Rapacious in spanish


pronunciation: rɑpɑθ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

rapacious = rapaz, avaricioso, codicioso, voraz. 

Example: Golf courses are emerging as one of the most environmentally rapacious and socially divisive forms of tourist and property development.

Rapacious synonyms

aggressive in spanish: , pronunciation: əgresɪv part of speech: adjective voracious in spanish: , pronunciation: vɔreɪʃəs part of speech: adjective esurient in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪsʊriənt part of speech: adjective ravenous in spanish: , pronunciation: rævənəs part of speech: adjective predatory in spanish: , pronunciation: predətɔri part of speech: adjective acquisitive in spanish: , pronunciation: əkwɪzətɪv part of speech: adjective edacious in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪdeɪʃəs part of speech: adjective ravening in spanish: , pronunciation: reɪvənɪŋ part of speech: adjective gluttonous in spanish: , pronunciation: glʌtənəs part of speech: adjective raptorial in spanish: , pronunciation: ræptɔriəl part of speech: adjective wolfish in spanish: , pronunciation: wʊlfɪʃ part of speech: adjective vulturine in spanish: , pronunciation: vʌltʃɜraɪn part of speech: adjective vulturous in spanish: , pronunciation: vʌltʃɜrɪs part of speech: adjective
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