Record in spanish


pronunciation: gɹ̩ɑbɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

rec (record) = registro. 

Example: A record number is a commonly used key field, sometimes abbreviated as rec no.

record1 = disco. 

Example: For example, the child doing a project about birds will require books to give him background information, a record or cassette to let him hear a bird-song, and a film to help him to appreciate bird flight.


» anecdotal record = existir constancia de.

Example: Anecdotal records describe habitat destruction through soil erosion due to burrowing by puffins, shearwaters and stoats.

» gramophone record = disco. [Disco, normalmente de plástico, sobre el que se graba sonido y que puede ser reproducido]

Example: The majority of this schedule is devoted to various 'physical forms': globes and relief maps, gramophone records, tapes, etc.

» long-play record = disco de larga duración.

Example: One man listens to long-playing records played at 16 revolutions per minute in an attempt to 'crack the secret code'.

» LP (long play record) = LP (disco de larga duración). [Disco de larga duración]

Example: I remember being hesitant to buy a CD player because I was attached to my extensive collection of LPs collected over a lifetime.

» phonographic record = disco sonoro.

Example: He was even prepared, in 1945, to leave the question open for future discussion as to 'whether a phonographic record is a book'.

» phonograph record = disco sonoro.

Example: Many people were skeptical that the compact disc (CD) would replace the phonograph record.

» record collection = colección de discos.

Example: The inventory programs make possible a partial inventory of a record collection.

» record company = compañía discográfica.

Example: This article discusses the pressure for record companies and libraries to label pop music lyrics as 'explicit' and the range of content covered by this term.

» record cover = funda de un disco.

Example: Since the children's choice of recordings seemed to be influenced largely by the picture on the sleeve, it was decided to devise a project where children illustrated record covers themselves after hearing the music and being asked to visualise it.

» record deck = unidad de disco.

Example: This article describes the design which can accommodate up to 5 tape decks, 2 record decks and 7 amplifiers.

» record industry, the = industria discográfica, la.

Example: Fact is, in 2006, the record industry is doubling over backwards in its attempt to remedy its decision a decade ago to ignore the onset of the web.

» record library = fonoteca. [Organismo o servicio para la recogida de grabaciones sonoras para su almacenamiento y disposición a uso]

Example: A sound recordings library or record library is an organization or service for collecting sound recordings, for storing them and making them available for use.

» record-player = tocadiscos.

Example: All libraries should be equipped with modern technical support facilities (telephone, fax, video, tape-recorder, record-player, overhead-projector, copying machine, etc.).

» record production industry, the = industria discográfica, la.

Example: This article examines some serious problems which are seen to be facing the publishing, record production, broadcasting, and film making industries in the UK because of outdated copyright laws.

» record shop = tienda de discos.

Example: This is a sad state of affairs when you can't find a record shop that sells singles!.

» record sleeve = funda de disco.

Example: The user is not concerned whether the text on a music score or a record sleeve is in a foreign language.

» record store = tienda de discos.

Example: It's hard now even to find a record store, and copyright infringement and online piracy seem to be unstoppable.

» record studio = estudio discográfico.

Example: The writer bemoans record studios' tendency to chop up and fiddle with opera performances.

» sound like + a broken record = sonar como un disco rayado, parecer un disco rayado.

Example: He is already sounding like a broken record in saying that he will explain everything in due time.

» vinyl record = disco de vinilo.

Example: 'I'll see you (or catch you) on the flipside' became a catch phrase for some DJ's when closing a radio show during the vinyl record period = "No vemos" era una frase muy usada por algunos DJ's cuando terminaban sus programas de radios durante la época del disco de vinilo.

record2 = récord, fama, imagen, palmarés. 

Example: She urges a boycott of California as a library conference venue until the state improves its current record of the worst school library provision in the US.


» break + a record = batir un récord.

Example: Attendance broke previous records with 2,976 delegates attending from 141 countries.

» establish + a record = establecer un récord, demostrar ser.

Example: ACPAD has established a record as an efficient and effective distributor of publications to libraries in the Pacific.

» establish + a record as = crearse el prestigio de ser.

Example: The success that ACPAD has had in attracting donations suggests that it has established an enviable record as an efficient and effective distributor of publications to institution libraries.

» have + a good record for = tener la fama de.

Example: Quality in reviewing can be variable, but ARBA has a good record for providing critical comments when indicated and does not hesitate to make comparisons with similar tools.

» in record numbers = en grandes números, en grandes cantidades.

Example: In fact, recent data shows that the majority of mid-sized and larger firms are making lateral hiring in record numbers.

» performance record = récord de rendimiento, rendimiento récord.

Example: Bob has proven his salt over the years by achieving year-over-year performance records in every endeavor he has touched.

» personal record = marca personal, récord personal.

Example: Her personal records in track include 2:29 for 800m, 5:10 for 1500m and 11:14 for 3000m.

» put + the record straight = poner las cosas en su lugar, aclarar las cosas, corregir inexactitudes, precisar, aclarar una noción, aclarar una idea, clarificar una noción, clarificar una idea.

Example: When your backs are against the wall and everyone's raising questions, a performance like that puts the record straight.

» record breaker = plusmarquista, batidor de récords.

Example: The article 'Chicago record breaker: attendance soars' presents a comprehensive report on the American Library Association's annual conference held in Chicago, Illinois, 22-28 Jun 95.

» record breaking = sin precedentes, que bate todos los récords.

Example: The company has managed to survive for 75 years, with an unbroken string of more than 40 years of profitability (the last 2 record breaking) when so many others have fallen by the wayside.

» record-high = máximo histórico, récord, sin precedentes.

Example: Record-high bank fees are making it harder for consumers to stay financially afloat.

» record label = compañía discográfica, sello discográfico.

Example: But now record labels have been decimated by the digital shift, and are rethinking their entire business model to survive.

» record low = mínimo histórico.

Example: His popularity ratings have halved since he was elected to a new record low of 31 per cent in the wake of multiple legal and sex scandals.

» record success = éxito total, éxito rotundo, éxito contundente.

Example: Despite threatening skies and warm temperatures, the 20th annual Festival in Sycamore enjoyed record success.

» set + a record = batir un récord.

Example: Whilst no actual sales growth records were set, the news from many independent booksellers was upbeat.

» set + the record straight = poner las cosas en su lugar, aclarar las cosas, corregir inexactitudes, precisar, aclarar una noción, aclarar una idea, clarificar una noción, clarificar una idea.

Example: This article is a response to 'Preservation of slide libraries' by Ann Cinlar in which an attempt is made to set the record straight.

» shatter + a record = batir un récord.

Example: Leon Haslam started in commanding form, shattering the Norfolk circuit records as he claimed his third pole start of the season, at an average speed of 108.95mph.

» world record = récord mundial, marca mundial.

Example: Two Lithuanian illusionists have reportedly set three new world records for holding their breath underwater.

record3 = registro, asiento, documento. [Registro o descripción, de acuerdo con unas normas de una unidad bibliográfica documental; en el campo de la automatización de bibliotecas se le conoce como 'registro' y es toda la información relativa a un documento que una base de datos posee]

Example: A record is a complete unit of information about a person, item, product, book, patient, chemical, etc. and in a computer-held data base a record is all the information contained relating to a document.


» accession record = registro de entrada.

Example: Improvement of the system by the computerisation of accession records is a further possibility.

» administrative record = registro administrativo.

Example: Class numbers are used widely in administrative records.

» amend + a record = modificar un registro. [Introducir modificaciones en un registro]

Example: It is possible, in many network systems, to enter a centralized database online, to call up a record, to amend that record to suit the individual library's requirement and then to add the amended record to the library's master file.

» archival authority record = documento de autoridad archivística, registro de autoridad archivística.

Example: Such 'archival authority records' differ from their bibliographic counterparts in the functional roles they play in the descriptive process.

» archival record = documento de archivo. [En archivística, documento que se ha de guardar permanentemente por el valor histórico, jurídico, u otro de su contenido o de su forma]

Example: Lawyers and historians have different and possibly conflicting needs with regard to archival records and archivists should consider the requirements of both professions to maintain a balanced collection.

» archives and records management = archivística, gestión de archivos y documentación administrativa.

Example: All three qualifications have a common core, and students can specialise in either library studies or archives and records management.

» Association of Records Managers and Administrators (ARMA International) = Asociación Americana de Gestores de Documentación Administrativa.

Example: The article 'Robert Nawrocki sounds a wake-up call for records managers' reports an interview with the President of ARMA (Association of Records Managers and Administrators) International.

» audio-record = grabación sonora, grabación en audio.

Example: Information about you will be kept private by keeping notes and original audio-records in a locked file cabinet.

» authority record = asiento de autoridad.

Example: This standard specifies the requirements for a generalized exchange format which will hold records describing all forms of material capable of bibliographic descriptio as well as related records such as authority records.

» be on record as = constar.

Example: Magro was on record as subscribing to the view that the public library as a democratically based public institution had no business using a disproportionate amount of its resources to support an elitist program for a tiny minority of the community.

» bibliographical record = registro bibliográfico.

Example: The first of these is the transfer of the library's bibliographical records to computer operation, which will render the shelf arrangement far less important in the system envisaged.

» bibliographic record = registro bibliográfico. [En informática documental, conjunto de campos que incluyen una cabecera, un directorio e información bibliográfica sobre una o más unidades bibliográficas que se consideran una entidad]

Example: Our focus in this book is on bibliographic records which contain information about documents such as books, periodical articles, conference, proceedings, theses, reports, standards and patents.

» bibliographic record pool = fondo de registros bibliográficos.

Example: The bibliographic record pool is a part of the DOBIS/LIBIS data base in which a library can store bibliographic records online for use in the acquisitions and cataloguing functions.

» booking record = registro, contabilidad.

Example: Many libraries may also be involved in maintaining booking records of one type or another: in college libraries these often relate to instructional films hired during term.

» British Public Record Office = Archivo Británico de Documentos Públicos.

Example: The United States National Archives is the equivalent of the British Public Record Office and its principal bibliographic publications are National Archives Accessions and Guide to the Records in the National Archives.

» capture + records = capturar registros, copiar registros.

Example: This type of search strategy may help capture relevant records.

» catalogue record = asiento catalográfico. [Conjunto de elementos que incluye el asiento bibliográfico y la signatura topográfica adoptada de acuerdo con las reglas establecidas por cada centro]

Example: The main entry is the complete catalogue record of the document.

» catalogue record database = base de datos de registros de catálogo.

Example: One type of bibliographic data base is the catalogue record data base.

» cataloguing record = registro catalográfico.

Example: This, in addition to the virtually unlimited access points possible with a computer-based catalog, obviates the need for rigorous control over the heading data in a cataloging record.

» copy record = registro de ejemplar. [En catalogación, registro individual correspondiente a un documento cuando de éste existen varios ejemplares en la colección]

Example: The system then finds the corresponding copy records and sets the inventory status off.

» dental record = registro dental, ficha dental, historial dental.

Example: The body found burried under a house on Tuesday was IDed yesterday through dental records.

» departmental records = archivo ministerial.

Example: While the survival of modern departmental records has been very uneven, positive results have been achieved in the management of school and parish records.

» digital record = registro electrónico, registro informático.

Example: Respondents noted that neither photocopies nor digital records can satisfy the traditional needs of bibliographers = Los encuestados observaron que ni las fotocopias ni los registros digitales puede satisfacer las necesidades tradicionales de los bibliógrafos.

» document record = registro bibliográfico.

Example: The search statement is matched against the indexing assigned to the latest batch or document records that have been input to the system.

» duplicate record detection = detección de registros duplicados.

Example: This article illustrates DIALOG's duplicate record detection feature and speculates on the possible way in which the algorithm works.

» electronic record = registro electrónico, documento electrónico.

Example: Data warehouses have the attraction that they are repositories of stable and datable information but considerable harm could be done to the integrity of the electronic record if used inappropriately.

» electronic record keeping = gestión electrónica de documentos.

Example: The growth of electronic record keeping has not resulted in the paperless office predicted by many.

» electronic record management = gestión electrónica de documentos.

Example: Electronic document management can trigger automation of other business processes.

» financial record = registro de contabilidad.

Example: This article covers personal papers e.g. bishops' diaries, financial records, papers of religious orders and societies, parish records and church registers.

» fixed-length record = registro de longitud fija.

Example: A data base of fixed-length records is easier to update since a new record can exactly take the place of an old one.

» for the record = para que queda constancia, para que así conste, a propósito.

Example: For the record, schools and libraries in the late 1960s recovered in excess of $10,000,000 from publishers and wholesalers as a result of unfair practices highlighted by Mr. Scilken.

» go on + record = quedar constatado, quedar registrado.

Example: It may not be a startling revelation but its undoubted value is that the plain fact has gone on record.

» graphic record = registro gráfico.

Example: This 'maximisation of resources' is the principle lying at the heart of the whole concept of the library, which is the collective sharing and utilisation of graphic records for the benefit of society.

» health record = historial médico, historia clínica.

Example: Patients cannot alter their health records but instead add notes and request corrections.

» human record, the = conocimiento humano, el. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: In the short run, the most likely prospect is for all current systems to continue with electronic formats merely adding to the richness of the human record.

» index record = entrada, asiento.

Example: Subject indexes consist of a series of index records with each record incorporating a word or phrase describing the subject acting as the access point, and further details.

» item record file = fichero de registro por documento.

Example: An 'item record file' is a file in which records are serially ordered by document identifier or number; each entry or record stores the total information relating to the document that is available in the system, including reference and index terms.

» item record index = índice de registro por documento.

Example: Item record indexes, whatever their physical format, share certain advantages and disadvantages.

» joint catalogue record = registro de catálogo colectivo.

Example: An important element of the creation of this joint catalogue record is that member libraries agree to a standard for cataloguing description for the creation of the joint record.

» joint record = registro de catálogo colectivo. [Registro de un catálogo colectivo]

Example: An important element of the creation of this joint catalogue record is that member libraries agree to a standard for cataloguing description for the creation of the joint record.

» keep + record of = mantener constancia de, mantener registro de.

Example: Accurate records must be kept of all monies received and disbursed and normally the cash is balanced at weekly intervals.

» knowledge record = producto del conocimiento. [Cualquier manifestación escrita, electrónica, auditiva, plástica, etc. del conocimiento humano y que puede ser almacenada para su posterior recuperación]

Example: Abstracting, like classification and indexing, is a procedure for representing the content of knowledge records in order to lead a user to appropriate information.

» library records = datos estadísticos de la biblioteca. [En biblioteconomía, datos que mantienen las bibliotecas sobre sus usuarios y el uso que éstos hacen de las mismas]

Example: In recent years many US states have passed laws protecting the confidentiality of library records.

» logical record = registro lógico. [Grupo de palabras, caracteres, etc. que se consideran una unidad en base a su función y uso más que por sus atributos físicos]

Example: Records relating to a specific entity, e.g. a specific indexing term, are logical records.

» machine-readable record = registro automatizado.

Example: This study has many implications for an ongoing COMARC effort beyond the present pilot project because it is evident that a very small number of libraries can furnish machine-readable records with full LC/MARC encoding.

» management of records = gestión de archivos. [En archivística, todo proceso o producto derivado de trabajar con documentos administrativos]

Example: Archivists need to know how information technology is applied to recordkeeping and to the management of records.

» manuscript record = registro manuscrito. [Todo aquel documento que se escribe para dejar constancia de algo]

Example: Recordings of local dialects, folk songs and languages falling into disuse are other uses of what might be termed electronic manuscript records.

» MARC record = registro MARC.

Example: Press the F1 key to search and retrieve MARC records from the laser discs.

» MARC record format = formato MARC.

Example: The MARC record format is employed in national, international and local cataloguing databases.

» marked record = registro seleccionado.

Example: SORTing a set will unmark any marked records in the set.

» mark + records = seleccionar registros.

Example: You can use the F7 key to mark specific records for display, printing or transferring to disk.

» master record = registro matriz.

Example: Entry of an 'm' leads to a display of the notes associated with the copy master record for this title.

» National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators (NA = Asociación Nacional de Archiveros y Gestores de Documentos del Gobierno (NAGARA).

Example: The National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators (NAGARA) and the Society of American Archivists (SAA) have developed a model law and a more systematic understanding of the administration of access to public records.

» national bibliographic record number = número de la bibliografía nacional.

Example: In some authority files (titles, ISBN/ISSN, national bibliographic record numbers), no search of the file is made because there is little chance of finding the new entry in the file.

» national record number = número de bibliografía nacional.

Example: ISBNs, ISSNs, national record numbers, and series are not copied.

» notarial record = registro notarial.

Example: Yet, the abundant notarial records in these provincial archives provide an unrivalled opportunity to trace the connections between the Old and New Worlds = No obstante, el gran número de registros notariales en estos archivos provinciales nos proporciona una oportunidad única para encontrar las conexiones entre el Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo.

» official record = documento oficial.

Example: This book relies on official records, in the absence of independent Jewish testimony, to reconstruct Jewish life within the borders of the medieval duchy of Brunswick.

» off the record = extraoficial, oficioso.

Example: Some of the information from the EEC Government in Brussels is provided off the record, which sometimes runs up against the UK Government's wall of secrecy.

» on-order record = registro de documento pedido.

Example: The on-order record needs noting-up and removing from the file.

» on record = hasta la fecha, registrado hasta la fecha, registrado en la historia, de lo que existe constancia hasta la fecha, de lo que haya constancia hasta la fecha.

Example: The year 2016 is on track to be the hottest year on record, with average global temperatures set to break even the records of 2015.

» parish records = archivo parroquial.

Example: While the survival of modern departmental records has been very uneven, positive results have been achieved in the management of school and parish records.

» personal health record (PHR) = historial médico, historia clínica.

Example: Patients who use an interactive personal health record (PHR) are almost twice as likely to be up to date with clinical preventive services as those who do not.

» personal records = archivo personal.

Example: The book is written in a very readable narrative style and includes information from her personal records and interviews with personal friends and family.

» personal records management = gestión de archivos personales.

Example: Our goal as a company is to provide affordable personal records management products that will enable each individual to store, track and retrieve their personal information easily.

» personnel record = registro de personal.

Example: She had just put the finishing touches on a draft of a study of the possibilities of automating personnel records.

» place on + record = hacer constar, dejar constancia, manifestar, poner de manifiesto, poner de relieve, dejar claro, hacer explícito.

Example: I wish to place on record my complete satisfaction with the quality and professionalism of your service from start to finish.

» public record = documento administrativo público.

Example: This article maintains that archivists as custodians of the records have an ethical obligation to support the freest possible access to public records.

» public record office = archivo de documentos administrativos.

Example: This article discusses the impact of the public record office on the archival profession in the UK = Este artículo trata del impacto de los archivos de documentos administrativos en la profesión de archivero en el Reino Unido.

» put on + record = hacer constar, dejar constancia, manifestar, poner de manifiesto, poner de relieve, dejar claro, hacer explícito.

Example: First of all, I'm going to put on record that I am not really opposed to miscegenation, provided that it is born out of mutual respect and actual love.

» record(s) enhancement = enriquecimiento de los registros.

Example: The article 'Bibliographic records enhancement: from the drawing board to the catalog screen' discusses some issues related to the creation of enhanced records and their display in on-line catalogues.

» record format = formato de registro.

Example: All these networks have standard record formats, although it is regrettable that they all operate to different standards.

» record identifier = identificador de registro.

Example: The directory, record identifier, reserved fields and bibliographic fields are terminated by the field separator.

» record keeping [recordkeeping] = gestión documental, gestión de documentos, gestión de documentación administrativa, gestión de registros. [Todas aquellas tareas que se realizan para almacenar, recuperar y organizar la información que una organización posee]

Example: All of the processing, acquisitions, shelving, and record-keeping that is done in a library is for the purpose of making information available to those who need it.

» record label = cabecera. [Grupo de caracteres alfanuméricos que aparecen al principio de un registro automatizado con información sobre el contenido del mismo]

Example: The label contains information about the record, indicating, for instance, its length, status, for example, new, amended, type and class.

» record length = longitud de registro.

Example: The record length is the number of character positions in the record including the record label and the record separator.

» record management [records management] = gestión documental, gestión de documentación administrativa. [Todas aquellas tareas relacionadas con el almacenamiento y recuperación de registros de cualquier tipo]

Example: This article discusses the OPAC revolution and the development of microcomputer for end-user searching and record management.

» record manager [records manager] = gestor documental, gestor de documentación administrativa.

Example: New technologies are making long-cherished concepts held by all information handlers -- librarians, archivists, record managers -- seem mere provincialisms rather than sacred theory or immutable principles.

» record office = archivo administrativo.

Example: Libraries, archives and record offices must collect and preserve for posterity as much primary source material as they are able and exploit it as much as possible.

» record-of-record = el registro modelo, el registro de los registros.

Example: The record-of-record was still the three by five card created more economically, but, nonetheless, filed in an offline, manual catalog.

» Records and Archives Management Programme (RAMP) = Programa de Gestión de Registros y Archivos (RAMP). [Programa de la UNESCO]

Example: This a study prepared by Unesco's Records and Archives Management Programme (RAMP) under contract with the International Council on Archives (ICA) to provide a summary of available techniques and processes for managing preservation and conservation of archives.

» records centre = registro.

Example: This article describes the background to the setting up of the Archdiocese of Chicago's archives and records centre.

» records custodian = conservador de documentos.

Example: This institution is well-known for fostering the care and preservation of archives and training archives and records custodians.

» records disposition = expurgo de documentos.

Example: And this study will examine how new technology actually is affecting records creation, recordkeeping, and records disposition.

» record separator = separador de registro.

Example: The record is terminated by the record separator.

» record size = tamaño del registro.

Example: Frequently it is necessary for the librarian or information worker to make choices concerning record size and field size.

» record(s) management = gestión de documentación administrativa, gestión de documentos, gestión documental. [En una institución, se aplica a las tareas relacionadas con la creación, almacenamiento y recuperación de la documentación generada por la empresa]

Example: This paper divides the life of a record into 8 stages: the first four stages -- from creation of a record to destruction or transfer to an archive -- may be regarded as records management.

» record(s) manager = encargado de la gestión documental, responsable de la gestión documental, encargado de la gestión de documentos, responsable de la gestión de documentos, gestor de documentación administrativa.

Example: This article explains how the introduction of automation will do away with the distinctions between librarians, archivists, and records managers.

» records of appeal proceedings = repertorios de recursos de apelación.

Example: Enter the official proceedings and records of appeal proceedings in the same way as the proceedings in the first instance.

» records professional = profesional encargado de la gestión de documentos.

Example: Although it is difficult to imagine when we consider the differences between archivists and records managers, these two types of records professionals share common origins and common agendas.

» record(s) system = sistema de gestión de documentos, sistema de gestión documental, sistema de gestión de registros.

Example: Creating an electronic medical record system is necessary to coordinate patient care cost effectively.

» record structure = estructura del registro.

Example: System designers can use these statistics to determine record structures and estimate space allocations.

» rec (record) = registro.

Example: A record number is a commonly used key field, sometimes abbreviated as rec no.

» school records = archivo de escuela.

Example: While the survival of modern departmental records has been very uneven, positive results have been achieved in the management of school and parish records.

» serials record = registro de publicaciones seriadas.

Example: Other co-operatives and libraries also have serials records = Otras cooperativas y bibliotecas también tienen registros de publicaciones seriadas.

» set on record = hasta la fecha, registrado hasta la fecha, registrado en la historia, de lo que existe constancia hasta la fecha, de lo que haya constancia hasta la fecha.

Example: Our story begins on a day like any other for paranormal investigator Ed as he investigates one of the most malevolent hauntings set on record.

» set on + record = hacer constar, dejar constancia, manifestar, poner de manifiesto, poner de relieve, dejar claro, hacer explícito.

Example: I must also set on record my thanks to all the staff for their continuing support and encouragement.

» structured record = registro estructurado.

Example: A structured record, split into fields and, if necessary, subfields, facilitates the easy retrieval and rearrangement of the contents of the records for display and printing.

» subrecord = subregistro. [Grupo de campos dentro de un registro que se pueden considerar como una unidad]

Example: A subrecord is a group of fields within a record which may be treated as an entity.

» take + a record of the proceedings = levantar acta de los hechos, levantar acta de lo ocurrido.

Example: The secretary or other person appointed for the purpose shall take a record of the proceedings of all meetings.

» term record file = fichero de registro por término.

Example: A 'term record file' conversely, is a file that is ordered by index terms, with each entry an index term and the document representations 'listed' in association with that term.

» term record index = índice de registro por término.

Example: Storage medium and associated equipment (for example, sorting and punching devices, cards, magnetic tape) tends to be cheaper than the term record index equivalent.

» transfer + records + to disc = pasar registros a disco.

Example: You can use the F7 key to mark specific records for display, printing or transferring to disk.

» UNIBID record format = formato UNIBID.

Example: The UNIBID record format has been designed for application in databases associated with abstracting and indexing journals.

» unmark + record = deseleccionar un registro.

Example: SORTing a set will unmark any marked records in the set.

» video record = grabación en vídeo.

Example: In a 2007 ruling, the Supreme Court was persuaded primarily as a result of viewing a video record of a car chase.

» vital records = registros demográficos. [Incluyen certificados de nacimiento, defunción, casamiento o divorcio principalmente]

Example: Hundreds of sites now offer searchable indexes to vital records, census data, and biographical or photograph files.

record4 = auto. [Constancia de las declaraciones de las diferentes partes implicadas en un juicio]

Example: Enter the official proceedings and records of criminal trial, impeachment, courts-martial, etc., under the heading for the person or body prosecuted.


» trial record = acta de juicio, acta de sesión.

Example: Primary and secondary sources including trial records, statutes, diaries, newspaper accounts and monographs on divorce, bigamy, polygamy, sex, etc., will be included.

record5 = expediente, historial. 

Example: The Committee has the normal powers of select committees to send for persons, papers and records, and to appoint sub-committees.


» academic record = expediente académico.

Example: Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, and Adolph Hitler to name but three, were remarkably successful as leaders in spite of less than outstanding academic records.

» business record = documentación de empresas.

Example: Repositories have broad mandates to acquire records, including business records, of cultural and historical importance to their respective communities.

» criminal history record = antecedentes penales.

Example: The article 'Sealing criminal history records: shall we let the fox guard the henhouse in the name of privacy?' has once again raised the debate on the consequences of allowing press and public to view such data.

» criminal record = historial criminal, antecedentes penales.

Example: This Web site allows online access to criminal records.

» Graduate Record Examination (GRE) = examen de acceso a la licenciatura. [Examen que todo diplomado debe hacer como requisito previo para ser aceptado en cualquier licenciatura en los Estados Unidos]

Example: Undergraduate grade point average, Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores, ethnicity, gender and library experience were variables which tended to predict GSLIS grade point average and completion of the programme.

» have + a (criminal) record = tener antecedentes penales, estar fichado por la policía.

Example: Did you know that once you have been fingerprinted, you have a criminal record?.

» have + a (long) record of = tener (una larga) tradición de, tener antecedentes de, tener una (larga) trayectoria de, tener un (largo) historial de.

Example: Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it.

» have + a proven track record = tener un historial demostrado de éxito, tener una trayectoria demostrada de éxito.

Example: She has a proven track record in dealing with cases involving major spinal injury in cases of the utmost severity.

» have + a track record of = tener antecedentes de, ser famoso por, ser conocido por, tener una larga trayectoria de, tener un historial de.

Example: They have a track record of hysterics and exaggerations for political purposes.

» high school record = expediente académico de la escuela.

Example: These researches indicate that it is important to consider whether the applicant is fresh out of high school, or a repeater, and better selection will be made if the university looks at the high school record.

» historical record = fuente histórica.

Example: Books were kept for historical records of deeds done by the inhabitants: their worthy acts as well as their sins.

» medical record = historial médico, historia clínica.

Example: This article examines what the narratological approach for medical records can teach the clinician and the information methodologist = Este artículo analiza lo que la forma narrativa de completar los historiales médicos puede enseñarle al doctor y al estudioso de la metodología de la información.

» personal records = expediente personal.

Example: All requests must include a consent signed by the individual who is requesting access to his or her personal records.

» proven track record = valía demostrada, trayectoria demostrada, trayectoria comprobada, historial demostrado, historial comprobado.

Example: Born and raised in Sonoma County and practicing real estate here for 18 years, her proven track record speaks for itself.

» record unit = unidad documental.

Example: Descriptions for archival record units groups tend to be lengthier and more detailed than those for published materials such as books and journals.

» track record = antecedentes, historial, trayectoria.

Example: The US government's track record on the management of information and information technology is mixed at best.

» track record of success = historial de éxitos, trayectoria de éxitos.

Example: Individuals at this level will have a demonstrated track record of successes with in-depth and expert knowledge in a number of areas.

record6 = registrar, incluir, recoger, grabar, mencionar, dejar constancia de, mantener un registro de, anotar, fichar. 

Example: Editors and compilers of editions of works are recorded together with the edition statement in the edition area = En en área de edición se incluyen los editores y compiladores de las ediciones de trabajos junto con la mención de edición.


» audio record = grabar en audio.

Example: Is it illegal to audio record a conversation with my doctor during an appointment?.

» tape-record [tape record] = grabar en cinta.

Example: Data were obtained from 332 transcripts of actual reference interviews previously tape-recorded in three public libraries.

» video record = grabar en vídeo.

Example: Is it legal to video record someone without consent in Florida?.

Record synonyms

read in spanish: , pronunciation: red part of speech: verb book in spanish: , pronunciation: bʊk part of speech: noun show in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃoʊ part of speech: verb, noun register in spanish: , pronunciation: redʒɪstɜr part of speech: noun, verb disk in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪsk part of speech: noun tape in spanish: , pronunciation: teɪp part of speech: noun disc in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪsk part of speech: noun enter in spanish: , pronunciation: entɜr part of speech: verb commemorate in spanish: , pronunciation: kəmemɜreɪt part of speech: verb put down in spanish: , pronunciation: pʊtdaʊn part of speech: verb platter in spanish: , pronunciation: plætɜr part of speech: noun memorialize in spanish: , pronunciation: məmɔriəlaɪz part of speech: verb immortalize in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmɔrtəlaɪz part of speech: verb phonograph record in spanish: , pronunciation: foʊnəgræfrəkɔrd part of speech: noun criminal record in spanish: , pronunciation: krɪmənəlrəkɔrd part of speech: noun phonograph recording in spanish: , pronunciation: foʊnəgræfrəkɔrdɪŋ part of speech: noun recordbook in spanish: , pronunciation: rəkɔrdbʊk part of speech: noun

Record antonyms

delete pronunciation: dɪlit part of speech: verb erase pronunciation: ɪreɪs part of speech: verb
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