Re in spanish
pronunciation: re part of speech: noun
re1 = en relación con, con relación a, con referencia a. [Abreviatura de regarding]
Example: This reawakening brought a determination to help make atomic energy a positive factor for humanity but things have gone from bad to worse re genuine disarmament.re2 [Lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
» re-abstraction = reabstracción.
Example: Importantly, the data re-abstraction results serve to verify the integrity of the data.» re-accelerate = volver a acelerarse, volver a aumentar.
Example: Nationally, the index shows price declines re-accelerating after moderating in 2009.» reactivate [re-activate] = reactivar.
Example: The collections were dormant during the 2nd World War, were reactivated about 1964 and now consist of about 180,000 samples.» reactivation [re-activation] = reactivación.
Example: The author discusses how deactivation and reactivation can be specified, how they can be initiated and potential relationships between the elements involved.» readaptation = readaptación.
Example: The Commission made readaptation grants available to help workers affected by fundamental changes in market conditions in the steel and coal industries.» readdress [re-address] = reconsiderar, reevaluar, replantearse.
Example: This article discusses fundamental archival principles and practices that need to be readdressed before a revised Report is presented.» readjust = reajustar.
Example: In the first example, records with such words as 'read,' 'reading,' 'readership,' 'readily,' and 'readjust' are retrieved.» readjustment = reajuste.
Example: Any changes, such as insertions or deletions will produce a readjustment of text which will carry through to the end of the text.» readmission [re-admission] = readmisión.
Example: The purpose of this study was to analyze the significant variables influencing the readmission of flunked-out students.» re-admit [readmit] = readmitir.
Example: About 3,000 formerly banned titles have been re-admitted to public libraries.» reaffirm = reafirmar, reiterar, ratificar, confirmar.
Example: Coates started his study of citation order by noting Kaiser's theories of Concrete-Process and reaffirmed this aspect of Kaiser's work.» reaffirmation [re-affirmation] = confirmación.
Example: The author points to the need for reaffirmation of the principles of librarianship.» reafforestation [re-afforestation] = reforestación, repoblación forestal.
Example: The author highlights some of the issues a forester needs to consider before embarking on the reafforestation of degraded land.» realign = reajustar.
Example: For some countries trade fluctuates with changes in the weekly market rates of exchange, but for others it changes only when their currencies are realigned in the European Monetary System.» realignment = reajuste, reestructuración.
Example: The challenge to libraries of these institutions calls for reassessment of programmes and realignment in their power structures.» reallocate [re-allocate] = redistribuir.
Example: To reallocate the records by spreading them out evenly in the available space, a procedure called 'reorganisation' is used.» reallocation [re-allocation] = redistribución.
Example: The proliferation of CD-ROM data bases raises issues of resource reallocation which affect both libraries and vendors.» reappear = reaparecer.
Example: When the ENTER key is pressed, the access-point file display reappears with the new name added to the file.» reapply = volver a aplicar, aplicar de nuevo.
Example: What's the best lipstick or colored lipgloss that will last for a while without me having to reapply it every 5 minutes?.» reappointment = nuevo nombramiento.
Example: Librarians in many universities are faculty members and must meet general faculty requirements for reappointment, promotion and tenure.» reappraise = volver a evaluar.
Example: Libraries should reappraise their role in promoting literacy.» re-arise = surgir de nuevo, resurgir. [Verbo irregular: pasado re-arose, participio re-arisen. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: I believe that what Ms. Marshall mooted yesterday and what has since rearisen in discussion is a very real, and perhaps unbridgeable, difference of interest.» re-arisen = Participio pasado del verbo re-arise (surgir de nuevo). [Véase éste y sus derivados para los distintos significados. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: I believe that what Ms. Marshall mooted yesterday and what has since rearisen in discussion is a very real, and perhaps unbridgeable, difference of interest.» rearrange [re-arrange] = reordenar, reorganizar.
Example: Thus new records can be added in their correct place without having to rearrange the whole file.» rearrangement [re-arrangement] = reordenación.
Example: A structured record, split into fields and, if necessary, subfields, facilitates the easy retrieval and rearrangement of the contents of the records for display and printing.» reassemble [re-assemble] = reensamblar, volver a montar, volver a reunir.
Example: The control counter and associated screening are part of a co-ordinated modular system comprised of units which are readily reassembled into different configurations.» reassembly [re-assembly] = reensamblaje.
Example: Step-by-step procedures are described for the disassembly, reassembly, maintenance, and repair of submarine periscopes.» reassess [re-assess] = reevaluar, volver a evaluar.
Example: The economics of the systems must be reassessed from time to time.» reassessment [re-assessment] = reevaluación, reconsideración.
Example: Certain SLIS have followed through their information interests into radical re-assessment of their role as providers of programmes without IT basis.» reassign = reasignar.
Example: Through the use of automation, libraries are able to reorganise technical services departments more efficiently and reassign professional cataloguers to other positions in the library.» reattach = volver a pegar, volver a fijar, volver a ligar.
Example: After unattaching all three and then reattaching them, everything worked fine.» reawaken [re-awaken] = volver a despertar, estimular.
Example: The first weeks are vital, and after that the shop must be constantly on the lookout for ways of stimulating further interest and re-awakening those who lapse.» reawakening [re-awakening] = redespertar.
Example: This reawakening brought a determination to help make atomic energy a positive factor for humanity but things have gone from bad to worse re genuine disarmament.» rebacking = reenlomado. [En encuadernación, ponerle un lomo nuevo a un libro sin necesidad de encuadernarlo de nuevo. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: Topics covered or discussed included cleaning vellum and leather bindings, rebacking, repairing, retitling and finishing repaired volumes.» rebalance = reequilibrar.
Example: Because of cuts in spending power, the University of Sussex was forced to review its periodical subscriptions in order to establish which subscriptions might be cancelled and how the periodical collection might be rebalanced.» re-baptise [re-baptize, -USA] = rebautizar, volver a bautizar.
Example: Since Michigan's pioneering move, two other schools have re-baptized themselves in like fashion.» rebind = reencuadernar, volver a encuadernar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio rebound. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: To bind a book, or rebind it, one of the steps to follow is to check that the book is complete, ie no pages missing.» rebinding = reencuadernación. [En encuadernación, tarea consistente en sustituir la cubierta de un documento por otra. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: Single holds are useful, for example, when a particular copy of a document is damaged or needs rebinding.» rebirth = renacimiento, reencarnación.
Example: The article 'Helsinki University Library: reborn from its own ashes' explains the rebirth of the national library of Finland after almost total destruction by the great fire of 1827.» reboot = reinicializar, reiniciar, arrancar de nuevo.
Example: Access to data will be restricted for only as long as it takes the operating system to close down and reboot = No será posible acceder a los datos únicamente durante el tiempo que tarda el sistema operativo en apagrase y arrancar de nuevo.» rebound = Tiempo pasado y participio del verbo rebind (reencuadernar). [Véase éste y sus derivados para los distintos significados. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: Some books had to be rebound, some discarded and replaced on microfilm, and others, of ephemeral interest, received typed paper labels covered with Mylar tape.» rebranding = cambio de nombre.
Example: This article describes the new face of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, born in October 1996, focusing on the 7 sites throughout the UK, the nature of the bookstock, accounts, business and the rebranding of the chain.» rebuild = reconstruir, rehacer. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio rebuilt. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: There are also the lack of the basic engineering equipment to rebuild the severely run down industrial infrastructure.» rebuilding = reconstrucción.
Example: The article 'Turning over a new page' discusses the rebuilding of the National Library and its collections following the Khmer Rouge occupation of 1975-9.» recalculate = volver a calcular, calcular de nuevo, recalcular.
Example: Prices are recalculated automatically when the user performs certain actions.» recalculation = recálculo.
Example: This can range from simple adding of columns to automatic recalculation of all related figures when one is changed (as in a spreadsheet; see below).» recapture = volver a capturar, capturar de nuevo.
Example: A teenager prison escapee has been recaptured after the ceiling he was hiding in gave way.» recapture = recobrar.
Example: The success of the shilling part-issues of the 1840s prompted the appearance of shilling magazines carrying two or three serialized novels in each monthly number, and these in turn recaptured the bulk of the serial fiction market from the part-issues during the 1860s.» recapture = volver a utilizar.
Example: Therefore, if you perform a lot of deletions or editing of MARC records held on a data disk, running this utility will recapture the 'dead' space and maximize your disk storage space.» recarpet [re-carpet] = volver a alfombrar, alfombrar de nuevo.
Example: The library is undergoing a five-day 'extreme makeover' and will be repainted, re-carpeted, reconfigured and equipped with the latest furnishings.» recertification = renovación de certificado de aptitud.
Example: There has been a recent drive toward mandatory continuing education -- often linked with certification and recertification.» recharge = recargar, cargar de nuevo, volver a cargar.
Example: With a range of 150 km, the car has been built to recharge to 80 percent of its capacity in under half an hour.» recirculate = recircular, volver a circular, circular de nuevo, volver a hacer circular, hacer circular de nuevo, volver a distribuir, distribuir de nuevo.
Example: This main borehole would then continue through the cavity and down to the lake while the first borehole would be used to recirculate water back to the surface using a submersible pump.» recombination = recombinación, mezcla.
Example: These genomes are inherited in strictly lineal fashion, without recombination.» recombine [re-combine] = volver a combinar.
Example: The indexer is required to analyse the subject of a document into its constituent elements and the to recombine, or synthesize, these concepts.» recompress = volver a comprimir.
Example: One needs to be careful in the long term that one's tools don't go out of date; if that's about to happen, one needs to uncompress using the old tool and recompress using whatever new tool there is.» reconceptualisation [reconceptualization, -USA] = replanteamiento.
Example: A reconceptualisation of collection development would embrace key factors such as selectivity, evaluation, user needs and the library budget.» reconceptualise [reconceptualize, -USA] = replantearse.
Example: The change from analogue to digital materials requires research libraries to reconceptualize their preservation strategies.» reconditioned = reacondicionado.
Example: This paper reviews available Web sites offering information for potential buyers of refurbished, remanufactured and reconditioned personal computers.» reconfiguration = reconfiguración, rediseño, replanteamiento.
Example: The task allocation and reconfiguration is carried out dynamically.» reconfigure = reconfigurar, replantear, rediseñar.
Example: The library must quickly reconfigure its products, services and processes, and it must integrate expertise from other organizations to remain competitive.» reconfirm = ratificar, reconfirmar.
Example: Findings reconfirm that library collections contribute significantly to prestige of universities.» reconnect [re-connect] = volver a conectar, reconectar, retomar.
Example: BEGIN (which may be abbreviated B) entered alone reconnects you to the current database.» reconsider = reconsiderar, volver a considerar.
Example: The Library of Congress has now reconsidered the position, and abandoned what was known as its compatible headings policy.» reconsideration = reconsideración.
Example: The growth of IT may encourage reconsideration of some of these preferences.» reconstitute = reconstituir, reconstruir.
Example: Meanwhile in 1951, the Library Association reconstituted its Catalogue Code Revision Committee and started discussion.» reconstruct = reconstruir.
Example: The operations staff makes special backup copies of the catalogs in the network, reconstructs the files in case of a serious mishap, enters new system logon names, assigns authorization levels, and so forth.» reconstruction = reconstrucción.
Example: In the present climate of national reconstruction the Ministry of Motor Industry was one of the first to focus on questions of economics.» recontextualise [recontextualize, USA] = volver a contextualizar, recontextualizar. [También escrito re-contextualise/re-contextualize. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: She seeks to recontextualize those events that history has estranged, destroyed or capriciously left by the wayside.» reconvene = volverse a reunir, reunirse de nuevo, volver a convocar, convocar de nuevo.
Example: According to this model, managers meet to identify goals and objectives and then reconvene after a given time to rate their levels of accomplishment.» reconversion [re-conversion] = reconversión.
Example: The problems are connected with closing the old catalogue, its reconversion, frequency of update and filing problems.» reconvert = reconvertir, volver a convertir.
Example: At the far end, light is reconverted to electronic signals by a receiver.» reconviction = volver a ser condenado.
Example: Today's publication shows that reconviction rates for young people have fallen over the past five years.» recopy = volver a copiar.
Example: Obviating the need to recopy citations not only saves time, but also reduces the opportunities for introducing errors.» recount = recontar, volver a contar.
Example: If one were to think of an analogue outside the library situation, one would conjure up the image of a miser cackling with delight as he counts and recounts his beloved coins.» recreate [re-create] = recrear, volver a crear, crear de nuevo, reproducir.
Example: Schools of library and information science are once again intellectually impoverished, and the Graduate Library School ought to be reinvented or re-created.» re-creation = recreación.
Example: See molasses made, see antique farming equipment like grain thrashers and steam tractors working in a re-creation of years gone by.» recyclable = reciclable.
Example: As a teenager, he used to earn pocket change by collecting and selling recyclable newsprint with his uncle, a former old-time 'ragman'.» recycle [re-cycle] = reciclar.
Example: Characteristic of institutions moving into the deterioration stage of their life cycles are efforts to recycle to an earlier stage.» recycling [re-cycling] = reciclaje, reciclado.
Example: The main accent is on primary raw materials, with particular emphasis on the extraction and use of uranium, and on the recycling of municipal and industrial wastes.» redeploy = reorganizar, redistribuir.
Example: I think it's not a question of putting people out of work; it's redeploying people.» redeployment = reorganización, redistribución, replanteamiento.
Example: What I would like to see would be the redeployment of staffs of libraries.» redesign [re-design] = rediseñar, volver a diseñar, remodelar.
Example: The University of Bielefeld has to redesign all data processing systems of the library because of ageing of present systems.» redirect [re-direct] = redirigir, reconducir.
Example: It is possible to redirect search output from the printer to another device or file.» redirection = reorientación, redireccionamiento.
Example: There is a need for a redirection of the library service away from its middle class orientation.» rediscover = redescubrir, descubir de nuevo, volver a descubrir.
Example: The Victorians had unprecedented access to a wealth of manuscript sources, which helped them rediscover and reinterpret their cultural history.» rediscovery = redescubrimiento.
Example: For the student of literature, the rediscovery of the pleasures of nursery rhyme, of folk and fairy tales, of nonsense verse and story leads in itself to a realization of their importance and function in our lives.» redisplay = volver a mostrar, mostrar de nuevo.
Example: When the end code is entered on the name summary screen and the document summary screen is redisplayed, the zero opposite the names label will be changed to the number of names added.» redistributable = redistribuible, que se puede distribuir.
Example: This periodical makes all the text freely available and redistributable via the World Wide Web and electronic mail.» redo [re-do] = rehacer, volver a hacer, hacer de nuevo.
Example: Clearly, the editor is not obligated to re-do the abstract, and if such is required, the professional competence of the abstractors must be questioned.» redraw [re-draw] = cambiar, alterar, modificar.
Example: the Internet has fundamentally redrawn the way in which people can organize themselves.» re-education [reeducation] = reeducación.
Example: Libraries and information centres are distribution mechanisms, and with dedication, re-education and political action can put new technologies at the service of human endeavour.» reelect [re-elect] = volver a ser elegido, ser elegido de nuevo, reelegir.
Example: Their only means of getting reelected is by rigging the elections.» re-election = reelección.
Example: But the cavalcade of scandal clearly puts the five-term senator in danger of losing his next re-election bid.» re-emerge [reemerge] = resurgir, reaparecer.
Example: In recent years the idea has re-emerged and is attracting interest from both public and private sectors.» re-emergence [reemergence] = reaparición, resurgimiento.
Example: There has been a re-emergence of interest in the topic.» re-emphasis = énfasis nuevo.
Example: A re-emphasis on public information services and more active promotion of existing reference services is needed.» re-emphasise [re-emphasize, -USA] = recalcar.
Example: To sum it up, ISBD stands in sharp contrast to the ideal of concise and clear entries reemphasized in the first phase of the last revision.» re-enactive = reinterpretable.
Example: Adults and children should share all that they read and discover together what it is they find that is entertaining and revealing, recreative, re-enactive, and engaging.» re-enactment [reenactment] = reinterpretación, representación, reconstrucción.
Example: And literature is part of that essential human behavior; it engages us in pre-enactments and re-enactments.» re-energise = revitalizar.
Example: Re-energising agriculture and decreasing dependency on foreign food aid is the key to Haiti's recovery.» re-enforce [reenforce] = reforzar, reafirmar, recalcar.
Example: This interpretation turns Dewey's social critique on its head by re-enforcing the political status-quo.» re-enforcement = refuerzo, fortalecimiento.
Example: A famous gaolbreak there led to Henry VIII ordering re-enforcement of the floor with giant stone blocks.» reengineering [re-engineering] = reestructuración, remodelación, transformación.
Example: Reengineering involves eliminating repeated work spending less time with administrative tasks.» re-engraving = regrabado.
Example: Any mistakes could be scraped or burnished away, and the plate hammered flat again for re-engraving; the same method was used for emendation = Cualquier error se podía eliminar raspándolo o puliéndolo y la plancha de impresión se alisaba de nuevo a martillazos para su regrabado; se usaba el mismo método para la corrección.» re-enter [reenter] = volver a introducir, introducir de nuevo.
Example: The message then can be deleted, read again on the screen filed electronically, printed out as a hard copy, or sent to a third party without the need to re-enter it.» re-entry [reentry] = entrada de nuevo, reinserción.
Example: The part of the command chain that has not yet been processed is displayed on the answer line for correction and re-entry.» re-equip [reequip] = reequipar, volver a equipar, volver a dotar.
Example: The Oxford and Cambridge University Presses were re-equipped with the best available typographic materials late in the century.» re-establish [reestablish] = restablecer.
Example: Local professional autonomy must be reestablished through experimental system development, where centralised modules are supplemented with local systems.» re-establishment [reestablishment] = restablecimiento, reimplantación.
Example: As such, their interest in species re-establishment has tended to be limited to where it has appeared to be the most efficient approach to producing wood.» reevaluate [re-evaluate] = reevaluar, volver a evaluar.
Example: Librarians need to reevaluate the purpose of library instruction.» re-evaluation [reevaluation] = reevaluación.
Example: But only in 1982 did the union set up a committee to examine the service, and the inspectorate also pressed for a reevaluation.» re-examination [reexamination] = reexamen, segundo análisis.
Example: New theories of management and different demands on university libraries encourage a re-examination of organisational design and staffing practices.» reexamine [re-examine] = reanalizar, volver a analizar, analizar de nuevo.
Example: This paper discusses factors which led to the need to reexamine the use of UK dealers, the major difference between UK and US dealers being their variance in pricing policies.» refashion = remodelar, cambiar.
Example: The basic thesis of the book under review is that throughout his career Rembrandt restlessly fashioned and refashioned his self.» re-file = volver a presentar.
Example: Sometimes after the paperwork is filed, new facts come to light or problems surface, resulting in a dismissed case and the need to re-file the divorce paperwork.» refill [re-fill] = rellenar.
Example: The appearance of a cafeteria worker to re-fill the salt and pepper shakers tilted her out of her fantasy.» refill [re-fill] = otra taza de té o café.
Example: Bogardus poured a cup of coffee, plugged the pot back in so that refills would be ready and joined the other staff members around the table.» refinish = dar un nuevo acabado, restaurar.
Example: If you're looking to refinish and waterproof some outdoor furniture you might want to consider using teak oil.» refit = remodelar, reacondicionar.
Example: Barnsley itself, a county borough, had at the time of this survey a medium-sized bookshop which had been refitted in 1974 and was well spoken of.» refloat = reflotar, poner a flote, sacar a flote.
Example: The oldest fishmonger's shop in Sheffield is back in business after being refloated.» refloat = reflotar, desencallar, desembarrancar, desvarar, sacar a flote, poner a flote, poner nuevamente a flote.
Example: Australian officials raced against the clock on Monday to refloat a massive Chinese ship which grounded and leaked oil.» reforestation [re-forestation] = reforestación, repoblación forestal.
Example: The European pine weevil is not found in northern America so far but is the major pest in conifer reforestation in northern Europe.» reform = volver a formarse.
Example: His brief comment has fuelled rumours in the music industry that the band may reform.» reformat [re-format] = reformatear, volver a formatear, dar nueva forma, cambiar de formato.
Example: For example, if you type '85432', the number will be reformatted to '85000432' preceded by 3 spaces.» reframe = reformar, reestructurar, replantear, reconfigurar, redefinir.
Example: Rather than continuing the debate on its old terms it needs to be reframed.» reframing = replanteamiento, reestructuración, redefinición, reconfiguración.
Example: This paper attempts to provide such a reframing.» re-freeze [refreeze] = volver a congelarse. [Verbo irregular: pasado re-froze, participio re-frozen. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: Libraries in effect will need to unfreeze themselves to adopt change, then re-freeze around the new structure to exploit and secure the advances.» refreezing = recongelación.
Example: The 'freezer model' for change in libraries has three phases -- freezing for stability, unfreezing to introduce change, and refreezing to achieve control of the change and exploit its benefits fully.» refuel = repostar, echar gasolina, poner gasolina, llenar gasolina.
Example: The cable to my filler cap reservoir snapped and I have no way of opening the cap to refuel.» re-fund = volver a financiar, volver a recibir financiación, volver a subvencionar.
Example: The program was not re-funded for the 1984-85 school year.» refund = reembolsar, devolver, resarcir.
Example: The tax will be refunded but there will be a budgetary shortfall until the refund is received and extra funding will be needed to tide libraries over this period.» regrouping = reagrupación.
Example: He warned residents against spreading false information about the regrouping of the militia.» regrow = volver a crecer, crecer de nuevo.
Example: In most cases, immediately after the hair transplant the hairs fall out of the grafts, and do not regrow for 1-3 months.» rehash = refrito, revoltillo.
Example: Such epigones seldom present more than a lugubrious rehash and potpourri of their idols.» rehash = reestructurar, refundir, hacer un refrito.
Example: The author advocates that the Canadian LA needs rehashing and beefing up = El autor postula que la Asociación de Bibliotecarios Canadiense necesita reestructurarse y fortalecerse.» reheat = recalentar, volver a calentar, calentar de nuevo.
Example: Leftover spaghetti keeps well and can be reheated easily.» rehire = volver a contratar, volver a alquilar.
Example: In some cities, employees laid off due to cutbacks have been rehired to fill vacant library positions to the annoyance of unions.» rehouse [re-house] = volver a almacenar, volver a alojar, volver a albergar, volver a guardar.
Example: A new building is planned which will rehouse most of the British Library's present functions under one roof.» rehydrate = rehidratar, volver a hidratar.
Example: This beverage rehydrates the body more quickly and more durably than conventional sports drinks.» reignite = reavivar, reanimar.
Example: The most important feature of the election is that a stable government will reignite growth.» reincarnate = reencarnar, revivir.
Example: Now a project is under way to reincarnate the Alexandria Library as a modern centre of learning and research.» reincarnation = reencarnación.
Example: The article 'Online, past, present and future: repetition, reinvention, or reincarnation? offers advice to online hosts and databases producers for dealing with future trends.» re-index [reindex] = volver a indizar.
Example: It was therefore decided to re-index the documents with a mean of 3.8 entries each.» reinsert = reinsertar, volver a insertar, reintroducir, volver a introducir.
Example: This organization uses an innovative approach to reinsert young people formerly hospitalized for psychiatric problems into the workforce.» reinsertion = reinserción.
Example: Reinsertion of the fiche into its correct place clearly demands co-operative users.» reinstitute = retomar, reiniciar, reemprender, reanudar.
Example: The move came on the heels of Russia's decision to reinstitute bomber missions over the North Sea after a 17-year hiatus.» reinsure = reasegurar, volver a asegurar.
Example: The question of whether or not to reinsure the options attaching to a policy has been given very little thought by insurance companies.» reintegration = reintegración, reincorporación, reinserción.
Example: This certainly has implications for their reintegration into society.» re-intensification = recrudecimiento.
Example: The prospect of completely new machines for inscribing and transmitting the written word most surely lead to the re-intensification of this discussion.» reinterpret [re-interpret] = reinterpretar, volver a interpretar, interpretar de nuevo.
Example: The Victorians had unprecedented access to a wealth of manuscript sources, which helped them rediscover and reinterpret their cultural history.» reinterpretation [re-interpretation] = reinterpretación, versión.
Example: But influence of the gauche Aldine greek of the 1490s, and then of the superb reinterpretations of Garamont (1540s) and Granjon (1560s), was irresistible.» reinvent [re-invent] = reinventar, remodelar, renovar.
Example: Schools of library and information science are once again intellectually impoverished, and the Graduate Library School ought to be reinvented or re-created.» reinvention [re-invention] = reinvención.
Example: The article 'Online, past, present and future: repetition, reinvention, or reincarnation? offers advice to online hosts and databases producers for dealing with future trends.» reinvigorate = revigorizar, revitalizar.
Example: Adolescents cannot be led so easily, so unselfconsciously as children, and disenchantment can be a door that closes tight against attempts to reinvigorate dulled literary receptivity.» reinvigoration = revitalización, rejuvenecimiento, remozamiento.
Example: Without this reinvigoration we will continue to see a decline in the size of the cigar market.» reissue [re-issue] = reexpedición.
Example: If a cheque is lost in transit, you can request a reissue a month after it was sent.» rejoin = reincorporarse, volverse a unir a, retomar.
Example: France is expected to soon rejoin NATO's military command after a 40-year absence.» rejustification = rejustificación.
Example: A serious omission or duplication in a page of prose, for instance, might necessitate the rejustification of dozens of lines, whereas if the mistake had been spotted in the stick it could have been set right in a matter of moments.» rekey [re-key] = volver a insertar en el ordenador.
Example: Previously, these libraries had been producing printed cards to send to LC as their location reports, which in turn were rekeyed into machine-readable form by an LC contractor for addition to the RAL data base.» relaunch [re-launch] = relanzar, reeditar, volver a lanzar, volver a editar.
Example: Information Development is currently published by Bowker-Saur, who relaunched it in1993 in a new and larger format.» relaunch = relanzamiento, reedición.
Example: Ei has also announced the relaunch of Ei Compendex Web, enhanced with the incorporation of 1.1 million citations of engineering literature of the 1990s.» relearn = volver a aprender, aprender de nuevo.
Example: This article considers the importance of printed materials; assistance given by staff; and users' problems relearning on-line catalogue searching.» relight = encender de nuevo, volver a encender. [Verbo irregular: Pasado y participio relighted/relit. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: In fact, smokers who relight cigarettes may be at higher risk of lung cancer and chronic bronchitis.» relive = vivir de nuevo, revivir, volver a vivir.
Example: The reader of this work can relive with some degree of verisimilitude the excitement and stimulation created by these institutes and such colloquies as the Kilgour-Lubetzky exchange.» reload = volver a cargar, recargar, cargar de nuevo.
Example: Its major weakness is its inability to update easily and modify records without reloading the entire data base.» relocation = relocalización, reubicación, cambio de lugar.
Example: A scheme should allow relocation, in order to rectify an inappropriate placement, to eliminate dual provision (more than one place for one subject) to make room for new subjects.» remaking [re-making] = remodelación, transformación, conversión.
Example: The article 'The remaking of librarians in the knowledge era' details some of the efforts made to 'remake' the collection, advertise library services and rebuild membership.» remanipulation = retoque.
Example: Not much data beyond loan counts was available and re-keying and remanipulations were frequently needed to make the information useful.» remanufactured = reestructurado.
Example: This paper reviews available Web sites offering information for potential buyers of refurbished, remanufactured and reconditioned personal computers.» remap = volver a representar, volver a establecer equivalencias, volver a traducir.
Example: According to this data compression technique pixels are remapped to an intensity proportional to its rank among surrounding pixels.» remarry = volver a casarse.
Example: It was common for printers' widows to take over their husbands' businesses, at least until they remarried.» rematch = revancha.
Example: This result sheds some light on the practice of offering mandatory rematch clauses to elite boxers.» remix = volver a mezclar, mezclar.
Example: Once music is digitized you can filter it, bend it, archive it, rearrange it, remix it, mess with it.» rename = renombrar, volver a nombrar, dar un nuevo nombre, cambiar de nombre.
Example: Without such an understanding, attempts at overcoming the stereotype by willing it away, renaming, or ignoring it will remain futile.» reopen [re-open] = abrir de nuevo.
Example: The library, which closed in Jun 95, is to reopen in new premises during late 1995.» reopening [re-opening] = reapertura.
Example: More than 500 library users returning items borrowed before the industrial action were interviewed during the 4 weeks following the reopening of the libraries.» reorder [re-order] = reordenar.
Example: There is a real need to reorder the philosophical basis of public libraries and their relevance to community concerns.» reorder [re-order] = volver a pedir.
Example: In some library systems instructions are given to suppliers that if goods are not supplied within, say, 12 months, the order is automatically cancelled and if the library still wants it it has to be reordered.» reordering [re-ordering] = reordenación.
Example: Since this reordering at the organization level involves every unit within the organization, clear guidelines for ranking must be established.» reorganisational [reorganizational, -USA] = reorganizativo.
Example: This paper describes reorganisational improvements between public services and technical services departments in law libraries.» reorientation [re-orientation] = reorientación.
Example: Many of these latter types of courses are intended to serve as conversion or re-orientation courses for people with first degree in related subject areas.» reoxidise [reoxidize, -USA] = reoxidar, volver a oxidar.
Example: The exposed part is changed by the radiation so that the surface can be cleaned, etched and reoxidized.» repack = reorganizar, modificar, reestructurar, rediseñar, modificar y adaptar.
Example: The problem posed by the increasing number of documents may be solved by repacking them photographically into smaller categories.» repackage [re-package] = reorganizar, modificar, reestructurar, rediseñar, modificar y adaptar.
Example: The objective of the second phase is to synthesise, repackage and disseminate findings for various audiences.» repackaging [re-packaging] = reestructuración, rediseño, reelaboración, reorganización. [Actividad de elaboración de la forma y del contenido de la información primaria y/o secundaria con el fin de comunicarla eficientemente. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: Repackaging is the extraction of the meaning from the information sources discovered, rewording it, perhaps summarising it, and re-presenting it in a form more easily assimilable by the enquirer.» repaint [re-paint] = volver a pintar, pintar de nuevo.
Example: The library is undergoing a five-day 'extreme makeover' and will be repainted, re-carpeted, reconfigured and equipped with the latest furnishings.» repave = volver a pavimentar, pavimentar de nuevo.
Example: The parking lot has recently been repaved and the exterior of the building will have a face lift this month.» repopulate = repoblar.
Example: In Sicily, several towns were founded or repopulated by the Albanians, who in Sicilian records were often described as 'Greeks'.» repossess = embargar, recuperar, recobrar.
Example: For example, if you don't make timely payments on the vehicle, your creditor may have the right to 'repossess' your car.» reprice = cambiar el precio, modificar el precio.
Example: Local authorities are studying methods of repricing utility services.» reprofessionalisation [reprofessionalization, -USA] = reprofesionalización.
Example: The article 'The reprofessionalization of cataloguing' traces the deprofessionalization of cataloguing in the 80s and show how it is being reprofessionalized in the 90s.» reprofessionalise [reprofessionalize, -USA] = reprofesionalizar.
Example: The article 'The reprofessionalization of cataloguing' traces the deprofessionalization of cataloguing in the 80s and show how it is being reprofessionalized in the 90s.» republication [re-publication] = reedición.
Example: Publishers are right to be concerned about uncontrolled republication.» republish = reeditar.
Example: In this case a publisher won the right to republish 'white pages' telephone directory information on the basis that there was no originality in the creation of the original directory information.» republisher = reeditor.
Example: IHS is the world's largest information republisher.» repurchase = recompra.
Example: Share repurchases will take place on the open market from time to time based on market conditions.» repurchase = recomprar.
Example: Whether any shares will in fact be repurchased remains to be seen.» repurposing = rediseño, readaptación, remodelación, replanteamiento.
Example: The author talks about the current state of Web site usability, repurposing content, and the importance of the end users' natural habitat.» reread [re-read] = releer, volver a leer. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio reread. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: Next, the case should be reread with a view to identifying and listing the problems to be solved.» rereading [re-reading] = nueva lectura, relectura, reinterpretación.
Example: This `rereading' of the JCR, which presents the JCR product differently, makes it possible to shed new light on the large subpopulation of journals not at the top of the rankings.» reregister = reinscribir, volver a inscribir, inscribir de nuevo.
Example: As a result of the nationalized health care overhaul he has announced he is switching his political affiliation and reregistering as a Republican.» reregistration = reinscripción.
Example: The tribunal ordered his name to be removed from the register and that a period of five years must elapse before he would be allowed to apply for reregistration.» re-release [rerelease] = reestreno, reposición, relanzamiento, reedición.
Example: The report's re-release is likely to reignite debate about how publishers should respond to the potential threat of open access.» re-release [rerelease] = reeditar, reestrenar, relanzar, reponer.
Example: He is planning to re-release some of the most famous songs from his back catalogue in an attempt to reignite his career.» re-roof = cambiar el techo de un edificio.
Example: The new 3,000 square feet library has been completely re-roofed and rewired.» reroute [re-route] = redireccionar.
Example: This controller can reroute data to and from different devices in the microcomputer, such as magnetic disks = Este controlador puede redireccionar la información a y desde diferentes dispositivos del microordenador, como, por ejemplo, los discos magnéticos.» rerun = nueva tirada.
Example: The title is a rerun of one or more already in existence that the librarian already knows about.» rerun = reposición, repeti
Re synonyms
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: reɪ
part of speech: noun
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: rɑ
part of speech: noun
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: riniəm
part of speech: noun
atomic number 75
in spanish: ,
pronunciation: ətɑmɪknəmbɜr
part of speech: noun