Recreational in spanish


pronunciation: rekɹ̩eɑtiboʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

recreational = recreativo, para el esparcimiento, para el ocio, de ocio, de entretenimiento, lúdico. 

Example: It is already obvious that the present generation of schoolchildren readily accept the microcomputer as a learning and recreational aid.


» recreational activity = actividad lúdica.

Example: Reading should be promoted as a worthwhile recreational activity in addition to its educational and informational role.

» recreational centre = centro de ocio, centro recreativo.

Example: The building will be an information, educational and recreational centre for all user groups.

» recreational reading = lectura recreativa, lectura de ocio.

Example: Bibliotherapy is not a mere extension of recommending a book for recreational reading.

» recreational sport = deporte de ocio.

Example: In-line skating has become one of the fastest-growing recreational sports in the United States.

» recreational vehicle (RV) = autocaravana.

Example: The California Lemon Law act applies not only to defective cars (or 'lemons') but recreational vehicles as well.

» RV (recreational vehicle) = autocaravana. [Término usado preferentemente en inglés americano]

Example: When you're on a long trip in your RV, a trip that will take two days or more, you probably need to stop someplace to sleep overnight.

Recreational synonyms

amateur in spanish: , pronunciation: æmətɜr part of speech: adjective, noun unpaid in spanish: , pronunciation: ənpeɪd part of speech: adjective nonprofessional in spanish: , pronunciation: nɑnprəfeʃənəl part of speech: adjective
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