, sea bream and red sea bream were obtained from polluted water after the wreck of the ship 'Juliana' in order to detect contamination.

» Red Sea, the = Mar Rojo, el.

Example: The Red Sea's reefs epitomize diversity; they are home to more than 200 soft and hard corals.

» redskin = piel roja.

Example: The redskins hate the palefaces and their hatred has been glowing for centuries ever since the first white man appeared on this continent.

» red sky at night, (shepherd/sailor)'s delight, red sky in the morning, (shepherd/sailor)'s warning = el cielo rojo al atardecer augura buen tiempo, el cielo rojo al amanacer augura mal tiempo. [En inglés británico se utiliza shepherd y en americano sailor]

Example: The old adage of 'red sky at night, shepherd's delight, red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning', has bearing only in the Northern Hemisphere.

» red squid = pota.

Example: We came upon a group of tiny red squids and they were not shy and loved the attention from all of us, especially the ones with cameras.

» red squirrel = ardilla roja.

Example: Research has shown that grey squirrels put on a lot more body fat than red squirrels which gives them a better chance of surviving.

» red-tailed hawk = halcón patirrojo, gavilán patirrojo.

Example: The dominant scavengers at all locations were magpies, bald eagles, golden eagles, turkey vultures, red-tailed hawks, black bears, and probably elk and bison also participated in scavenging.

» red tape = burocracia, papeleo, trámite burocrático.

Example: This kind of transfer is often made very difficult to accomplish because of the paper work and red tape involved.

» red wine = vino tinto, tinto, morapio.

Example: Many believe that a glass of red wine each day is a valuable part of a healthy diet, while others think wine is somewhat overrated.

» redwood = secoya, secuoya.

Example: Sequoias are the largest of all American forest trees, with the tallest redwoods attaining heights of more than 350 feet.

» run + a red (traffic) light = saltarse un semáforo en rojo.

Example: If you get a ticket for speeding, running a red light, reckless driving or other moving violations these could potentially show up as points on your record.

» see + red = ponerse furioso, ponerse como loco, sacar de quicio, sacar de las casillas, enfurecerse, encolerizarse, cabrearse, crisparse, acalorarse, sulfurarse.

Example: His arrogance, his assumption of her acute need for him, made her see red and she struggled for self-control.

» send up + a red flag = dar la señal de alarma, dar la voz de alarma, dar la alarma.

Example: But a negative cash flow should not automatically send up a red flag without some further analysis.

» slash + the red tape = reducir la burocracia, reducir el papeleo.

Example: And some way down the list of benefits was a rash promise to 'slash the red tape that hinders our trade with Europe -- and thereby safeguard the 2 1/2 million jobs involved'.

» sweet red pepper = pimiento morrón.

Example: The sweet red peppers of late summer are starting to come in, and they are beautiful, smooth and shiny, and really, really red.

» turn + red = enrojecerse, ruborizarse.

Example: His face turned unnaturally red, as if his blood pressure had risen.

» turn + red with anger = ponerse rojo de ira.

Example: Rose turned red with anger and then stormed off the breakfast table straight into her bedroom.

» turn + red with embarrassment = ponerse rojo de vergüenza.

Example: It gave me some sort of sinister pleasure to see their faces turn red with embarrassment.

» vibrant red = rojo vivo.

Example: Leaves mature to greenish red in summer becoming vibrant red in fall.

red2 = vino tinto. 

Example: White wines are usually better than reds at handling the zing of Thai food.

red3 [Sufijo]


» kindred = relacionado, afín, emparentado, semejante, similar, parecido. [Véase red para otras palabras terminadas con este sufijo]

Example: The indexer must evaluate whether the index user will profit if a distinction is made between two kindred terms.

Red synonyms

cherry in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃeri part of speech: noun ruby in spanish: , pronunciation: rubi part of speech: noun, adjective ruddy in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌdi part of speech: adjective crimson in spanish: , pronunciation: krɪmzən part of speech: adjective violent in spanish: , pronunciation: vaɪələnt part of speech: adjective bloody in spanish: , pronunciation: blʌdi part of speech: adjective scarlet in spanish: , pronunciation: skɑrlət part of speech: adjective, noun cerise in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜris part of speech: noun, adjective carmine in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑrmən part of speech: noun, adjective colorful in spanish: , pronunciation: kʌlɜrfəl part of speech: adjective colored in spanish: , pronunciation: kʌlɜrd part of speech: adjective pinko in spanish: , pronunciation: pɪŋkoʊ part of speech: noun chromatic in spanish: , pronunciation: kroʊmætɪk part of speech: adjective marxist in spanish: , pronunciation: mɑrksəst part of speech: adjective, noun flushed in spanish: , pronunciation: flʌʃt part of speech: adjective bolshevik in spanish: , pronunciation: boʊlʃəvɪk part of speech: noun, adjective coloured in spanish: , pronunciation: kʌlɜrd part of speech: adjective aflame in spanish: , pronunciation: əfleɪm part of speech: adjective blood-red in spanish: , pronunciation: blʌdred part of speech: adjective reddish in spanish: , pronunciation: redɪʃ part of speech: adjective red-faced in spanish: , pronunciation: redfeɪst part of speech: adjective redness in spanish: , pronunciation: rednəs part of speech: noun reddened in spanish: , pronunciation: redənd part of speech: adjective red river in spanish: , pronunciation: redrɪvɜr part of speech: noun cherry-red in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃerɪred part of speech: adjective ruby-red in spanish: , pronunciation: rubɪred part of speech: adjective

Red antonyms

white pronunciation: waɪt part of speech: adjective, noun
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