Recording in spanish


pronunciation: gɹ̩ɑbɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

record6 = registrar, incluir, recoger, grabar, mencionar, dejar constancia de, mantener un registro de, anotar, fichar. 

Example: Editors and compilers of editions of works are recorded together with the edition statement in the edition area = En en área de edición se incluyen los editores y compiladores de las ediciones de trabajos junto con la mención de edición.


» audio record = grabar en audio.

Example: Is it illegal to audio record a conversation with my doctor during an appointment?.

» tape-record [tape record] = grabar en cinta.

Example: Data were obtained from 332 transcripts of actual reference interviews previously tape-recorded in three public libraries.

» video record = grabar en vídeo.

Example: Is it legal to video record someone without consent in Florida?.

recording = grabación. 

Example: Music can include a variety of forms, such as works about musicians and music, music scores and recordings.


» audio-recording = grabación sonora, grabación en audio. [Grabación de vibraciones sonoras por medios mecánicos o eléctricos para su posterior reproducción]

Example: An audiorecording is a recording on which sound vibrations have been registered by mechanical or electrical means so that the sound may be reproduced.

» audio tape recording = grabación en cinta.

Example: The archive material that belongs to the collection includes about 600 audio tape recordings.

» band recording = grabación de banda de música.

Example: This article describes the transfer of the Frank E. McGrann collection of early 20th century band recordings from the Shadek-Fackenthal Library to the University of Maryland.

» magnetic recording = grabación magnética.

Example: Magnetic recording is the technology used in recording, storing and reproducing information in digital format, a technology used in audio and video recording and for mass storage in computers.

» music recordings = grabaciones de música.

Example: One of the most daunting aspect of music cataloguing arises from the fact that music and music recordings have international value.

» off-air recording right = derecho de grabación de ondas sonoras o televisivas.

Example: These include: the lending right; the reprographic right in published works; certain cable television rights; the private reading right; and the off-air recording right.

» recording industry, the = industria discográfica, la.

Example: And it is those temptations that have placed college students squarely in the crosshairs of the recording industry.

» recording medium = soporte de grabación.

Example: CD-E (CD-Erasable) uses an alloy composed of silver, indium, antimony and tellurium as the recording medium.

» recording session = sesión de grabación.

Example: Bibliographic information required includes: types of recordings listed; location of recording sessions; matrix numbers; takes or take numbers; issue dates; and types of index contained in the discography.

» recording studio = estudio de grabación.

Example: Facilities include 2 rooms for music-making, a recording studio, an audio centre and organisation of public concerts.

» recording system = sistema de registro.

Example: Before the centre opened in mid-1977, the research worker, the agencies and the librarians agreed on a common recording system for enquiries so that use of the Centre could be monitored.

» sound recording = grabación sonora. [Grabación de vibraciones sonoras por medios mecánicos o eléctricos para su posterior reproducción]

Example: Some of these items will be audio-visual, such as sound recordings, filmstrips, motion pictures and video-recordings.

» sound recordings library = fonoteca. [Organismo o servicio para la recogida de grabaciones sonoras para su almacenamiento y disposición a uso]

Example: A sound recordings library or record library is an organization or service for collecting sound recordings, for storing them and making them available for use.

» sound recording studio = estudio de grabación.

Example: There is a drop-in centre with a fully equipped sound recording studio and video editing suite offering guitar tuition and rehearsal space to local teenagers without charge.

» stock recording = registro.

Example: The stages of book preparation, known as processing, can be tabulated as follows: check of book with invoice; quick collation; accessioning or stock recording; classification; cataloguing; lettering on spine; labelling; final check of all processes before shelving.

» tape recording = grabación magnetofónica.

Example: You say that the phenomena tape recordings, books and book selection are not drawn from the same facet of librarianship.

» video recording [videorecording] = grabación en vídeo. [Grabación de imágenes sobre soporte magnético, generalmente en movimiento y acompañadas de sonido, destinadas a ser vistas a través de pantalla]

Example: In recent times tape recordings, films, video recordings and photographs might also be termed, in a special sense, manuscripts - they can certainly be accepted as primary source materials.
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