Recover in spanish


pronunciation: rekupeɹ̩ɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

recover = recuperar. 

Example: In order to fulfil this function, the information which is stored in the library must be recovered, or retrieved, from the store.


» recover from + an illness = recuperarse de una enfermedad.

Example: A love like that was a serious illness, an illness from which you never entirely recover.

» recover in + hospital = recuperarse en el hospital, convalecer en el hospital.

Example: The injured crane operator, though badly injured, is now recovering in hospital and we wish him a speedy recovery.

» recover + Posesivo + poise = recuperar la compostura.

Example: Although he'd just landed her a body blow, she again recovered her poise almost miraculously.

» recover + Posesivo + strength = recuperarse, restablecerse, recuperar fuerzas, recobrar fuerzas.

Example: Though six years younger, Ms. Arnold never recovered her strength after hip surgery.

Recover synonyms

find in spanish: , pronunciation: faɪnd part of speech: verb retrieve in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪtriv part of speech: verb recoup in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪkup part of speech: verb reclaim in spanish: , pronunciation: rikleɪm part of speech: verb recuperate in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪkupɜreɪt part of speech: verb convalesce in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑnvəles part of speech: verb regain in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪgeɪn part of speech: verb go back in spanish: , pronunciation: goʊbæk part of speech: verb

Recover antonyms

drop pronunciation: drɑp part of speech: noun, verb deteriorate pronunciation: dɪtɪriɜreɪt part of speech: verb degenerate pronunciation: dɪdʒenɜrət part of speech: adjective, verb
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