Recorder in spanish


pronunciation: gɹ̩ɑbɑdoʊɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

recorder1 = aparato de grabación, magnetófono. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: If he goes into the field, he may be connected by radio to his recorder.


» cassette recorder = pletina, casete.

Example: These tapes are produced for use in a classroom reading corner or school library and are displayed with the book from which the extract is taken and a cassette recorder with headphones.

» flight recorder = caja negra.

Example: All technical processes that take place before, during and directly after the flight are taken down automatically by the flight recorder in the cockpit.

» home video recorder = aparato de vídeo.

Example: Videodiscs can provide high capacity secondary storage and it is possible for the personal computer enthusiast to make use of a home video recorder in this way.

» reel-to-reel recorder = grabadora de bobina.

Example: Reel-to-reel recorders are available and their performance is very much better but they are expensive and are rarely used with microcomputers.

» tape-recorder = grabadora, radiocasete.

Example: All libraries should be equipped with modern technical support facilities (telephone, fax, video, tape-recorder, record-player, overhead-projector, copying machine, etc.).

» videocassette recorder (VCR) = videocasete (VCR), aparato de vídeo.

Example: Videocassette recorders (VCR) have a valuable place in a library service.

» video recorder = videocasete.

Example: For example, the most recent range of video recorders includes features like freeze frame, slow motion, fast motion and rapid search for individual frames.

» video recorder = aparato de vídeo, vídeo. [En español, vídeo también se escribe sin acento video]

Example: Increasing ownership of television sets and video recorders, and a wider choice television programmes are generally thought to result in a decline in reading.

recorder2 = secretario. [Encargado de recoger las ideas discutidas en una reunión. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: A designated recorder lists all ideas on large newsprint pads.

recorder3 = flauta dulce, flauta de pico. 

Example: The recorder and the flute as we know them today are two different instruments; they are played differently, used in different ensembles (or for different occasions), and sound differently

The Recorder and Other Members of the Flute Family in Writings from 1100 to 1500 by David Lasocki (review). Available from: [accessed Oct 22, 2015]..

Recorder synonyms

registrar in spanish: , pronunciation: redʒɪstrɑr part of speech: noun record-keeper in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪkɔrdkipɜr part of speech: noun fipple flute in spanish: , pronunciation: fɪpəlflut part of speech: noun vertical flute in spanish: , pronunciation: vɜrtɪkəlflut part of speech: noun fipple pipe in spanish: , pronunciation: fɪpəlpaɪp part of speech: noun recording equipment in spanish: , pronunciation: rəkɔrdɪŋɪkwɪpmənt part of speech: noun recording machine in spanish: , pronunciation: rəkɔrdɪŋməʃin part of speech: noun
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