Recount in spanish


pronunciation: rekuentoʊ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

recount1 = relatar, contar. 

Example: We recount the parts of the book which absorbed us utterly, which made us feel that the alternative world was more vivid, more alive, more immediate than our life outside the book.


» recount + experience = contar la experiencia.

Example: This article recounts the experience of a director of public libraries in the USA who took a year off from work.

» recount + stories = contar relatos, relatar historias, contar historias.

Example: Join a retired trainman who will provide a guided tour of our cabooses and recount some great stories about life on a caboose.

recount2 = recontar, volver a contar. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: If one were to think of an analogue outside the library situation, one would conjure up the image of a miser cackling with delight as he counts and recounts his beloved coins.

Recount synonyms

spin in spanish: , pronunciation: spɪn part of speech: noun, verb tell in spanish: , pronunciation: tel part of speech: verb recite in spanish: , pronunciation: rəsaɪt part of speech: verb narrate in spanish: , pronunciation: nereɪt part of speech: verb
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